Mystic Dominator

Chapter 628: end of celebration

"Ah... help..."

Suddenly there was a scream in the house.

Because of the intention to open the door at the door, the person in the house is standing on the porch at the moment, and the position of the right shoulder is empty.

Just this moment.

His right arm has been directly cut off by Patricia!

Although she has only just acquired this ability, the girl can already use it in actual combat.

"Ah ah ah..."

At this time, the guy in the porch continued to whine.

He disguised himself as an innocent citizen.

But after he saw Ronald and Patricia at the door, the guy's expression was completely different.

The pain and fear of losing an arm faded from his face.

A fierce and crazy color appeared in his eyes.

"Oh, you are also the lackeys of the Investigation Bureau!"



Before the people on the porch could finish speaking, Patricia, who was behind Ronald, moved her right hand and gently pulled the scabbard from her waist.

Now, let's not talk about dodging or blocking attacks—

The cult warlock, who was standing in the room and talking harshly, didn't even understand what he had encountered.

It's just that the eyes are dark, and the wound appears on the neck.

He has completely declared his farewell to this world.


The dead body fell to the ground, and the corrosive blood immediately seeped out of the body, directly corroding the floor of the porch into pits, and at the same time, a stench began to emanate.

Ronald frowned at the corpse.

Even after this guy died, the expression on his face was still ready to attack them, and there was no look on his face that he was aware of his death.

After awakening new abilities.

The current Patricia is definitely not a swordsman who can be measured in normal ways.


"Okay, let's go to the next place."

After a cursory inspection of the situation in the room and confirming that no other dangerous things remained, Ronald carved a seal on the ground to notify the Bureau of Investigation, and then the two hurriedly left here.


It's about handling work with a high degree of repetition.

A cult warlock like this family before, or a ignorant Springs citizen whose body has been secretly remodeled. Ronald formulated a reasonable itinerary according to the level of psychological activity of these people, and chose to kill or control them according to the actual situation.

Occasionally there are objects that are too far off course to handle.

Ronald will also immediately notify investigators patrolling downtown Springs.

Just two hours passed.

In Springs, encounters large and small occur sporadically, but the city as a whole still maintains a festive atmosphere.

At least for the vast majority of people who celebrate the Payday celebration.

This is definitely a wonderful festival to enjoy.


Ronald's side is also just at the right time.

When they completed the last goal on the route and returned to the port area - the end of the parade of this celebration, the parade of the parade just arrived at the position of the two.

Look at the parade in front of you.

In previous years, Patricia, who was responsible for maintaining the security of the city, pointed to the team in front of her and said:

"Ronald, let's go together."

Ronald stared at Patricia who was happy in front of him, then nodded:


The harvest time is in the late fall and early winter.

The city facing the sea, the cold distant sea breeze blows from the sky.

But in the festive atmosphere of the city, in the lively scene of people gathering, no one felt the cold at the moment.

Brightly lit streets illuminate the night.

The parade team arrived at the end of the port area with festive joy.

At this time, the fireworks on the pier sounded.

Escorted by nobles, knights, and servants, Queen Daantrian crossed the pier and boarded the royal warship named after her from the sampan.

Ronald could see clearly in the crowd.

The staff of the communications company trotted all the way on the warship, and soon placed the microphone with its tangled wires in front of Her Majesty. Around this open pier, loudspeakers erected like horns can be seen in several directions.

clap clap-

Standing on the specially set bow, Daantrian clapped his hands.

Through the most advanced sound transmission equipment of this era, the Queen's clapping appeared throughout the square. The people among them had already spontaneously quieted down because of the wonder of this PA system without even having to speak from Her Majesty the Queen.

Satisfied glances swept below, Daantrian nodded in satisfaction, and then spoke in an orderly manner:

"ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to Springs!

Everyone knows that today is an annual traditional festival called Harvest Day. As the ruler of Grid, I am grateful for the past year..."

Standing on the warship bearing his own name, Daantrian delivered a very formal speech, during which he even glanced at Ronald below.

However, Ronald, who was gradually approaching the edge of the square, did not care about this.

He was thinking at this moment.

In fact - this speech was brought forward.

It appears that Claudia's message-delivery operation has achieved very good results.

Compared with the time when Ronald saw this scene in time rewind, Queen Datrian actually moved this speech an entire hour earlier!

As long as the action time of the wizards of Wall Mountain does not change.

Then by the time they came here, the most crowded time in the square was over.

Without canceling the celebration.

This is definitely a good option to reduce the impact of raids.

What cannot be overlooked is Daantrian's powerful ability to act and the efficiency of his unexpected control plan.

In a celebration involving the whole city.

You can control the time during the parade, and then control the atmosphere and rhythm of the entire festival in advance. This is a possible plan only with very good planning skills and extreme daring.


She deserves to be the real queen who rules this country.


Thinking of this, Ronald let out a long sigh of relief.

He did not continue to watch the performance here, but turned his head and walked towards the shore of the pier.

Patricia followed up and asked curiously:

"Ronald, what have you found?"

"I didn't find anything this time." When he walked to the beach, Ronald shook his head at Patricia, "Remember what we experienced in the labyrinth picture book?"

The girl's expression was a little confused:

"What happened in the labyrinth...what do you want to say?"

Ronald pointed to the sea in front of him:

"I mean under the should be some problems in the sea water here in the Springs port area that need to be dealt with by people."

Patricia suddenly realized.

—Think of what the two of them experienced in the labyrinth picture book.

— tentacles that pull citizens into wells;

- monsters lurking underwater in the port area;

—and the sea monster that Ronald encountered from under the sea when he was ostracized by the canon.

The labyrinth of picture books built on the basis of reality can never shape this headless and sourceless thing over and over again.

Then the result is simple.

There is something hidden under the water that is not exposed, but it is absolutely dangerous!

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