Mystic Dominator

Chapter 632: Shesta Baproul

"Thanks, Shesta... Baprol?"


While Patricia was still looking at the girl, Allport, the investigator on the side, revealed the identity of the person in front of her.

And after the name was called.

Patricia and the two investigators were stunned - including Allport who called out his name and then looked shocked.

Allport didn't actually know the girl in front of him.

But his spell has the function of detecting names, and it is also an ability that he relies on as an investigator.

Then, after being called out by Allport.

The girl standing in front of the three said angrily:

"You are so rude!"

"When calling people by their full names, they should add their middle names too—Shesta Villiente Paprolle, that's my name!"



In the silent air, Allport swallowed and opened his mouth.

He didn't even have to say the next question, just read the surname, and everyone present instantly understood what he meant.


——What is the relationship with Paprol?

Then, the girl opposite looked even more dissatisfied:

"You still have the nerve to ask me?"

"My father suddenly disappeared in this city a few months ago. Didn't you guys secretly murder him?"

After two questions to Allport, the girl's eyes returned to Patricia. She didn't seem to care about the attack just now, but she was very fond of Patricia:

"I said—don't you have a good relationship with that Ronald?"

"In my father's letter, he said that he and Ronald were once-in-a-lifetime friends. Nicklaus, the two of us might get along very well!"


The normal Patricia.

Obviously, she couldn't understand the brain circuits of Shasta's level.

But in the conversation between Shesta and Allport, Patricia still understood one thing - the girl in front of her is the daughter of the cult warlock leader Baproul!

"Cult Warlock..."

The identity of the other party was lightly read in his mouth.

Patricia's palm on the hilt moved again.

And this time, unlike the attack that cut open the opponent's cloak just now, Patricia drew her sword three times in a row, and the target has changed from probing to killing!

ding dong-

The moment Patricia shot.

Shesta showed incredible reflexes and judgment.

Even though she couldn't see the direction and position of the sword strike at all, she jumped up immediately, raised her arms in the air and blocked three times in a row, and blocked all three tricky attacks with the wrist guards on her hands. down.

The body unavoidably stepped back, and Shesta looked sideways at her arm.

Three more attacks.

The original metallic-colored wristbands were already glowing with an icy blue light.

This is a symbol of the near limit of spell armor.

The Chilling Blade of the Nicklaus family possesses an extremely hidden, yet very powerful ice power. If you don't take precautions against this seemingly unremarkable long sword, you can almost declare defeat at the same time as you are hit.

Afterwards, I have to fight with swordsmen like Patricia, and the bracers in this state can't help me hold on for too long.

So Shesta had an idea.

Pulling out a piece of paper engraved with the magic circle left and right, she directly glued it to the surface of the watch guard.


The note was activated by magic, and instantly released high temperature to dissolve the ice blue on the wrist.

Shesta's green eyes revealed doubts and self-satisfaction:

"I'm such a genius..."

click -

ka ka ka-

Almost the next second, there was a cracking sound on the wrist.

Shesta's smile froze immediately.

The magic power of the Cold Blade was indeed processed, but under the impact of a cold and a hot magic power, the material of her wristbands also cracked under the action of rapid thermal expansion and contraction, and obviously no longer had the effect of being used as armor.

Shesta's expression almost burst into tears:

"I... obviously shouldn't be like this..."

Shesta's movements were completely seen by the three of Patricia.

Faced with the girl's reaction, the three had different thoughts in their hearts.

But there is a consensus on one thing - this guy definitely has a problem with his brain!

In such an environment, Patricia, who was still the most secretive in her attack, walked forward, closing the distance with Shesta, and her palm was once again on the hilt of the Chilling Blade.


This time Patricia had only one sword.

But no matter the speed at which the sword strike appeared, or the magic power strengthened by this hit, it was far superior to any previous shot.

The expression of Shesta, who was standing opposite, changed instantly.

She sensed the attack coming, but had no time to react.

Because just when she realized this, the cold blade had pierced her heart!

——The two investigators at the back also saw the effect of this sword.

From the chest to the back, a penetrating wound exuding cold magic power appeared at the position of Shesta's heart. As a Nicklaus, Patricia once again proved the strength of the surname with her strength.

But suppose Ronald is here...

His opinion should be completely different from the others.

After all, in front of Ronald, the cult warlock had repeatedly proved his terrifying vitality—a father possessed this ability, and his daughter was probably not far behind.


Immediately after that, a scene that surprised the three people in the port appeared.

Shesta, whose heart was confirmed to have been pierced, bent down sharply and exhaled with a force that almost drained her lungs.

with her movements.

Magic waves spread around the mortally wounded girl.

The next moment, Shesta's body color gradually became transparent, and she herself looked at Patricia with a smile:

"I know this, it's called falling in love with each other, right?"

"Looks like we can definitely be friends."


Shesta's voice fell, but Patricia didn't plan to answer.

The girl with the surname Nicklaus continued to shoot without saying a word, intending to use the sword in her hand as a talking attack, which is what she has always done when facing the However, the result was not satisfactory.

When this sword strike came to the enemy.

But as if he didn't encounter the real thing, he directly penetrated the phantom-like body of Shesta.

Virtualization? space transfer? Or some other secret?

During the battle, Patricia analyzed Shesta's ability in her mind. She pressed her palm on the hilt of the sword, ready to go, and her sharp eyes fell on the opponent, without the slightest deviation.


It was at this moment that the phantom-like Shasta gave Patricia a pleasing smile. She was clearly in a fight, but Shesta asked without knowing it:

"Friend, shall we discuss something?"

"Can you give me the money for the broken cloak later?"

"The train ticket to Springs is too expensive, and I have to buy materials and redo a wristband. I really don't have much money on me."

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