Mystic Dominator

Chapter 603: go home

A rental wagon travels the roads of Springs.

In this most familiar environment, Ronald looked at the street scene outside, adjusting his state while still thinking about what to do next.


First of all, it is impossible to stop the crisis from the source by going to the island.

It would take Ronald two days to fly alone, and travel issues made that option impossible.

At the same time, because of the reverse flow of time.

Ronald saw the changes in Springs in the past few days completely.

Although I can't see the whole city because of the perspective, I can barely piece together a general process through some detailed scrutiny.

Tomorrow is the day of harvest.

Springs will be attacked by the mysterious side twice during the day.

The first attack was an attack planned by the [Nine Rings Secret Society]; the second attack was after the [Nine Rings Secret Society] was dealt with by official forces, and the cult warlocks who noticed this began to take the opportunity to make trouble in the city .

From the facts, the official strength of Springs is indeed beyond doubt.

The two attacks in the daytime had only a small impact, and could basically be called a model of a perfect response.

- but at night.

- The situation suddenly got out of control.

Queen Daantrian followed the celebratory route to the port area, the busiest part of the festival and a pivotal moment in her speech as the country's leader.

But at this time.

Escape from 【Infinite Negative Field】.

A group of great wizards who hold the original scriptures, led by artificial gods, came from the sea.

The group of people in Barrier Mountain did not have any scruples, and with the information provided by the [Nine Rings Secret Society], they launched the most violent attack on Datrian.

So far, everything is heading for an unpredictable future.

It's the same for anyone.

What the people at Fortress Mountain didn't expect - was that the official strength of Grid was extremely powerful, and there were wizards from all over the world to help. The superimposed strength of various personnel actually defeated the attacking them head-on.

The situation on the Springs side was even worse.

They had plans and guarantees to solve the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the cult warlocks before, but the Barrier Mountain wizards from the sea were not included in the defense plan.

So at night, at the much-anticipated festival.

The casters of the two factions cast their fists and completely exposed everything on the mysterious side to the citizens of Springs, as well as those from all over the world who came from all walks of life to participate in this event!

This moment is not as good as it used to be.

Even if Springs has the means to deal with this situation, under the strong offensive of the Barrier Mountain wizards, it is impossible to free up their hands to erase the memories of ordinary people, which directly leads to the serious loss of control of the confidentiality of the mysterious side.

According to the picture Ronald saw before entering the time reverse.

It's no wonder that Springs, who has suffered such a change, has become like that.


"First of all, we still have to start with the first two waves of attacks..."

In the carriage, Ronald organized his thoughts.

He took out the map left by Katerina and looked at it, his eyes a little confused.

No matter what the situation in Springs is, the great changes in the last days can affect every corner of the world, so blocking the spread of knowledge on the mysterious side can be said to be doomed to failure.

Then I have to go to the harvest day celebration.

Do these doomed battles and efforts in vain?


At this time, the discomfort in the soul was fed back to Ronald.

He sucked in a breath, then shook his head with a wry smile.

When the vision first appeared, it was on the day of the harvest. Even if Ronald rushed to the island himself and tried to find a way to return to the [Infinite Negative Field], under the influence of the difference in the time flow rate between the two worlds, I am afraid the result would be futile.

in his own capacity.

The best...or the most suitable option right now.

I am afraid that it is also shot on the harvest day, so as to make the innocent people at the celebration as few casualties as possible.


"Sir, the place is here."

"Thank you—that's the toll."

"Go slow!"

It is more convenient to rent a horse-drawn carriage on the road at night.

A few minutes earlier than expected, Ronald was sent to the streets of the Riverbank.

Pay the driver.

Ronald got off the carriage and walked slowly towards the depths of the street.

The rental carriage did not stop directly at the apartment, but at the end of the street.

So Ronald came down and walked for just over a minute before standing again in front of his house in the river bank area.


Under the streetlights, Ronald looked around the building in silence.

The apartment was still quiet at night.

Although Ronald's subjective perspective has only been away for more than ten days, for this side, the time has actually passed a month.

The seasons change and the temperature drops rapidly.

The apartment had actually changed slightly from the time Ronald left - like the broom at the door to sweep away the snow. In other words, the investigators who are stationed around are also missing now.



Ronald let out a sigh of relief.

The power of 'Rage' sensed the situation in the apartment. There was someone in his house, and the other party's mood fluctuations were also very stable, not like an intruder or an enemy, but not the Heloise he was most familiar with.

Who will this person be?

Why are you in your own home?

Ronald has several possibilities in mind.

——After she left, Heloise also left for safety reasons, so the landlady re-rented the house.

——After the owner of the original book disappeared, the other mysterious people wanted to get something in their house, so they rented this room from the landlady.

——It could even be the information from the Ginkgo Biloba Chamber of Commerce that the maid of the Adler family finally found this place. Living here temporarily on the premise that Ronald's trace cannot be traced?

Ronald has a lot of thoughts in his heart, but his footsteps are also non-stop.

After all, no matter what some of the things that he hid in the house with his own hands must be recycled.

With a hint of curiosity, Ronald confidently stepped on the spiral staircase to the third floor.

He made no attempt to hide his movement at all.

Now Ronald has many original books, and his strength is vastly different from when he left. Even if the spy chief of Entrod came to sneak attack, he was confident enough to take him down.


Ronald took out the room key.

The key and the keyhole on the door fit snugly.

Not changing the locks - that means the apartment hasn't been rented out to someone else?

Thinking in my mind.

Ronald opened the door skillfully.

Then, an unexpected figure with dazzling white-gold hair sat at the desk in the living room like this.

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