Mystic Dominator

Chapter 623: Picture book adventure

The things in front of him began to change in a twist.

It's still the same experience once at Burrenwich train station.

Ronald, who was still standing in the port area a second ago, just flashed before his eyes, and the next moment he came to a building in the White Star District next door.

blah blah blah-

Immediately after, the carriage convoy that filled the entire street galloped up and slammed into Ronald's face. Like the Bradshaw Guide to the Railroad, the labyrinth picture book begins to exclude Ronald in its own way.

At this time, the narration in the air suddenly sounded:

"Detective Ronald has shown his true skills!"

"In addition to his job as a detective, he is actually a powerful magician!"


"Is this also magic? It's obviously magic..."

Ronald raised his eyebrows slightly, and jumped high with a flip, and his figure instantly came to the top of the carriage convoy.

Unlike when it was once limited to the Bradshaw Railroad Guide.

Now Ronald has activated the safety technique of "Origin of Species", so even in this labyrinth picture book world, he still has a physical quality far beyond that of ordinary people.

An attack like this...

For Ronald, it's actually no threat!


However, the labyrinth picture book that rejected Ronald didn't care about this.

For the original text without self-awareness, it is just constantly trying to eliminate this foreign object that has invaded its own domain in its own way.


So next second.

Ronald, who was jumping in the air, distorted his vision again.

Before his feet landed, he directly moved from the street in Baixing District to a wide square.


Ronald was still in the air, so this time he landed quite stiffly.

And waited until he was half kneeling on the ground and raised his head.

What appeared in the field of vision was a dark circular hole.


Ronald blinked.

The hole comes from a long iron pipe, followed by a cart connected to the iron pipe, and the royal guards who are responsible for firing the guns.

- This is the salute used in the celebration.


Just as Ronald realized this, the gun barrel in front of him made a deafening sound, and the real shell was shot out of it.

The rejection of the original canon is really powerful.

The timing is so opportune.

With Ronald's current posture and position, he didn't have time to dodge at all.

It was directly hit by a fiery cannonball and flew out!


In the air again.

The expression on Ronald's cartoon-style face changed.

He was naturally injured by this kind of shelling at close range, but fortunately, the vitality provided by the entire set of spells in "Origin of Species" was enough to repair this injury.

It only flew a hundred meters away in the air.

Ronald felt his wounds healed.

At this time, he turned to look at the sky in the distance.

With just the right location and height, Ronald can now see the shadow of the paraglider in the harbor area.

Only ten seconds passed.

[Nine Rings Secret Club] The position of the caster has not changed much, and there is still a lot of time before the ship successfully arrives at the port.

Ronald made a simple analysis in his mind.

If you can continue to experience danger and shift positions with this efficiency.

Then, compared to these fugitives, he must have the opportunity to approach the ship faster.


Ronald was still calculating probabilities in his head.

The picture in front of him changed again.

However, what appeared in front of Ronald this time was not a direct attack from the environment, but a gorgeously dressed woman.

—Queen Datrian.

——Did the labyrinth picture book throw itself here?

At this moment, the ruler of Springs has already dealt with the enemy who came to sneak attack before, so he is taking his celebration team and continuing to march on the streets of the city.

And Ronald suddenly appeared.

Obviously a very exciting experience for some people here.

As far as the head of the knight order is concerned by Her Majesty the Queen.

The second Ronald appeared, he pulled out a crimson lightsaber out of thin air, and instantly threw it at Ronald's head.


"This guy is not an assassin!"

The cry to block the attack sounded immediately.

Ronald, on the other hand, looked around.

In all fairness, with his reaction speed, he was able to dodge this blow. But before Ronald himself could react, the priesthood, who was also on the parade, took action.

The big man from the church waved with one hand.

A virtual image identical to the bracelet on his arm appeared in front of Ronald and directly helped him block the crimson lightsaber.

"Father, you are planning to make trouble!"

Facing the actions of the church personnel to block, the leader of the knights reacted quite violently, and more red sword shadows appeared around him instantly.

Also almost at the same time.

The head maid next to Queen Daantrian stepped forward, and the powerful magic wave immediately appeared on her body.

"Your Majesty, please..."

The Head Maid was clearly prepared to protect Her Majesty.

But at the same time she made the move, Daantrian smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, don't get too excited."

"This is Ronald Adler, an elegant gentleman loyal to Grid. He will appear before us now, and he is not here to assassinate me."

In the style of the picture book world, Queen Daantrian's composure is as always.

Probably because of the news that Claudia brought her.

After stopping the movements of several people around, the queen smiled at Ronald instead:

"I can probably guess where you are now."

"Young people, in the world of security art, remember to protect Patricia. Although she grew up in the Nicklaus family, she is still a very naive child at heart."

——As expected of Her Majesty the Queen!

- Really great!

The reaction of Datrian in front of him made Ronald more convinced that there is a certain connection between the world of the labyrinth picture book and reality. For example, an extremely powerful existence such as Queen Daantrian can even penetrate this 'barrier' to speak to himself .

Ronald was about to open his mouth to However, the moment he opened his mouth, the labyrinth picture book determined that he had avoided this crisis, and directly changed Ronald's position again.


This time the experience was different from before.

Ronald's eyes flashed, and then he found himself in the water!

Not far in front of him, a huge sea monster lunged at him from the water, apparently not minding a snack on this wonderful festival.

"I knew it……"

Ronald pouted, then went straight to greet him.

Predictably -

There will be many more situations like this.

After all, if you want to continue in this labyrinth picture book world, dealing with all kinds of incredible monsters or crises is always indispensable...

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