Mystic Dominator

Chapter 564: Invitation to the stargazing area

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

From the mouth of the wizard named Willie in front of him, Ronald inquired a lot of news.

Although astronomy is a subject that is outside the mainstream of Bulwark Mountain.

But as an independent and complete discipline unit, the news is still readily available.

Put aside what Ronald heard at the Well of Judgment meeting on the first night.

In fact, the current situation in Fortress Mountain is very tense.

There have been several conflicts between the wizarding forces who hope to break away from the seal and the wizarding forces who strive to initiate a massacre, and there are not a few low-level wizards who have been sent to the medical department.

There are even some rumors circulating in the current academy.

It is said that the council of six at the top of Fortress Mountain is also debating these issues fiercely at the moment. If we cannot reach a conclusion that both parties are satisfied with, I am afraid that a civil strife is imminent.

In addition, there is no news of artificial gods at all.

Barrier Mountain... or the wizard of [Infinite Negative Field] is very powerful in terms of spells, and at the beginning, he achieved the feat of unifying all wizarding forces.

But after so many decades.

Wizards who have inherited all the characteristics of human beings are also showing their not-so-excellent side, and contradictions are on the verge of breaking out.

And the sorcerers of prophecy and astronomy.

It is a rare guy who remains neutral at such a time.

"Thank you very much for your answer."

Ronald and the wizard Willie chatted for a long time.

It was almost the end of the afternoon, the lectures on the third floor had just ended, and the wizards began to return to their floors.

Ronald said goodbye to Willie and went down.

As a new wizard who joined Fortress Mountain, he is not assigned any job now, and the free environment is suitable for his activities.

Ronald went all the way down to the third floor.

At this time, he found that Katarina had driven away the wizards of other astronomy departments, and was cleaning up the somewhat messy floor here alone.

As a tower owner, I'm still doing this kind of work...

Katarina is indeed a very powerful person.

Ronald was thinking about this and was about to continue, but Katarina stopped her work as if she had foreseen it, and stopped directly in front of him.

The head of the Astronomy Division did not do anything particularly complicated.

She just smiled and approached Ronald, and then commanded in an irresistible tone:

"Drake, remember to come here in the morning tomorrow."

"This is very important."



Ronald looked at Katarina, while the power of 'Rage' was still assisting in his observation.

When Katerina said this, her attitude was indeed very serious.

This level of seriousness... It seems that the fact that Ronald will come to the Astronomy Tower tomorrow morning is very important, and it is even related to the death of the two.

Ronald deliberately asked the other party directly.

But the girl in front of her is a wizard of the [Infinite Negative Realm] after all.

After weighing it again and again, he just nodded in agreement, then turned his head and walked down the tower.

Until Ronald stepped out of the open tower gate.

With his powerful hearing, he vaguely heard someone above him sigh with emotion:

"This's right again..."


Ronald had no idea of ​​looking back.

As a complete outsider, he is very clear that he is not the same as the wizard of [Infinite Negative Field].

Head down and head back to Baproul's place of residence.

Ronald went all the way without any trouble.

However, because of his new wizard robe and the badge of the great wizard, many wizards he met on the road began to bow down and salute. The respect of the great wizard in the barrier mountain is evident.

And wait for him to arrive at the residential area where he left in the morning.

The wizard apprentices here didn't even have the guts to look at Ronald.


Compared to Ronald, who had freedom of movement, Baproul returned to his residence a lot late.

After an hour or so after dinner time ended, the cult warlock swayed back slowly.

"Ronald, you're here first."

Walking into the room, Baproul greeted Ronald's new outfit and his tone rose instantly:

"Great wizard! I want to do this too!"

"You said that if I also reveal my identity as the holder of the original book tomorrow, can I also mix up like this?"

Ronald tore off the badge on his chest very simply.

He ignored Baproul's small talk, but directly told the news he had heard today.

"I have some new gains in astronomy today."

"At present, there seems to be some problems inside the barrier mountain. The wizards with different ideas on both sides are now tit-for-tat, and there is a feeling that it is on the verge of breaking out..."

Ronald clearly finished the information he had.

Looking at Ronald's serious expression, Baproel looked at the great wizard badge Ronald put in his pocket, and said in a leisurely tone:

"My side is no better than your big wizard's identity, all I can get is some gossip..."

As a newcomer favored by the Enhancement Division.

Baproul's harvest was actually not as bad as he said.

Among the relatively low-level wizard groups, Baproul inquired about the movements of many college wizards. Whether the target is the enemy outside the seal, or the wizard in the fortress mountain that contradicts his own opinion.

The wizards, big and small, in the current academy are indeed actively preparing for battle.

for the upcoming battle.

Even a talented person like Baproul will have to go to emergency training early tomorrow morning, and the wizards of the Enhancement Division are ready to give these newcomers a good understanding of wizard battles.

bang bang bang --

Just when the two exchanged information.

The door was knocked.

Ronald gave Baprol a wink, then walked over to open the door himself.

Then, Sinovi, whose face was slightly red, stood at the door.

She looked at Ronald in front of her, and then took another look at the room.

"That...that, Mr. Drake."

"Star-gazing area, do you remember our agreement from yesterday? Tonight... Are you going to take a walk in the star-gazing area?"

Taking the initiative to issue an invitation, the girl wizard's expression was a little nervous.

Ronald simply swept away and clearly saw that the wizard's robe on the other side was replaced by a new one. The material and additional spells were better than the situation when we first Myself, the great wizard The addition of , has indeed brought a lot of benefits to Sinovi...

Thoughts flashed in Ronald's mind.

In the house, Baproul finally freed his hand to take out his dinner from his pocket. While preparing his own food, the cult warlock's brain suddenly became smart.

So, without hesitation, he shouted to the door:

"Drake, I have to go out early tomorrow morning. Just go to the star-gazing area tonight."


Ronald turned his head to look at Baproul in surprise.

And when he turned his eyes, Sinoway had already bowed her head wrigglingly in front of him.

The girl pinched the side of the wizard's robe with her fingers, and the voice of the invitation again was almost inaudible:

"Then... shall we go?"

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