Mystic Dominator

Chapter 569: new battlefield

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Around the barrier mountain a full circle, a huge fissure burst out from between the mountain and the earth.

Powerful spells unscrupulously vent their majesty.

The rush of magic is almost visible to the naked eye.

No need to describe it too much.

The wizard in the fortress mountain is modifying the shape of this land with his otherworldly magical attainments!

"Is this what you just calculated?" Ronald couldn't help asking Katerina, who was watching what happened in the blink of an eye.

"The news you just said made me re-identify the state of that pseudo-god. All of this... is just the beginning."

Katerina's answer just ended.

Fortress Hill, a few kilometers away, continues to change.

The connection between the mountain and the ground did not stagnate due to the appearance of a huge crack. This situation intensified, and even began to spread towards the base of the mountain.


The huge shaking of the earth and the mountains lasted for nearly ten minutes.


The mountain and the ground of the barrier mountain were completely separated.

Then, under the pulling of a powerful magic force, a force field repulsive with gravity erupted from the mountain, and then flew into the air with the entire barrier mountain.

this moment.

What Ronald had in mind was the floating city in DND.

Although there are obvious differences in the shaping process, this is the magnificent miracle formed by this magical power.

"This group of **** is really a beautiful job..."

Katerina's angry voice sounded beside Ronald, but her eyes were not on the floating mountain that had just risen.

Ronald followed Katerina's focus.


You should know that in the huge underground structure of Fortress Mountain.

At the same time, there is a living area of ​​ordinary people with a large area.

In the eyes of the great wizard who presided over today's event, these ordinary people... are obviously not within his scope of consideration.

Under the control of powerful spells, the mountain of barriers really rose from the ground at this moment.

But in reality, the soaring of a mountain is not as neat as taking apart two building blocks.

Falling earth and rocks, fractured mountains, cracks in the ground...

For these ordinary people without the ability to cast spells, any change in the process of the mountain peak is a terrifying natural disaster that can immediately take their lives.

Even in the process of flying up the barrier mountain, some people fell directly from the air, and then fell helplessly on the ground to death.

The fortress mountain soaring high above.

Below are the ruins of dungeons where lives have been lost.

Two completely different worlds, forming a very sharp and shocking contrast.

Ronald is in a bad mood right now.

Although he did not establish a bond with ordinary people in the [Infinite Negative Field], but looking at this **** picture, ordinary people will not be in a good mood.

And now, Ronald still has a question in his mind about the two must leave:

"Katrina, do we have to leave in such a hurry?"

"Even if Barrier Mountain flies, it won't have a big impact on us."

Katerina simply pointed to the distance:

"Keep watching."


It didn't take long for Ronald to understand what Katerina was referring to.

- The Well of Judgment.

At the bottom of the Well of Judgment, which is directly connected to the ground, the high-temperature red magma was triggered by the magic power set in advance, and erupted from here, instantly submerging the ground below the barrier mountain.

The spell continued to work, and the activity of the magma did not stop.

The deadly red heat began to flow on the ground, spiraling upwards, and finally, as if a hurricane had enveloped the entire Wall. Unless you can break through this high-speed rotating magma, people outside will not be able to get in, and people inside will not be able to get out.


It's not like a scene made to build a fortress.

Ronald realized this, and the fortress in the distance also confirmed his idea.

- This is a battle of life and death.

The rise of the fortress mountain is not just because the wizards simply want to make this academy a very powerful fortress.

in this rapidly changing situation.

A few hours ago, in the barrier mountain, which was still in the darkness of the night, the magic power fluctuations that were too frequent to count, erupted from everywhere in the entire mountain.

A support with the power of 'Rage'.

Ronald's perception of Fortress Mountain was very clear.

The wizards of various schools gathered, and then gathered into two distinct forces and began to conquer each other. At this time, the importance of the number of people has become the biggest factor affecting the battle.

The side with fewer people...

Although the battle is still centered on some great wizards for the time being.

But the battle continues to wear out, and victory will be further and further away from them.

When things developed to this point, Katerina spoke up:

"Ronald, if the two of us stay there, we will also be involved in this battle now. In this situation where dozens of great wizards are participating in the battle, we will also face very difficult..."


Before Katarina could finish speaking, a loud roar that was definitely not human rang out from the barrier mountain.


The powerful and evil magic power erupted from the mountain of the barrier mountain, and even the magma hurricane surrounding it was impacted and deformed.


In less than a breath, the position of the halfway up the mountainside of the barrier suddenly exploded.

The huge tentacles abruptly tore down a piece of the mountain, and then dragged its own body and squeezed it out of the mountain.

This monster has a dozen huge tentacles, with the head of an octopus and the wings of a bat, and its thousand-meter-high body is a sickening green.

Whenever anyone sees the shape of this monster.

Powerful mental pollution will immediately begin to infect people's spirits, and then strangely begin to transform people's bodies from the physical level. He didn't even have to move, just standing there was a huge disaster that couldn't be ignored.

—It's Baprol.

Ronald certainly recognized the identity of the monster.

The leader of the cult warlock, after entering the [Infinite Negative Realm], uses the complete technique, which brings terrifying abilities in two dimensions with the outside world.

The terrifying figure of the kilometer here is a threat that cannot be ignored.

Looking at Baproul's current posture, Ronald naturally thought of Cthulhu. There are physical differences between the two but there is definitely a connection.

It seemed just as he had thought in Burrenwich.

The original work of "Myth of Cthulhu" also formed the original text in this world.


It was at this moment that Katarina frowned on the side.

For the tower owner of the Astronomy Department.

This is yet another huge change that exceeded forecasts.

Katerina activated the spell without hesitation, and after completing another prediction, she immediately asked Ronald:

"Ronald, are you your companion?"

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