Mystic Dominator

Chapter 602: best experience

Time is precise.

Ronald's calculations of his speed were unbiased.

After more than two days, Ronald saw the familiar coastline of Springs as the night sky covered the earth.

But it was different from the usual prosperity.

Although the lights of the city at night can be seen from a distance, no matter the frequent ships or the signs of people's activities, they are much weaker than the Springs in Ronald's impression.

The Raid of the Wizards of Bulwark Mountain.

Definitely not as simple as Investigator Purvikta put it.


Ronald kept silent and moved on.

Then, a sudden scene stopped him from moving forward.

The power of ‘Rage’ can’t detect anything!

Even with Ronald's eyesight, he could still see the signs of some people in the city moving, but he just couldn't sense any degree of emotional fluctuations from these people.

just like…

It's as if something separates Ronald from Springs.

Let them live in two completely different worlds!


Suddenly, a strange change occurred in the magic within Ronald.

An indescribable feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, and he himself understood the situation at the same time without a teacher.

- Time is changing.

In the [Infinite Negative Realm], Ronald and Katarina lost a day without realizing it because of the original spell of Fortress Mountain.

At this time, they did not seem to have any problems on the surface.

But the precise ruler called time also left a clear mark on them at this time.

Assuming everything goes as usual, then Ronald and Katarina will naturally silently reconnect with the world of normal time passing after they spend their time normally, and then everything will return to normal.

But it is this joint that has a problem!

One day in the [Infinite Negative Realm] is equivalent to ten days in the normal flow rate of the outside world.

Then after Ronald left the [Infinite Negative Number Field].

It is necessary to face the time difference brought about by spells for the entire ten days.

- This would have been acceptable.

But who knew that Ronald successfully came to Springs without waiting for the ten days of time redundancy to pass!

This is no easy place.

Ten days ago, the great wizard who held the original tome of time was here, and followed the artificial gods to attack the harvest day.

In this place, Ronald's own time anchor and reality are separated.

the ensuing results.

It is time itself that begins to correct this anomaly out of regularity!

In an instant.

Everything around Ronald was spinning fast.

The sun below the sea level in the distance receded, followed the path of the day and quickly crossed the sky, and then left a clear and swift time trail in Ronald's field of vision. The twisted stars that covered the sky in the distance also automatically retreated and returned to their positions as they came, and then turned into their original appearance.

On the ground, the busy Springs people are also going backwards.

The water of the Weiss River violated the flow trajectory for thousands of years, and began to flow upward in the direction of the source. The smoke and dust in the air also rolled back into the chimney when it came out.

Ronald realized - it was turning back time.

And at this moment, this shocking scene that cannot be described in words was also firmly engraved in Ronald's mind.

It appears to be an ever-changing dynamic picture.

But when it actually comes to mind, it becomes a peculiar thing whose structure does not follow the normal picture.

- An indescribable and wonderful experience.

In the dark, Ronald had a kind of enlightenment.

If everything is normal, his memory should also be cleared along with this reverse flow, which is an iron law that time cannot violate.

It's just... Ronald is not normal.

He came from a different world, and there was a certain estrangement between him and this world.

Coupled with the [Soul Domination] spell, it clarified Ronald's soul and body.

final result.

It was Ronald who avoided this memory loss.

Instead, he wrote down all the things in the reverse flow of time.


Time moves on.

The thoughts in Ronald's brain continued to be confused and clear in the time-reversal phenomenon.

Finally, a ray of sunlight at dusk shone on Ronald.

He looked blankly at the source of the light, which is the west where the last rays of sunlight should appear when the normal sun rises in the east and sets in the west!


Ronald shouted suddenly.

Although his body was still in the air, he started shaking violently involuntarily at this moment.

The discomfort caused by the change of time did not affect his current spirit or body, but to escape from the picture firmly engraved in his soul, Ronald felt really bad right now.

Just that moment.

His clothes were almost soaked with sweat.

If there is a choice, he... Ronald probably still wants to experience it again.

Although this kind of encounter doesn't feel good, and there's no actual strength improvement, for Ronald, it can be called the best adventure experience.

The experience of being in an ancient ruin and being chased by a rolling stone trap.

Let him be excited countless times of new experiences!


While calming down, Ronald tried to take a deep breath to stabilize his state.

But even so.

When Ronald stepped on the Springs breakwater again, he still inevitably fell soft.

The physical strength brought by spell enhancement still works.

But the weakness of the soul is not easy to change.

Luckily - Ronald now has a spell called [Soul Domination].

He staggered along half leaning on his body, and ended up sitting on a jutting step by the side of the road. Although the technique is not good, but using his spells, he still began to adjust his bad state.

"It's really... the first time to actually manipulate the soul of a living person."

"Is the result the target is yourself?"

Ronald smiled wryly as he recovered, and the streets of Springs at night began to regain the vitality it should have had.

Finally after half an hour.

Ronald saw a cab approaching from the side of the road.

"Sir, take a ride!"


"Sir, where are you going?"

Seeing Ronald who was about to hitch a ride, the driver immediately stopped and invited him to sit on it.

Ronald steadied himself in the rental carriage. UU Reading

After telling the driver that he was going to the river bank, it took a while before he asked again:

"That's right, sir."

"What do you think of this harvest day?"

"Sir, are you from out of town?" The driver smiled with a very confident expression. Later, the coachman who was still working at night brought Ronald the best news.

"You're asking the right person!"

"Tomorrow's harvest day, our coachmen were dispatched uniformly."

"If you want to ask where the best view is from, I'm very familiar with it..."

Ronald also smiled slightly.

While talking to the driver, he murmured in a low voice:


"Tomorrow's harvest day..."

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