Mystic Dominator

Chapter 625: Innocent

Because it's in the middle of a harvest day celebration.

A street full of pedestrians does not actually allow carriages to run too fast.

So although the driver has tried to speed up their progress, Ronald and Patricia still passively appreciate Springs in the celebration under the unchangeable reality.

Ronald also noticed a difference as the carriage drove.

—Patricia's expression.

Although the view from the carriage was the same as the streets of Springs that you can usually see, but at this moment, the swordsman girl's expression still revealed happiness and joy, and she was still looking for something vaguely with her eyes. .

Ronald immediately realized the intention of Patricia's actions.

—This is the labyrinth that I passed through in the search for the labyrinth picture book.

Although there is no obvious reaction on the surface.

But in Patricia's heart, she was probably very concerned about the maze game she had just experienced - so much so that after returning to the real world, her eyes remained at the places she had just passed, trying to find something familiar.

Look at Patricia's appearance.

Ronald instantly remembered the words Queen Datrian had left for him - although Patricia grew up in the Nicklaus family, she was still a very naive child at heart. ’

Ronald spoke almost subconsciously:

"Patricia, did you care about that perfection technique just now?"


It's almost a 'swipe'!

The swordsman-san, who always had a serious expression and acted earnestly, blushed.

Patricia blushed and tried to deny Ronald's question. But the girl opened her mouth, and in the end she did not choose to lie, but nodded slightly, and said in a low voice with a somewhat humiliated expression:

"The experience just now... was unique."


Ronald was shocked.

Patricia's body and appearance are nothing more than that, especially in the simple and simple dress at the moment, the euphemistic cuteness of this scene further highlights her purity as a girl.

A mighty swordsman who is not afraid of strong enemies.

I felt shy because I realized I liked fairy tales like the picture book labyrinth!

Ronald reminded himself several times in his heart seriously about his relationship with Heloise, and then took out the original picture book that he just got:

"If you are interested, would you like to learn the above spells and try it?"

"No... no need..."

Patricia seemed to sense a certain atmosphere between the two.

He immediately shook his head and refused Ronald's inquiry.

And after these simple conversations, the air on the carriage became quiet.

Both of them noticed something at the same time.

But no one spoke.


The carriage continued on until they came to the riparian zone near the Brook Bridge, and then had to stop because of the parade. The coachman driving the carriage leaned over to talk to him, breaking the silence:

"Sir, Miss, are you two going to the port area to enjoy tonight's performance?"

Ronald nodded and replied:

"Yes, we heard that there will be a big show there tonight, so we rushed to enjoy the situation over there."

Get a response from Ronald's mouth.

The driver's eyes shifted to Patricia's hair.

Beautiful platinum blonde hair attracts attention at all times, and as a driver working in Springs, motorists quickly realize Patricia's identity from this beautiful hair.


— Still a Nicklaus!

The coachman, who had seen many scenes, was immediately thoughtful.

A few seconds later, Ronald showed an encouraging smile:

"In that case - sir, you can consider a restaurant called Batida, which is located on the west side of the port area. It has a very good location and is a place where you can see the whole show."

Ronald immediately understood the meaning in this look.

So he smiled and nodded:

"Thank you for your suggestion, I will consider it."


Soon, the parade on the bridge passed.

The carriage that Ronald and the others were riding in had to keep going.

After the end of the road, the speed of the carriage really began to speed up.

Since the celebration is a centralized festival around the royal family, most of the crowded areas are also the locations where the parade passes.

The celebration team entered the commercial area through the current river bank area, and then turned to continue the parade in the urban area northwest of Springs. The road from Ronald and the others to the port area along the Wes River was naturally empty.

As a coachman who has worked in Springs for many years.

With his impressions of the festival in previous years, the motorist quickly found the most suitable way forward.

smooth all the way

After only half an hour, the carriage arrived at the position to enter the port area.

At this time, the driver controlled the carriage to reduce the speed, and at the same time asked Ronald in the carriage:

"Sir, do you want to continue sending you in?"

"No need." Ronald shook his head and replied to the driver, "Just stop here, we plan to walk the rest of the way."

The driver immediately praised:

"It's a great idea to take a walk at the celebration with the beautiful lady!"


Ronald's idea is actually quite simple.

The most troublesome rush is over.

Naturally, there is no need for them to enter the port area by horse-drawn carriage. After all, this location in the port area is the most important ending point of the entire celebration. Many festival activities are arranged and gathered here.

In such a complex and chaotic terrain.

Most Springs citizens or tourists take a walking strategy.

If Ronald and Patricia really choose to continue to enter here by carriage - under such a swaggering action, it is almost inevitable that people who have a heart will notice them.

You know they're here to deal with cult warlocks.

This kind of avoidable details, it is more appropriate to leave some thoughts as much as possible.


"Then, I wish you two to enjoy the festival."

Taking the coins from Ronald, the coachman left a blessing and drove the carriage away.

Watching each other leave.

Ronald silently sensed the time. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

— Sixteen forty and fifty-one seconds in the afternoon.

— Location: Port Springs area.

Thanks to the excellent route planning of the coachman, the time for the two of them to arrive at the port area was actually rather early. There is still an hour left before Ronald's impression of the time when the cult warlock was making trouble here.

Under the premise of having such spare time.

Ronald rightly remembered the coachman's suggestion.

So he turned to look at Patricia, and invited him simply and directly:

"Patricia, let's go to that Batida restaurant."

"According to the meaning of the driver's words just now, there should be a very suitable place to observe the surrounding environment."

Patricia nodded directly and accepted the invitation:

"of course can."

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