Mystic Dominator

Chapter 624: Go to the next battle


After solving the crisis in front of him again, the picture changed again.

Ronald's prediction of time was still accurate.

After more than a minute of space transformation, which varied in time, but only a few seconds each time on average, he finally ushered in the desired ending.

—The cruise ship in port.

This time, as the scene in front of him changed, Ronald was standing on the deck of the ship in a mess, with the cargo that the workers were about to unload above his head.


Faced with the crisis at hand. Instead, Ronald smiled lightly, then simply canceled the complete technique of "Origin of Species", and then took out his milk and lunged forward.


The cargo fell heavily on the deck.

Then a puff of smoke with lovely lines was set off.


"It's finally here."

Ronald, barely dodging, stood up, looked at the bundled goods behind him, and then looked at himself. He used his lovely palm to sort out the messy lines on his body before turning to look at the sky towards the northeast.

in the air there.

The paraglider carrying the 'passenger' was flying towards the position of the boat.

Ronald squinted his eyes, and could even see the expressions of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] several spellcasters, who instantly changed from solemn to fearful.

"He... how could he be there!"

"How is this possible?"

"Turn around quickly, we won't get on this ship!"

Caught between bewilderment and astonishment, a spellcaster commands the dog that controls the paraglider.


"Humans, we must get on board before the black cats!"

The animals in the picture book world do not give them face, and the little guy who controls the gliding direction does not waver at all, so he directly controls the paraglider to land on the deck of the ship.


At this time, Ronald silently looked at the five casters of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

The other party also looked at Ronald in front of him with a complicated and frightened expression.

Both sides knew in their hearts - the game was over.

"What a great and amazing adventure!"

"The great detective used his magic to come directly to the deck and intercept all the evil suspects at the end of their fate!"

Next to appear in Ronald's ear for the last time.

What followed was a powerful wave of magic power that belonged to the technique of perfection.

With the end of this maze chase game, the canon starts to run with the result that the chaser wins.

At this time, the experience that is different from entering the labyrinth comes.

As the picture in front of everyone returned from the cartoon style to reality, the distortion also came to them.

In the blink of an eye.

Ronald, Patricia, and the five spellcasters of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], all the members who participated in the game, moved to the place where the chase started in the morning.

The environment in the border forest area has also undergone a lot of changes.

During the time traced in the labyrinth picture book, the investigators of the Bureau of Investigation have cordoned off the damaged apartment, and also put up a sign [gas pipeline explosion, do not approach dangerous areas].

"Ro...Mr. Ronald!"

"Miss Patricia!"

A surprised voice sounded from the side.

The investigator who was originally in charge of cleaning up the site immediately recognized the identities of these people who were suddenly teleported back.

At this moment, the investigator can clearly see the situation in front of him

Patricia was neatly dressed and stood there, while Ronald had a lot of messy rips and dust on his body, as if there was a fierce battle just now.

Not far to the right.

Unprecedented powerful magic power formed an indestructible cage, directly binding the five ugly-faced casters in place. Even with the investigator's extensive work experience, he had never seen such a powerful binding spell.

And carefully observe the situation of these people.

You will find that these guys can't speak, can't move, and only physical activities such as rolling their eyes or swallowing saliva are the only actions they can do now.


"This... is this the original spell?"

Turning his attention to Ronald, the investigator should ask questions.

Ronald sorted his messy clothes, then smiled and waved to the investigator:

"As you can see, these five guys are the casters of the [Nine Rings Secret Society]. From now on, they will be bound by spells for 24 hours. Of course, I can't guarantee whether they have any other means of escape."

"Now this group of people is handed over to your side, is there any problem?"

The investigator nodded with a dull expression:

"Of course, of course."

Ronald nodded slightly, then continued to add:

"Also, these five guys basically hold the original scriptures. Remember to be careful when dealing with them!"


The investigator was so clever—five original holders!

It's still from the [Nine Rings Secret Club]!

This... is this a joke with him?

There are five existences that symbolize the strongest fighting power on the mysterious side. It is not a problem for them to go to remote areas to launch a coup d'etat, so they are bound here?

He was extremely shocked, but the investigator still did not forget the importance of his work, so he immediately asked:

"Mr. Ronald, then their original..."

Faced with this question, Ronald suddenly remembered Katarina he met in [Infinite Negative Field], so he also showed a very free and easy attitude, imitating Katarina's expression and replied:

"This thing is enough for me now, and I don't have to act like a mad dog that eats. Apart from being useful to me, you can handle other things yourself."

Saying that, Ronald walked to the bound spellcaster.

Because the other party couldn't resist, he easily pulled out "The Labyrinth Picture Book" - Ronald had no other ideas, he simply thought the picture book world was very interesting, and he wanted to play it a few times when he had time in the future.

The investigator's expression was completely dumbfounded:

"Sir, are you kidding me?!"


The investigator was only halfway through speaking when Patricia interjected instead.

After experiencing the picture book labyrinth just now, the mighty swordsman revealed a faint smile on his face:

"Now that we're ready for the festival, the harvest day celebration is not to be missed."


The investigator's expression was a little dazed.

But at the same time he was dazed, Ronald and Patricia left here in a hurry.

The reason for the two to leave immediately is simple - time.

The time they spend in the picture book maze is exactly the same as in reality

So after this half-day event that traverses the whole city, the celebration has come to a very lively time at noon.

- The situation is obvious.

——The next is the attack of the cult warlock on the At this moment, the city is full of ordinary residents celebrating the festival.

Vendors selling goods, children roaming the road and playing, tourists with smiles on their faces. These various groups of people together constitute the most beautiful scene of this festival.

Ronald and Patricia had no intention of disturbing the celebration with spells at such a time.

So they came to the street, and the two stopped a carriage from the street.

- The carriages are even enjoying the festival.

The cleaned carriage was affixed with stickers of wheat ears to celebrate the festival, and the driver also asked Ronald and the two with a happy face:

"Miss, where are you going?"

Ronald smiled back and said:

"Take us to the port."

"As fast as possible."

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