Mystic Dominator

Chapter 604: old friends tell everything

—It's Patricia.

Ronald suddenly realized at this moment.

This kind of calm and stable mood swings, isn't that the mentality that this swordsman girl most often maintains!

However, the doubts have not completely disappeared.

Why did Patricia appear in her mansion in the middle of the night when people were getting less people?

Ronald was stunned.

Patricia, who was sitting at the desk, also turned her head.

Seeing that the person who opened the door was Ronald, the expression on the girl's face was also stunned.


"You... who are you!"


The expression on his face changed from doubt to anger.

At the moment when the voice landed, Patricia drew her sword from her side and stabbed at Ronald's shoulder blade.

Ronald watched the other's movements quietly.

The trajectory of the blade piercing the air came into view.

Once upon a time, it was a blade with a barely elusive trajectory for him, but now Ronald can clearly grasp Patricia's attack.


A small step back, followed by a push.

While Ronald dodged into the room, he easily blocked Patricia's blade to the side.



Ronald was about to explain, but Patricia's blade followed. The well-trained swordsman's blade is definitely faster than Ronald's mouth.

Here only the first syllable is spoken.

Patricia's attack like a silver moon arc followed.

The second attack was no better than the previous temptation.

In addition to being strengthened by spells, the purpose of the attack has also changed from subduing the enemy to direct killing.

Ronald if he keeps his position the same.

Then this blow will definitely pierce his throat directly!


Ronald continued to step back to the side.

But unlike the simple push-hand avoidance before, the spell of [Archangel Chief] controlling objects is also activated immediately at this moment.

- A very obvious sense of obstruction.

Ronald's goal was to disarm Patricia, and then the two of them had a good chat.

But face Ronald's spell.

Patricia has shown amazing mastery of her weapons.

Although the blade was obviously crooked, she still held the long sword tightly in her hand, without the slightest feeling of letting go.

As expected of Patricia.

Her abilities have also improved significantly compared to what she looked like when they met at Burrenwich.

Ronald admired Patricia in front of him.

Taking this opportunity, he quickly raised his hands to show that he was not hostile, and immediately explained:

"Patricia, it's me!"


Ronald could probably guess the reason why Patricia would attack.

After two months of disappearance, it is quite normal for a spellcaster who can pretend to be his identity to come to this mansion to 'explore'.

It is also a very reasonable move for Patricia to launch a test out of the most basic precautions.

It's just that Ronald himself has changed too much.

After the original tentative attack, after directly testing out the strength that Ronald should have beyond Patricia's memory, it is of course a real attack that continues.


On the other hand, Patricia's reaction was completely in line with Ronald's speculation.

Seeing the powerful 'enemy' showing this attitude, Patricia did not continue to attack, but said:

"You can't be Ronald."

"Let's be honest, who are you and what are you here for?"

"If you're planning to get something, then I advise you not to have any crooked thoughts. When Ronald's girlfriend left, he took all the mysterious items with him. It's just an ordinary apartment."


"4 minutes 48 seconds, 9 minutes 36 seconds, 14 minutes 24 seconds, each angle is 15°!"

Facing Patricia's caution and caution.

Ronald's approach is also very simple.

He spoke of the discovery they had made when they were **** by the Bradshaw Railroad Guide in Burrenwich. Because of being in a time loop and involving the original information that cannot be leaked, this is the most confidential private information between Ronald and Patricia.

Ronald spoke the news directly.

Patricia's expression also changed.

But there was still some hesitation in her eyes, and it seemed that she was going to continue to ask something.

"Okay, look at this again." This time, without waiting for Patricia to speak, Ronald clearly recited the spell in "The Divine Comedy":

"At this moment, please look into the deep valley.

The river of blood is in sight.

It boils and boils the criminals who hurt people with violence! "

The black mist of the power of 'rape' spread out from the cuff.

Seeing the man in front of him use Ronald's signature spell, Patricia finally let go of her last vigilance.

", where have you been all this time?"

"Because you left without saying goodbye, there was a lot of trouble in the city some time ago. That fairy tale sealer, Arya, hit the headquarters of a school abruptly, forcing people to use prophecy to speculate about your fate. fall."


Ronald knew that Arya was emotionally unstable, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Hit the headquarters of a school, and then force people to use prophetic spells...

Feeling the weight of Patricia's words, Ronald asked in a slightly uneasy tone:

"Then... what was the result?"

"It turned out that there was no such person." Patricia also sighed, "It is precisely because of this incident that Ms. Arya was 'persuaded' to leave Springs by Her Majesty the Queen. Many people in the city learned that Your situation, and then a series of disputes began."

Ronald nodded in understanding.

Immediately after that, he asked about Heloise's condition:

"What about Phyllis, what happened to her after I disappeared?"

Patricia explained naturally:

"That Miss Phyllis is really amazing."

"Although she is alone, she still guarded what you left behind and successfully saved herself from the river bank area."

Leaving the riverbank area...

Hearing this sentence, Ronald immediately realized the meaning of Patricia's words.

"You mean, Phyllis, she's still in Springs?"

This time, Patricia shook her head.

After that, the girl walked to the door and closed the and then continued to answer Ronald:

"She did not leave for the first month."

"But then this Miss Phyllis sorted out the manuscript you left behind and planned to publish it. She had to leave the city a week after the first edition was handed over to the printing press."

He and Baprol suddenly disappeared, but as a result, Heloise was left with a lot of trouble.

Hearing this answer, Ronald's expression darkened.

The man stepped back and leaned against the wall.

Seeing Ronald's appearance, Patricia also came over and comforted:

"Ronald, you don't have to worry too much."

"With the ability of that lady, I think I can live well anywhere."

Ronald smiled wryly and stopped:

"I know, she'll be fine..."

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