Mystic Dominator

Chapter 626: restaurant top

Batida Restaurant is quite an old establishment with a history.

According to their publicity strategy, it can be known that this is the first batch of restaurants established in the port area. The main feature is the fresh seafood delivered directly from the port.

Considering that Patricia does not possess comprehensive body strengthening spells like herself, her diet and work and rest habits should still belong to the category of normal humans.

Ronald, who has not yet been short of funds.

I took the initiative to order a dinner recommended by a comparison restaurant.

There was still a lot of time at the moment. Watching Patricia enjoying the dinner quietly, Ronald suddenly thought of something.

So he simply asked:

"Patricia, I have a spell that can temporarily strengthen my companions. Would you like to try it?"

Patricia's response was quite polite.

The girl first put down the knife and fork in her hand, then wiped the wet corners of her mouth with a napkin, and finally gave Ronald an inquiring look:

"Can you give a brief introduction?"

"Of course." Ronald nodded in response, and then introduced, "This is a spell from [Alien Angel], which will awaken different abilities to different people, and will not harm the body at the same time..."

Patricia listened to Ronald's remarks quietly.

After thinking for a while, she nodded slightly:

"If it doesn't take time, we can try it."


Because of the plan from the beginning to observe the situation around.

So Ronald chose the location on the top of the restaurant, with the widest view, but not the terrace that provides shelter from wind and rain.

The few people around didn't pay attention to their actions.

So with Patricia's consent, Ronald immediately activated the ability he obtained from the [Mars Sky Trial].


Powerful and concise magic is gone in a flash.

The "Paradise" spell implements it as swiftly as ever.

Patricia was just stunned for a moment, and felt that she had been strengthened. She frowned slightly, then looked at the right hand she was used to holding the sword.


"Very interesting……"

Ronald asked curiously:

"Patricia, what ability did you awaken?"

Patricia didn't answer Ronald immediately, but the girl's expression was rather troubled.

Sitting at the dining table and thinking for a few seconds, Patricia picked up the cutlery knife she just put down, and waved the shrimp shells on the dining table in front of Ronald.


A crack opened in an instant on the orange-red shrimp shell.

Ronald could see clearly that Patricia's table knife never landed on the shrimp shell, and had been retracted before touching each other. At the same time, there was no such thing as sword energy or magic power to extend the blade to cut. Scope.

"This is……"

Ronald was rightfully puzzled.

Patricia pointed to the shrimp shells on the table and tried to explain in a way she understood:

"Probably so-"

"Normally, after I cut my knife, there will be the same cracks on the shrimp shell as here. But after awakening the ability, the situation is different. I don't need to complete the entire process of this cutting action now, only one Start the action, and the corresponding result of the slash will be displayed directly."


Ronald raised his eyebrows.

This ability is indeed the same as what Patricia said - quite interesting.

Is this a reversal of cause and effect?

Or is it to directly cut off the process after the slash is launched?

You can't get the full picture of this ability just by guessing.

So with this doubt in mind, Ronald and Patricia set out to test this new ability.

- The process went very smoothly.

In terms of results, Patricia's abilities should belong to the latter.

For example, Ronald now holds up a napkin, and Patricia doesn't need to stretch out her arm, but only needs to make a movement with the knife, then this ability will naturally cause the napkin to be cut in half.

But if Ronald took protective measures or dodged the napkin at the moment Patricia launched the attack, then the cutting action would fail, and the napkin would not be damaged.

In general - this ability belongs to the process of eliminating the attack after it is launched.

Although the results can be obtained directly.

However, it does not have the mandatory ability to determine cause and effect.

Of course, this does not mean that this ability is weak.

In the hands of a strong enough swordsman like Patricia, this can definitely greatly improve the combat effectiveness.


The two continued to discuss the possibility of applying Patricia's ability.

But in the process of continuing to test the details, Ronald's expression suddenly changed, and the movement of his hand stopped immediately.

Patricia noticed Ronald's strangeness:

"Ronald, what did you find?"

"That's right."

Ronald nodded slightly, pointing his finger to the northwest of the port area.

"My reconnaissance spell found that someone is approaching here with malice, and these people's thinking is quite chaotic, which is very consistent with the thinking characteristics of those cult warlocks."

Patricia followed Ronald's words and looked over.

On the sea outside the port area, a seemingly ordinary fishing boat was approaching here, and there were no magic fluctuations and no one dressed as a spellcaster.

If only ordinary people saw this fishing boat.

At best, it can only be judged from the appearance - this is a fishing boat that is still working hard at the harvest day celebration.

Target confirmed.

Patricia gave Ronald an inquiring look:

"Let's do it directly?"

Ronald didn't agree with Patricia's idea.

He just wrapped a little magic on his hand, and then waved to another position on the restaurant terrace.

Following Ronald's action, the two who were having dinner immediately got up from their seats and walked directly to the two of Ronald.

——Ronald discovered the situation early on.

- These are two investigators.

With such an excellent location in the Bartilda restaurant, it is of course impossible for the Bureau of Investigation not to arrange staff here. So after observing the actions of this group of cult warlocks, Ronald immediately called them who were staying here.

The two investigators came to Ronald.

He asked in a very respectful tone:

"Mr. Ronald, what's the matter with you?"

Ronald pointed to the fishing boats approaching the port on the sea and said:

"Did you see that there are fishing boats approaching the port, and there are a lot of cult warlocks hiding on them."


Hearing Ronald's The two investigators looked at each other.

One of them soon drew a magical mark and began to deliver messages to other companions, while another thanked Ronald slightly bowing:

"Mr. Ronald, thank you for the reminder..."

Leave this simple thank you.

One of them left the restaurant immediately, while the other returned to his original position to monitor the condition of the fishing boat.

The Bureau of Investigation and Ronald cooperated several times.

Now that I have the news, I am obviously preparing to deal with these cult warlocks.

On the other side of the terrace, Patricia, who picked up the knife again, watched the investigators' actions, and then asked Ronald in a low voice:

"Let's not intervene?"

Ronald explained to Patricia with great certainty:

"These cult warlock investigation bureaus can handle it. In our case, we have to deal with bigger troubles in the future."

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