Mystic Dominator

Chapter 568: Katarina's original

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

The dialogue between the two had already reached such depth, and Katarina even had a deduction-type spell to help.

——At least the two of them cannot be separated from each other now.

With this thought in mind, Ronald nodded.

"A few months ago, I used lightning-manipulating spells to repel enemies overseas."


Katarina's expression became solemn.

Without hesitating for too long, the wizard decisively summoned his original scriptures, and then recited a spell:

"His name was Gail Donick, and he was just a country boy who had never been to Trantor before. Or should I say, he hadn't really been..."



Sitting across from Katarina, Ronald's heart instantly went wild.

He is a big fan of this book, or this series of books!

Ronald was so familiar with the text in this original that he could even recite it directly without reading the original text!

- "Empire of the Galaxy"!

——It's "The Galactic Empire" by Asimov!

Hear Katarina's spell.

He didn't have any doubts for a moment.

People who can understand the text, and then read the entire "Empire of the Galaxy", as long as their thinking is normal, they will have infinite reverie about the stars in the sky.

After the initial shock, Ronald came to Mingwu.

Katerina just read the opening words in the first volume of "Empire of the Galaxy", then combined with the other party's ability to infer the future, and it is also related to mathematics, then the result is obvious.

- Psychohistory

The wizard in front of Ronald is using the psychohistory of Harry Seldon!

Although this ability to infer the future is flawed, it is powerful enough to impress anyone if not for the rigorous scientific workers at the base.

'I am now in the Astronomy Department...'

‘Can we learn the spells of our discipline together? ’

At this moment, Ronald wanted to follow his desire to say such a sentence to Katerina, but he held back.

The girl in front of her now had her pupils dilated, and her deep eyes revealed complex and incalculable information. Not to mention obeying his own desires, Ronald couldn't do it just by interrupting the other party at such a time.


This time, Katarina was silent for a long time.

Deeply immersed in her spell, she leaned back on the chair, and half an hour passed before the look in her pupils gradually condensed.

Then, she suddenly stood up from the chair and looked at Ronald with a burning gaze:

"Ronald, are you willing to trust an enemy you've only just met?"

Ronald responded succinctly:

"If my memory isn't wrong, we're partners now."

Hearing such an answer, Katerina spoke without knowing:

"Fly with me, we need to leave the barrier mountain quickly, the time is very urgent now!"

From Katerina's words, Ronald could hear the other party's nervousness.

So he went on to ask:

"what do you mean……"

Katarina had no intention of continuing her conversation with Ronald.

Seeing that the man in front of her continued to ask questions, she stepped forward and grabbed the collar of Ronald's wizard robe, and said in a voice that could not be resisted:

"Don't think about going to find that Baproul, you will only bring the worst ending when you meet at this time, we must leave now!"


"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."

Ronald chose to trust Katarina.

Although the two have known each other for less than two days, building trust is such a casual thing. This can be the fetters accumulated over many years, or it may be the result of a momentary relationship.

Anyway, Ronald chanted.

The two immediately flew from the top of the tower in the star-gazing area.

The flight speed of [This round] and [Equal round], under the blessing of [Infinite Negative Field], is completely different from the Wings of Icarus.

The figures of the two broke through the speed of sound in an instant, and even hit a shock wave in the air.

After only ten seconds passed, they came to the air thousands of meters away.

It was at this moment that Ronald understood the strength of Katarina's physical fitness.

Ronald himself has multiple spell enhancements, so he can handle this speed. And Katarina, who was also flying with him, was able to adapt completely, and she didn't even feel any discomfort on her face!

Then another few seconds passed.

The position of the two continued to rise, and Ronald began to slow down after they surpassed the barrier mountain by more than a thousand meters.

Then, Katerina shouted beside Ronald:

"Ronald, fly south, don't stop!"


Now that you have done it, do it in the end.

Ronald already knew about Katarina's physical fitness, and now he has no intention of holding back.

Taking out an even crazier speed than before, their flight path drew an arc and flew south again.


During flight beyond the speed of sound.

The whistling sound of the air could not catch up with the trajectory of the two of them.

This time he flew five kilometers away before Ronald began to slow down again.

As the flight speed slowed down, Ronald looked at Katarina beside him.

This time, Katarina did not urge as before, but spoke with a relieved expression:

"Okay, it's coming in about a quarter of an hour."


Ronald didn't press Katerina.

Because with the help of the power of 'Rage', he also began to realize the current situation of Barrier Mountain.

Ronald and Sinovi started going out tonight. They spent a few hours in total. They were cut off by Katerina and spent half the night on the abandoned tower in the star-gazing area.

After such a tossing, it is now the early morning.

Barrier Hill was a nominally academy institution, and students also began to leave their dormitories and go to their own disciplines.

If you look at Baproul, who has amazing mobility and gets up early to go to the Enhancement Section, you will find even more amazing discoveries.

After going to the Enhancement Section, the tower of the Enhancement Section did not follow the previous statement at All wizards or wizard apprentices who entered the tower were immediately strictly managed and began to distribute some dangerous magical weapons.

It looks like it's about to go to war!

And this situation is not limited to the one of the strengthening department. Almost all the discipline towers of Barrier Mountain College are doing similar preparations!

Ronald couldn't help but said:

"Katrina, don't they..."



Suddenly, an earth-shattering voice came from the north.

Ronald's voice fell to the ground, and a huge noise appeared on the mountain of Barrier Mountain!

At this moment, this wizard fortress hidden in the mountains shook.

Like an intensifying decisive battlefield!

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