Mystic Dominator

Chapter 566: Conversation on the Snow Mountain

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Ronald Adler?

In the mouth of the red-haired girl in front of him, Ronald heard a very bad name.

--he himself.

Has your identity been exposed in the [Infinite Negative Number Field]?

Ronald denied the idea at first, and told himself—

Faced with this sudden danger, the first thing to do is to think calmly.

If his identity is completely exposed, then Katarina will never be waiting here alone in the star-gazing area tonight. What he will see is the great wizarding force of Barrier Mountain.

A simple conclusion is drawn.

Katarina did not tell Fortress Hill about Ronald's identity.

Even a little bolder.

If Katerina aimed at something on Ronald, it would be unreasonable to take the initiative to break the news at this time, and an ambush and a sudden attack would be the safest move. there a possibility?

Katerina actually came with kindness to herself?

Ronald calmed down a bit, and with a calm expression, he probed Katerina in front of him:

"Start by entering Barrier Hill."

"My identity has not been exposed to anyone."

Katerina was very satisfied with Ronald's calm attitude.

She looked up and down Ronald, who had changed into a wizard's robe, and explained directly in a playful tone:

"But when you were in the dormitory, your companion, Baproul, said your name. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to deduce your real name."

in the dorm...

Ronald naturally did not forget the mistake of this guy Baprol.

But when the cult warlock exposed the information, Ronald was sure that there was no monitoring of people or spells around. What method did Katarina use to find out this level of confidentiality?

"I shouldn't be monitored by anyone or magic."

Ronald simply spoke his mind.

Katerina explained it equally succinctly:

"Ronald, this world is not only about monitoring or mind-reading spells. The spells provided by the original scriptures are diverse."

Ronald immediately remembered the wizard who had allied with the Astronomy Division:

"So it's a prophecy?"

"That's a little less rigorous." Katerina laughed again, this time with an affirmation of Ronald's answer, "Those old foxes in the Prophecy Department, their spells can only speculate on some specious things. , unless you are looking for people and things, you can list hundreds of results for a single question.”

Belittling the prophecy spell, Katerina pointed at herself:

"If you really want to achieve my ability, you can only do it by relying on accurate mathematical models."

You wouldn't call yourself a Laplace demon, would you?

When it comes to mathematical predictions, the first thing that pops into Ronald's mind is the scientific hypothesis of "Laplace's Demon". But even if it is a fantasy world view, the appearance of this thing is too unrealistic.

Ronald racked his brains to analyze the situation.

At this moment, Katerina spoke again seriously:

"Ronald, do you know that every text recorded in the original has its meaning. Either some myths, or some incomprehensible knowledge, or a combination of fantasy, mysterious and unpredictable words. The stories of these books, these books with magical power, are actually carriers of knowledge."

Ronald thought of the old man he knew at White Shore Castle - Xiang.

Facing Katerina's remarks at this moment, he couldn't help but say:

"Besides the seal, there are also people who have studied to this point."

"Then please protect those people." Katerina said this sentence with a very serious attitude. But after seeing Ronald's expression, her expression changed quickly, and she lowered her eyes as if she knew what happened to the township.


"Sure enough, human stupidity is the same everywhere."

Ronald responded to Katarina's mockery with silence.

At this time, a couple just came back from the tower on the other side of the star-gazing area.

Ronald and Katarina kept silent in tacit understanding, and then walked forward like a couple who just came here for a walk.

When the distance from the passers-by was widened, Ronald spoke again:

"For the study of the original text, you... how far have you reached?"

Katerina gave Ronald a deep look.

Until the two came to the abandoned tower, she stopped for a long time, then pushed the door and walked in.

At the same time, Katarina said calmly:

"Enough information can be aggregated to form substantial matter; but until aggregated, the information itself has no actual physical properties."

"But it is the information that is not gathered that actually occupies more than 80% of the mass of the material world, and its impact is beyond imagination."

"The spells we use, the scriptures born from the void, and even the ever-changing world itself recognized by human beings are all the result of information interference."

Ronald was educated enough to understand Katerina's description.

And out of awareness of the world he once lived in, Ronald immediately asked his own question:

"But such a world is too unstable."

"If this invisible information interferes so much with the real world, it is basically impossible to form such a world that humans live in now."

"Your historical heritage is broken." Katarina glanced at Ronald with interest, and then immediately gave an astonishing statement, "The outside world was very stable from the beginning."

"Longer than the years before we were sealed, a star in the sky suddenly exploded. According to the records of the predecessors, the original scriptures began to appear in the world since then, and the product of magic began to be mastered by humans. ."

"The stars...exploding..."

In Ronald's lack of cognition, star explosions can generally only point to something that may be the starting point of human civilization on Earth.

- Supernova explosion.

- This astronomical event.

With his only remaining knowledge system, Ronald found one of the most obvious loopholes:

"If there is a star explosion, then the starry sky should not be like Supernova explosion is an astronomical phenomenon that lasts for a long time.

If this world has really encountered such a thing, then the outside world should be like Ronald said, there are a lot of effects left by supernova explosions in the starry sky.

But actually.

In the night sky of this world, no sign can be observed.

It's a pity that Katerina failed to answer Ronald this time.

The red-haired girl smiled regretfully, and then frankly admitted her ignorance:

"It's beyond my knowledge."

"Anyway—Ronald, haven't you been inquiring about that artificial **** these days?"

"Want to listen now?"

"I can tell you right away."

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