Mystic Dominator

Chapter 629: underwater world


End Patricia's conversation.

Ronald turned his head and jumped into the water, followed by a splash of water.

Due to the particularity of the underwater environment, Patricia did not come down together, but Ronald alone explored possible problems.


What is the monster hiding under water?

Considering what was seen in the labyrinth picture book, is there a connection between this sea monster-like monster and the cult warlock? And if it is really a product of the mysterious side, why can't I feel its magic fluctuations on land?

Ronald has a fresh memory of his experience in the [Infinite Negative Field].

Baprol, who was transformed into a huge monster by the perfection technique, can feel the huge and evil magic power from a distance. If a similar product exists under the sea around Springs...

Not to mention a perceptive powerhouse like Ronald.

Even a novice spellcaster who has just entered the field of occultism can definitely perceive such a presence.


Thinking about these questions gradually went downstream.

Ronald was about to turn on the [Alien Angel] to awaken his ability to move underwater, but found that he didn't need the help of this spell at all.

Due to the resident spell effect of "Origin of Species".

Ronald is now in the water, and is even more adapted to the environment here than any marine animal. Even the gradually decreasing visual range begins to change under the interference of magic.

Ronald's expression became thoughtful.

The awakening ability provided by [Evil Angel] is obtained according to the actual situation of the target. Now that with the help of "Origin of Species", he has obtained the ability to move in water, so will the awakening of [Alien Angel] be the same as before?

with this thought.

Ronald reactivated his abilities.

The magic power began to flow silently in the body, and Ronald quickly confirmed that what he had just thought was correct.

New ability - [Extraction]

Because compared with the past, the change is too great.

So Ronald's ability to awaken is completely different from before.

This ability called [extraction] can extract the magic power of the original tome, and then greatly enhance the power of the spell, or mix spells from two different original tome.

The only limitation that exists.

That is, the magic power of the original text must be extracted with extreme caution. If there are too many times in a short period of time, or the power of one-time extraction is too strong, it will cause the original text to go berserk.


"I'm getting stronger and stronger..."

Continue to go deeper into the water, and the sun gradually fades after a few dozen meters.

Seeing that the colors of the things around him changed with the spell vision, Ronald couldn't help but pouted.

Just like the abilities that Patricia or Heloise acquired, what he has awakened now is definitely the most suitable power for him.

But the problem still exists.

Assuming that he faces off against the man-made gods of Fortress Mountain, can he be guaranteed to win now, provided there is no rain?

The battle at Fortress Mountain happened when the artificial gods were seriously injured and not healed. At that time, the battle between the equal parts of the battle changed to the present, Ronald thought carefully, but he still could not guarantee safety.

dong dong——

While thinking about it, Ronald's position became more and more downward.

Although it is more than 100 meters, the terrain here is still in the shape of the continental shelf, and there is nothing special about various marine creatures.

Just as Ronald moved on.

A current of water from the sea passed through his position.


Ronald steadied his body and looked in the direction of the current.

- The field of vision was pitch black.

Unless you have something like a sonar.

Otherwise, it is absolutely whimsical to want to observe things in the distance in the sea.

So...would you like to go take a look?

Ronald turned his head to look at the bottom of the sea below him.

This sudden flow of water only appeared for a short time, and the flow direction and intensity were not of the type that would appear in this environment.

It's worth exploring!

Less than ten minutes before the dive, Ronald found the first suspicious phenomenon.

Continuing in the direction of the current, Ronald ran into a school of fish that was swimming away. Drilling through these guys abruptly, Ronald's eyes suddenly opened up.

under spell vision.

The color of sea water is a darker dark green.

And in the boundless dark green sea water in front of him, a turbulent blue water current flows from far to near, and the diffusion area also spreads with the spread of the location.


Ronald recalled his position.

This blue water seems to be the direction of the Weiss River's mouth!

He watched silently for a few seconds.

Ronald turned his body in the sea water, swam directly to the position of the blue current, and plunged into it.

There is a small temperature difference between the blue part and the dark green part.

Other than that.

Ronald didn't notice any other difference between the two.

When he got close to the source of the blue water, Ronald was stunned again.

It was a situation he had never imagined before.

Located directly below Springs, and also directly below the mouth of the Wes River, a hole with a cross-section of over a thousand square meters is located on the **** of the continental shelf here.

Nor did the blue currents that Ronald discovered come from the Wess.

It actually came out of this hole!


Ronald made an estimate in his heart.

As long as the length of the opening can be 200 meters, then the space behind it is completely under the city of Springs. The depth of 100 meters does not belong to the depth of excavation in industrial construction.

So even if there is such a space hidden under the city.

For humans who carry out normal production activities, it is almost equivalent to non-existence.

The terrain simulated in the picture book labyrinth is really amazing...

Ronald looked at his right hand subconsciously. Even he himself would never have guessed that there was such a place hidden here without the labyrinth.

what is this?

The underwater version of the Water Curtain Cave, is it Peach Blossom Spring?

dong dong——

Suddenly, the current that I had just seen appeared in front of Ronald.

In this huge underwater Several currents drilled out from it, and then went around along the seawater.

The expression on Ronald's face changed instantly.


There is a small amount of magic in this water flow!

It's just that because the number is too small, and this magic power continues to dissipate with the extension of the water flow, after it spreads for tens of meters, the magic power in the water flow will completely dissipate, so that others cannot detect it.

Ronald was full of doubts.

This magic has none of the evil nature of the cult warlock's spells, nor any of the qualities he recognizes.

just like……

This magic is not produced by humans!


Silently reset the strengthening spells and defenses on his body.

Facing the blue cave in front of him, Ronald continued to swim in.

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