Mystic Dominator

Chapter 571: Weak God?

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Artificial deities possess great power.

There is no doubt about that.

But in the face of such a terrifying behemoth as Baproul, how should this artificial **** deal with it?

Ronald adjusted his position in the air.

The Sword of Santa Caterina behind him was also immediately held in his hand.

The moment when Baproul confronted the enemy with the first wave, was the moment when he stepped in.

Katerina on the side looked at the saint's legacy in Ronald's hand with some concern. However, she did not have the habit of chatting when faced with battle, and she activated the spell in her hand and began to analyze the entire Battlefield Mountain battlefield.

No matter what happens after that.

Knowing the problem of the environment in advance is always the best solution.


While the people around were preparing spells, Baproul's terrifying body had already crossed the distance that wasn't too far for him. With the roar, the huge green tentacles smashed directly towards the top of the barrier mountain!

The terrifying tentacles made a huge noise.

Before the attack reached the ground, there was even an obvious whip mark on the ground under the huge pressure. If this shot was taken on the top of the mountain, no one doubted how terrible the damage would be.


At the top of the barrier mountain, the voice of the artificial deity was as cold as before.

Just a second before Baproul's tentacles were about to fall, the guy who never showed up activated a spell.

It is almost transparent.

Or in other words, the straight lines of the entity cannot be detected at all.

When Baproul attacked, the green tentacles collided with a straight line entirely composed of magic power. The protective spells of the artificial gods are perfect, and the degree of hardness is completely reliable. While resisting Baproul's attack, even the stones on the ground did not shake.


In contrast, Baproul is not very comfortable with the status quo.

After his transformation, he possesses enormous power and inertia, which makes the moment when the tentacle shoots out with unimaginable power. And the result of this force being perfectly blocked and rebounding back is that he himself was injured.

The Complete Technique did not block the transmission of pain.

And a 100-meter-long tentacle directly structurally collapsed, which brought unbearable pain.

Pain can drive you crazy, or it can make you sober.

Baproul at the moment - belongs to the latter.

This pain just made the cult warlock's chaotic mind quiet, and then Baprol seized this opportunity to let his mind completely control this strange body.

Right now he……

The trouble seems to be a bit big...

And where is Ronald now?

Quickly aware of the environment he was in, Baproul had already constructed a plan in his mind to deal with the situation in front of him. A figure with a magical power that cannot be ignored has already descended to the top of the mountain in the package of holy flame.

--this person.

——Of course it was Ronald who came to support.

However, unlike Baproul, he did not choose to fight the artificial god's spells in hardness.

The mantra of "The Wealth of Nations" was recited in his mouth.

At the moment when the [Invisible Hand] spell was formed, he gave the order to 'destroy the spell in front of him'.

ka ka ka-

The reliability of this spell can be trusted while manifesting.

In the originally empty air, the same cracking path appeared when the glass shattered. Although it failed to completely defeat this defensive spell, it was enough for Ronald to continue his work.

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition!"

Aim at these broken lines, and the power of [Astral Traction] will come immediately.

The defensive spell that could resist Baproul's terrifying attack just now collapsed under the flank of the two spells, and then disappeared into the air as pure magic.

Ronald seized the moment to dive.

At the same time as the rock dome was smashed abruptly, people also rushed into the buildings at the top of the barrier mountain.

—The Council of Six.

- The place where the rulers of Bulwark Mountain conduct decisions and judgments.

Around the Well of Judgment, a wall of clean, regular stones formed a wall, and the six chairs surrounding the circular conference table were empty—the wizard who was supposed to be sitting here couldn't even see a single person.

It is above the parliamentary hall.

An almost pure white figure floated in the air.

Pure white long hair, tightly closed eyes, faces that cannot distinguish between male and female, and the body completely shrouded under the robe...

There is something that does not resemble human breath everywhere, but it floats here in human form, and there is no gesture to act on the surface.

"Sanjingjie School..."

"We met again, the successor of the Three Pure World School."

In the face of this artificial **** greeting him.

Ronald also replied rarely:

"The last time I saw you, your complexion was healthier than it is now. It's been so long, haven't you healed your wounds?"


The artificial **** was silent for a few seconds.

It may be that it is afraid of the spells Ronald has shown, or there are other concerns. Instead, it did not respond directly like it did to Baproul, but spoke in a calm tone:

"I have no intention of conflicting with you, and this is just a personal matter of Bulwark Mountain."

"Now that it is also sealed in this place, we have the same interests in the idea of ​​leaving this world."


Ronald snapped his fingers.

At the same time that the power of the sun shines on the black holy sword, he also makes an offensive gesture.

This distance, this face-to-face state...

With the abilities of him and this artificial god, it is just whimsical to win by tactics such as sneak attacks.

The outcome of the battle will only be determined in a pure strength competition.

Facing Ronald's present posture and attitude.

The artificial gods are no longer calm.

Slowly, it opened its eyes for the first time today.

The pupils were red and the whites of the eyes were as empty as the eyes of the abyss were exactly the same as when they were on the island.

But at the same time, that weakness cannot be concealed.

The violent thunder and lightning of the past still flashed in the pupils of this false **** from time to Even in a magical world like [Infinite Negative Domain], the powerful existence of thunder will not be weakened to any extent, and it is still at this moment. The impact on this man-made deity is obvious.

Or to put it another way -

If not, return to [Infinite Negative Number Field] decisively.

It should have turned to dust under the endless thunder.

"We are all direct beneficiaries of spell power."

"Even if it's just for yourself, please calm down and think about it."


Ronald smiled and shook his head.

While answering the other party, he swung his sword towards him.

"What do you mean - after we escape from this realm, we will continue to live and die? - Stupid!"

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