Mystic Dominator

Chapter 563: Great Wizard Drake

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"Lord Tower Master, the research on spells in the astronomy department has been completely stagnant at present. Under the premise that the real starry sky cannot be observed, which direction do you think our future research direction should go?"

The third floor of the Astronomy Tower.

The floor here has the largest floor area in the entire tower, except for the spiral staircase, which is basically a floor that can be moved at will.

The teaching workplace of the astronomy department is located here.

At this moment, in this floor dedicated to teaching, Katerina is facing more than a dozen wizards of all shapes and sizes. There were people dressed as wizard apprentices and faces Ronald had seen climbing the tower.

The person who just asked the question was a middle-aged wizard in a robe.


How to describe it?

In Ronald's view, Katarina is a wizard with strong foresight and a qualified researcher.

But as a teacher, she is really outrageous.

Facing the questions from her subordinates, she sat at her desk in a sloppy manner, supporting her body with one hand so as not to lie down directly, her tone and eyes were floating on the ceiling, not at all on the person asking the question:

"Research direction..."

"Aren't other disciplines setting good examples?"

"If we can't see the stars, let's continue to optimize our spellcasting ability. Anyway, there is a trend of 'rushing out of the seal and paying blood for blood' in the academy. It's definitely right to improve your combat ability."


Facing the reality of his own tower master, he spoke too much.

The wizard who asked the question looked back at the new wizard apprentice behind him, and then decisively gave up his previous question:

"Tower Master, we have only advanced one-third of the experimental plan brought by the Prophecy Department last time. Should we continue today?"


Katarina thought for a few seconds.

Then she waved her hands to her subordinates to let go of this for now.

Then he jumped off the table and walked two steps to a wizard apprentice with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, little guy."

"I saw you for the first time today."

"What did you think in your mind, that you will take our astronomy course as an elective?"


The young wizard apprentice looked bewildered.

It is not the first time he has entered the magic tower to teach.

However, the situation where the person in charge of the subject was in charge of the lectures and came directly to him to ask questions was an unprecedented experience.

Know that in other disciplines...

Formal wizards teach wizard apprentices, senior wizards teach official wizards, and then top-level figures such as tower masters or grand wizards occasionally give a 'big class'. This is the normal academy rule.

Aren't people in the astronomy department the exact opposite of people in other disciplines?

"I...I'm curious about astronomical spells..."


On the other hand, Ronald sees everything as an observer.

With the power of 'Rage' to assist him in his observation, Ronald could see the situation in front of him more clearly.

Katarina herself, from the beginning to the end, has always looked at other wizards with a superior mentality, and teaching this kind of thing has also been used as a kind of spice in her life.

Katrina's subordinates can be roughly divided into two types.

One is an ordinary wizard who eats and waits to die. This is the type of wizard Ronald saw sleeping before; the other is loyal to Katerina, and every move in the teaching process is in the direction of the wizard apprentice. Thinking, try to leave some apprentices as the fresh blood of astronomy.

About a quarter of an hour later.

After teasing the young wizard apprentice, Katarina became serious, and focused on some spellcasting skills that novice wizards possessed, rather than those high-level experiments or powerful spells.

Ronald continued to listen like that for a few minutes.

Determined that most of the content was of no use to him, he turned his head and walked up the tower.

According to what Katerina said before, Ronald quickly came to the seventh floor.

On the north side here is an office, and on the opposite side is a warehouse for storing items.

Ronald went straight to the other end of the office.

The staff here is a dozing male wizard.

"Hello, I'm Drake?"



The wizard behind the desk looked up at Ronald, and took a few seconds to react.

"Yes, it's Mr. Drake!"

"In the morning, the tower owner ordered you to come here to get something."

Ronald smiled and nodded.

While the wizard in front of him was talking about what Katerina had ordered in the morning, he bent down and looked behind the desk.

Soon, a folded wizard robe was taken out by him.

There is also a medal in the shape of a seven-pointed star.

"Come on, take it."

"This is your astronomy uniform."

"There are also some supporting benefits, just wait for me."

Saying that, the wizard got up from behind the desk, turned his head and walked to the inner room.

Ronald unfolded his robe while the other party was leaving. This was a wizard robe completely in the style of the academy tower, with a magic circle for defense and an automatic cleaning spell on it.

And this badge...

Ronald briefly recalled the scene he had just seen on the third floor.

Apprentice wizards don't see anything of the badge type on their chests, but full-fledged wizards wear sun-shaped badges on their robes.

And the seven-pointed star...

It seems to be something that only the great wizard, the holder of the original code, can wear.

The wizard's world uses whether or not to hold the original code as a criterion, which is also in line with the actual situation.

With that in mind, the wizard who left not long ago turned back from behind.

This time, he put a bracelet and a file bag in front of Ronald, and the expression on his fully awake face was full of respect.

"Mr. Drake, this is what the tower owner prepared for you."

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me directly."


Ronald looked at the things he The bracelet was obviously a magic tool used to strengthen spellcasting ability. The paper bag contained documents to prove his identity, and a house deed inside Fortress Mountain.

Compared with the staff Baprool got last night and the right to live in the apartment block, Katerina's treatment of Ronald was obviously much better.

However, Ronald is not in a hurry to confirm what kind of benefits he can enjoy in Barrier Mountain.

I thought about the conversation when I parted with Baprol today.

Look at the astronomical wizard who respects him in front of him.

A smile appeared on Ronald's face, and then he spoke softly:

"Sir, you should also know that I just joined Barrier Mountain yesterday."

"As a newcomer, I do have some questions about the academy tower. Would you like to help me answer them?"

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