Mystic Dominator

Chapter 532: cleanup plan

"Golden Planet..."

"The immobile colossus..."

"Northern Glacier Research Society..."

Ronald read the list provided by Baproul with a speechless expression.

Just like what this cult warlock said, the people in this joint now are all irrelevant guys. Just by looking at the name, you can tell that there are not many powerful ones.

About halfway through, Ronald couldn't help but speak:

"Baprol, you can collect so many lists of people, so the Bureau of Investigation has no intention of controlling these people?"

"Can this be the same?" Baproul looked a little surprised, but he quickly explained to Ronald, "The people from the Bureau of Investigation are all law-abiding officials."

"For crimes that have not been committed, they will certainly have to adopt a surveillance attitude."

"It's absolutely impossible to do it like we did."

Uncommitted criminal act...

Ronald immediately understood why the Bureau of Investigation did not take action.

Sometimes, as an official force, there will be some rules and regulations. Under this premise, it is indeed much more convenient for them as "civilians".

Looking back, Ronald continued to read the list:

"Ten Laws Yang..."

"Cult Warlock..."

Ronald paused, then raised his head sharply:

"Huh? Cult Warlock?"

"Baprole, what does this mean!"

At the bottom of the list, there is a list of spellcasters with the title of cult warlock. As long as Ronald wasn't blind, he was sure to recognize what those names meant.

On the other side of the table, Baproul's expression was extremely aggrieved.

Facing Ronald's questioning, he began to complain with his expression drawn:

"Ronald, you don't know how tiring it is to work in my business. Usually, you have to work hard to support your family, and you have to take care of avoiding the pursuit and interception of the investigation bureau. The school's affairs can't be delayed for too long."

"As a living person like me, it's really hard to deal with so many things, so it's understandable that some schools sometimes don't take care of it, should they be able to understand?"

After a series of complaints and complaints, Baproul poured himself another glass of water with a heavy heart and drank it.


"I really feel so tired!"

"If I keep doing this, my mental state will definitely go wrong... Or should I go look for a psychiatrist now, I remember there are very powerful people in the [Book Scroll Research Association]?"


Under normal circumstances, and neuropathy are not very normal choices.

So Ronald also just sighed and put the list back in front of Baproul.

"Okay, I understand."

"I have no problem cleaning up these bad guys, but do you have a specific action plan and time plan?"

Baproul's expression was a little absent-minded.

However, he immediately answered Ronald's question:

"I divided these people into three parts according to the distribution of the city, and then processed them in batches within three days. However, the people in our school are special, so we will deal with them separately on the fourth day."

Ronald went on to ask Baprol:

"And what about the operatives?"

"Just the two of us." The head of the cult warlock replied without hesitation, and then he rarely explained, "Most of these people are not very good people, it is enough for the two of us to go with the original. If There are a lot of people going, not to mention whether it will be a surprise, people from the Investigation Bureau will all come looking for trouble!"


A very reasonable explanation, Ronald couldn't even find an angle to refute.

Yes, pay attention to the Bureau of Investigation.

If there are more people who do it, the probability of being discovered by the Bureau of Investigation will be greatly increased.

By the time……

The cult warlocks fought with each other on a large scale, and there were frequent murders.

Without any guesswork, you can see how much trouble it will cause.


Ronald couldn't help sighing.

Handing his back to the chair for support, he changed to a more relaxed posture to soothe his nerves.

Meanwhile, Baproul continues to talk about his plans:

"I plan to spend two days to refine the specific situation, so in the evening after three days, I will go to your house to find you, and then we will act according to the plan."

"Ronald, what do you think?"

Ronald stopped feebly:

"I listen to you, it's a pleasure to work with you!"

Baprole probably didn't hear the sarcasm in Ronald's words.

Seeing that the man in front of him agreed to his plan, he happily picked up the pages on the table, then sorted them out and put them back in the file bag.

"See you in three days."

"By the way, let's talk about the publication. I wish you a smooth creation!"

Having completed his goal of coming to the White Star District today, Baproul has no intention of staying any longer.

He got up and walked to the door, opened the door and walked in the direction of leaving the office.

And Ronald, who was still sitting in the same place.

You can even hear the little tune the cult warlock hummed as he left.

Apparently, Baproul was overjoyed.


"How is it, Ronald."

"Are you happy negotiating with this guy?"

After a few minutes, Heloise, who had sorted out the documents, came to the table. While packing away the kettles and cups used by the cult warlock, the girl laughed at Ronald at the same time:

"Without that kind of mental game of heavy calculation, would it be easier to communicate with each other?"

Ronald almost collapsed on the sofa and rolled his eyes:

"I gradually understood a truth."

"Talking to normal people is actually a very happy thing."

After chatting a little with Heloise, Ronald sat up straight from the sofa.

Returning to a serious and serious tone, he stared at the girl in front of him and asked:

"What do you think of those lists just now?"

It is simply impossible to trust Paprol completely.

It would be better to ask Heloise about this matter.

"Most of the lists are fine." Seeing Ronald's expression, the girl turned into a meticulous expression, "I also pay attention to the names you read just now, they are all guys who can't figure out what they are."

"But only the last few names..."

Seeing that Heloise's tone slowed down, Ronald replied:

"You mean those cult warlocks?"

"The cult warlock in the Baprole school who chose to betray?"

Heloise nodded and immediately said a name:

"Little William Airland, there's a guy with that name that you have to watch out for."

"If my memory is correct, this person should be a very important person in the cult warlock, and his identity is almost Baproul's deputy."


At this moment, there was only an awkward smile on Ronald's face.

Even the vice hierarch can go against it...

This guy actually still finds time to work part-time, and he has to continue to investigate carefully?

As expected of Baproul!

There really is his!

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