Mystic Dominator

Chapter 565: stargazing area

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"This is the star-gazing area of ​​the academy. Usually at night, there will be a lot of people..."

Ronald and Sinoway walk in the stargazing area of ​​Fortress Hill.

The scenery here is indeed very good as Sinovi said before.

The snow on the top of the mountain at night, the north wind blowing in the distance, the false but unique starry sky, the combination of various scenery brings people this kind of quiet beauty that belongs to nature.

Just walking here, Ronald felt a little relieved in his depressed mood.

However, it is also like Sinovi said.

In a place with such a beautiful view, there is no trace of anyone tonight.

In the corridor built along the mountain, there were hardly many people except for them, so they went all the way up the mountain road, and two towers standing there appeared in front of Ronald.


Ronald raised his eyebrows.

He had seen the organizational system of the Barrier Hill Academy before.

In this 'kingdom' ruled by wizards, only the core location of a discipline is eligible to build its own magical tower.

But the two in front of them are not the same.

The magical fluctuations surrounding the tower had long since dissipated, and Ronald couldn't even feel the breath of someone moving inside. Quietly watching each other's towers, as if they were deliberately abandoned in the wild.

This is the fortress mountain!

No matter how abject discipline...

It's not like there isn't even a gatekeeper at night, right?

So naturally, Ronald opened his mouth with questions:

"Sinoway, these two towers..."

Sinovi was not surprised by Ronald's questioning tone, but explained it simply and directly:

"Drake, you just came to Fortress Mountain, and you don't know the situation here."

"In fact, nine years ago, this star-gazing area was still the headquarters of the Astronomy Department, but after the new tower owner completely dominated the original text..."

From the beginning of the decisive answer, to the hesitant tone of the present.

Sinovi looked troubled after only two words.

Just standing there and recalling for a few seconds, Sinovi said again:

"It happened before I entered the academy, and I heard about it a long time ago. The tower owner of the astronomy department is a powerful wizard with a very tough personality. After taking office, he directly carried out cleaning activities against the opposition forces in the school. , the magic towers inherited from the star-gazing area were also abandoned here at that time."

"After a few years, these two abandoned towers were cleaned up by several great wizards, and they were left here as abandoned buildings."


Ronald nodded and thanked, and followed Sinovi's words and sounded:

"Xi Nuowei, the new tower owner of the Astronomy Department, do you know her situation?"

"The new tower owner..."

Sinovi's expression was a little hesitant.

But because Ronald asked the question along the lines of the topic, Sinovi didn't go into it. After thinking for a few seconds and restarting the walk, she explained to Ronald at the same time:

"Since I entered the academy, the astronomy department didn't seem to be doing anything, and they didn't usually participate in the magic discussion in the academy. That tower master... I remember it was called Katerina. In the academy, we usually I haven't heard anything from her."


"If you want to know my deeds, why don't you just ask me myself?"

Ronald originally wanted to continue talking to Sinovi.

However, before he could speak, a figure half leaning on the side of the road walked out of the darkness, and the opening was followed by Sinovi's introduction.

Bright red hair, aggressive smile, confident and playful eyes...

The person waiting here was the Astronomy Corta Master who was talking to Ronald and Sinovi.

- Katarina.


Ronald looked silently at Katarina in front of him.

Beside him, Sinovi, one of the members of Barrier Mountain, also realized the identity of the red-haired girl in front of Carter.

Subconsciously taking a step back, Sinovi's voice trembled when she spoke:

"Tower... Tower Master..."

"It's me, little guy." Katerina smiled at Sinovi as she always did. Taking two steps to the side of Sinovi, who was so shocked that she couldn't move, Katarina reached out and brushed the girl's hair in front of her, and said in a tone that couldn't be rejected:

"It's so late, go back and rest."

"This man is not something you should come to contact."


Between the advice of a tower owner and a promising handsome guy, Sinovi resolutely relented. Somewhat apologetically, Ronald nodded in apology, and Sinovi turned her head and ran in the direction she was coming from.

Ronald looked at Sinovi who trotted away.

I can understand the other party's choice in my heart, but it still feels strange.

"Why... can't bear the girl you liked?" At this time, Katarina walked up to Ronald and said in a bewitching tone, "Now go back and chase after him, maybe it's too late."

Of course Ronald couldn't be like Katerina said.

He turned around to look at the smiling red-haired girl in front of him, and said in a gentle tone:

"Master Tower, you came here to find me tonight, what should be the matter?"

Ronald was only sure in the morning that Katarina lived in the Astronomy Tower.

The towers on both sides are far apart. Thinking about the meaning of this abandoned tower, of course, Katarina couldn't come here for a walk.

As for the reason why this Astronomy Keta Master can come here...

It can only be Ronald, the new great wizard who joined the Astronomy Department.

Ronald's guess was correct.

Hearing his question, Katerina also raised her eyebrows and smiled:

"Didn't he come to find you?"

"When I left tomorrow, I agreed to come earlier the next day, but you and other girls went for a walk in this kind of lovers' holy place that night. If I didn't come to beat the mandarin ducks, how could you go there earlier tomorrow morning?"


Ronald scratched his hair.

Katerina's words... do have some truth.

But now is not the time to dwell on this issue.

Just now, Sinovec also said that The astronomy department usually doesn't have any big moves, and even the frequency of communication with the wizards in the barrier mountain is very low.

Can make such a Catalina break the rules.

The importance of the previous instructions during the day, and the fact that I came here to stop people at night, can be imagined.

So Ronald adjusted the collar of his wizarding robe.

Then he stood up straight and asked Katerina in a serious tone:

"So, the tower master, what is it that you came to see me so late?"


Seeing Ronald with a straight face, Katerina smiled.

Then the head of the Astronomy Department replied in a very gentle tone:

"Of course to keep going."

"My dear outsider - Mr. Ronald Adler."

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