Mystic Dominator

Chapter 567: delayed cleaning

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

News of an artificial god?

Yeah, Katarina as the head of a discipline at Barrier Hill.

If even her identity has no way of learning about this incident, then the situation of [Infinite Negative Number Field] is really unimaginable.


Although Ronald understood this, he also knew Katerina's idea of ​​advancing the conversation. But he turned his head and looked around, but this was not the first thing that came to his mind.

At night, the barrier mountain stargazing area is off the beaten track.

As far as the eye can see, the environment is full of silent darkness.

There is no one to disturb you, and there are people who can explain many issues about this world to you, and the attitude of the other party is still the kind that is very willing to explain...

Continue to ask the question of artificial gods?

Bringing it back to Katarina's research?

Without even thinking about it, Ronald blurted out the question he was most eager to answer:

"Tower Master, let's talk about your research first."

"The things you said just now are the results of your independent verification, or the conclusions drawn from the overall study of the barrier mountain? In addition, are there other hypotheses or theories? By the way, you are measuring these data using What equipment, is there any falsification experiment?"

Ronald threw a series of questions, none of which involved artificial gods.

Katerina looked at the man in front of her, and even froze in place. Standing on the edge of the abandoned tower like this, in just a few seconds, Katarina suddenly bent down.



"You bastard!"

"I really like guys like you more and more!"

Ronald looked at Katarina's changes with a smile and said nothing.

It wasn't until a few minutes passed that Katarina slowly stopped her laughter, and when Katarina straightened up, the wizard had a complicated smile on the corner of his mouth and bitter tears on the side of his face.

"Ronald Adler."

"If Barrier Mountain were all, or even only a third of the way, guys like you, nothing would be like this."

"Come, follow me."

"Let's go to the top and chat slowly."

After that, Katerina took Ronald all the way up.

On the top of the tower in the abandoned stargazing area, several chairs that were brought by someone unknown were placed here, and Ronald and Katerina sat here like this.

The north wind blows, and the night sky above is cloudless.

Katerina watched as she leaned back on the chair and played with her red hair. At the same time, she introduced Ronald's research on Barrier Mountain:

"Ronald, the wizards of this world are sealed here with hatred. Whether integrating the original text, studying magic, or spreading knowledge, the ultimate goal of most people is only one - revenge."

"So, these guys don't care about these things I research."

"For them, the essence of important spells, the essence of magic, and the power of the original scriptures, everything that can make them stronger quickly."

Ronald couldn't help but interjected:

"So what you said just now was discovered by you independently?"

"I'm not that kind of skill." Katerina shook her head with a smile, and continued to explain, "The wizards in the astronomy department are no different from other people. There are very obvious differences among the astronomy seniors. Some people are still obsessed with revenge, while others..."

Speaking of which, Katarina stretched out her arms to the sky.

And then gave a firm grip on the stars of the night:

"The other part begins to yearn to look up and to this endless starry sky."

Ronald immediately remembered the previous introduction to Astronomy by Sinovi:

"So the cleaning I heard before..."

Katerina affirmed indifferently:

"That's right, that's why I cleaned out those guys who were still thinking about revenge. In astronomy, there is no need for the existence of the second voice."

Katerina said it lightly, but Ronald knew it was definitely not as light as she said.

Look at the poor number of wizards in Astronomy today.

You can see what a brutal battle it was.

At the same time, Katerina, opposite Ronald, continued to tell:

"By the way, Ronald, do you remember the astronomical instrument at the top of the tower?"

"You just had to ask the question of how to measure, and that's actually the answer. After the original astronomical instrument on this tower was destroyed, the new astronomical instrument was designed and built by me to measure the 'hidden information' contained in the vacuum. This matter is carried out by this instrument..."

The conversation continued and Katerina was in high spirits.

Probably in the past few years, no one in the Astronomy Department, or in the Barrier Hill College, could talk to her like this, so Katarina almost told Ronald the story here.

From the establishment of Barrier Mountain to the current situation.

She told Ronald in front of her almost without any omission.


The two sat on the top of the abandoned tower like this, and almost half of the night had passed.

Finally, Katarina began to slow down.

Much has been said about the history of Fortress Hill and her research.

Now is also the time to turn the subject back on track.

Ronald saw Katerina's attitude. He thought about what Katerina said just now in his mind, and then took the initiative to withdraw the topic:

"Now, shall we talk about artificial gods?"

"It's time to talk." Katarina put down the red hair in her hands and sat up straight, "If the group of people at Bulwark Mountain are the Avengers who are ready to fight on the front line, then this false **** is the biggest behind the scenes right now. ."

"According to my speculation, this thing is secretly holding a lot of wizards, and before the seal is broken, it is ready to start a battle here in advance."

Ronald raised his eyebrows: "Here?"

"That's right, here." Katarina nodded and continued, "Before the counterattack back to the outside world, this man-made **** doesn't want any objection from his subordinates, and making Fortress Mountain its one word hall is the best thing about this thing. Prepare to do it first.”

Speaking of which, Katerina couldn't help but smile:

" This is indeed an irreversible situation."

"But who knows that a few days ago, the false **** was seriously injured like being struck by lightning, and even caused the plan to have to be pushed back. So Ronald, when you came here, you could encounter such a barrier mountain. ."

struck by lightning...

Ronald knew in an instant that he was the culprit.

When he was in the typhoon in Springs, he should have fought back the artificial gods in the [Infinite Negative Field].

I just didn't expect it to have such an impact.

Ronald's expression changed slightly.

Katarina reacted immediately.

How powerful is the observation of this female wizard, she asked without hesitation:

"Ronald, do you know something too?"

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