Mystic Dominator

Chapter 570: gigantic baprol

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"Baprol, the guy who exposed my real name."


Ronald's eyes were fixed on Baproul on Barrier Hill, and while explaining to Katarina, the spell in his hand was also ready to go.

Although this guy Baprol is a bit... he has quite a big problem.

But it is Ronald's companion anyway.

It is absolutely impossible for him to escape alone.

Looking at Ronald's expression, Katerina sighed at this time.

If everything on Fortress Hill is still as she knows it, then her spells will naturally lead to a reliable future inference.

Too bad it backfired.

The sudden injury of the artificial **** and the arrival of two outsiders, Ronald and Baproul, added extremely unstable variables to her spells.

so that the previous results were very certain.

Now it can only be an unreliable reference.

Just talking about the current battle, it should have happened tonight. As a result, because of the change, it was directly advanced to the early morning of this day.

I really have to wait until the day the seal is broken...

Katerina couldn't guarantee that her previous plans would still work properly.

At the same time, Ronald has also reorganized all the spells on his body, and then asked Katerina in a firm tone:

"I'm going to help, how about you?"


Katerina stared at Ronald's pupils with a very serious tone:

"It's dangerous to go back. Even in the face of the threat of death, are you going to rescue your companions?"

Ronald nodded:

"For me, there is no second option."

Hearing Ronald's answer, Katerina suddenly laughed:

"It's good, I like a guy like you very much."

"Since you're not afraid of death, let's go together."


Ronald snapped his fingers lightly, and the [Chariot of God] immediately showed angel wings behind him.

At the same time, the [Infinite Negative Field]'s strengthening of spells was once again revealed.

The powerful magic in the shape of burning holy flames wrapped around Ronald, and directly put a layer of holy armor with amazing defensive power on him. If there is an enemy attacking him now.

Then before the [Guardian Angel] is activated.

It is necessary to penetrate this powerful holy flame first!

Katarina was activating her own spell, and when she saw Ronald's completely different appearance, the corner of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

"This is not the one you showed me before, you really have enough originals!"

"I have a lot of personal experience."

Ronald returned with a smile, while confirming with his eyes that Katarina was ready.


"We're on."

Ronald took a deep breath, and the [Current Round] and [Equal Round] were activated again.

At the same high speed, the kilometer distance is fleeting.

Ronald deliberately blocked himself in front this time, and then rammed the magma hurricane in front of the two.

While passing through layers of magma that are absolutely deadly to ordinary people.

Ronald is in the process of...

Does it feel visually stimulating?

This is actually a very real situation.

The temperature of the magma is generally around a thousand degrees. For normal people or ordinary wizards, it is of course a terrible barrier to life and death.

But Ronald's current strength is completely enough to resist this kind of damage.

These magmas only rely on the rotation and their own temperature driven by magic power, and even the holy flame of [God's Chariot] cannot break through.


Bumping away the magma, Ronald naturally took Katarina to the vicinity of Barrier Mountain.

At this moment on this floating fortress.

The situation on the battlefield is going to an unstoppable extreme.

As the strongest leader of the top school, Baproul is undoubtedly a strong man anywhere.

At this moment, not to be outdone, he fully opened the complete technique.

He almost suppressed the entire situation of the western battlefield of Barrier Mountain with one person.

The huge body, the powerful self-healing speed, and the pervasive spiritual pollution are all characteristics that make people feel tricky. During the time Ronald and Katerina arrived, he even managed to demolish the huge mountain of fortifications!

And in order to deal with this 'monster' that is dangerous to everyone.

The wizards of the two factions in the local battlefield even have rare cooperative behaviors.

It's a pity that no one can stop Baproul.

He wandered into the team of wizard apprentices and suddenly attacked. Even if there was a great wizard who could stop him in Barrier Mountain, there was no way to get out of the battle to stop this guy in a short time.

And at a distance of less than a kilometer, Ronald also felt the horror of Baproul right now.

The monster incarnated by this cult warlock...

It's too big!

With a kilometer-level body, a tentacle sheet is as high as a dozen Ultraman stacks. The tiny human body looks up at these giants...

The skin folds that can fill a house, the eyeballs the size of buildings, the mouthparts as huge as hills, these things that can be seen when looking up, all give people an unimaginable feeling of weakness.

Even the distance of this kilometer.

Now it's just a distance that Baproul can easily cross.

Looking at this behemoth, Katerina spoke in a somewhat mocking tone:

"Ronald, your good brother is really big enough, how can we drag him out..."

"Fel Soul Warlock, **** rat!"

Suddenly, an angry shout interrupted Katerina's teasing.

Right at the top of Fortress Hill.

That is, the top of the entire academy where the Council of Six is ​​located.

A cold voice sounded.

There is a sense of supremacy in this voice that comes from the soul...

As long as a normal person hears this voice, he will immediately understand that the other person is definitely not a human being of the same species as himself!



It was the giant monster that Baprol incarnated in that started roaring.

The current mental state of this cult warlock is actually in an extremely unstable state.

In the outside world, he has been familiar with the power of perfection by casting many spells.

However, in the [Infinite Negative Number Domain], the technique of completeness brings another level of power. Under the spiritual pollution drawn by such powerful magic power, Baproul is now in a is passed on at the top of the mountain. Come after such a 'high above' voice.

Baproul's response.

It is to directly abandon the battlefield that was originally suppressed by him, and then wrap his tentacles on the mountain, driving his body to the top of the mountain.

The number of wizards who splashed soil and stone and died tragically was innumerable.

In Baproul's chaotic thoughts now, there is only one thing he can best understand.

- Anything that provokes yourself now.

- only death!


Ronald and Katarina looked at each other.

Without further ado, they could see what the other was thinking.

The man-made deity who hid in the Bulwark Mountain—finally appeared.

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