Mystic Dominator

Chapter 531: publishing house clerk

"Ronald, how many of your books are left to finish?"

"The main context is almost the same. However, the details and wording still need to be considered, and it should take a lot of time to complete."

Springs in September, the air in the city began to show signs of decline.

Ronald leaned down and held the pen lightly, his eyes carefully scanning the words on the desk. In another corner of the office, Heloise was working on a little bit of information on child placement.

For the children in the industrial zone, Ronald settled down through the Chamber of Commerce's relationship. He is not trying to save all the unfortunate saints, but the things before him can still lend a helping hand.

And I have to say, there are always some things in this world that exceed people's expectations.

Originally in Ronald's thoughts.

After the fight that night, Arya was supposed to take the Nutcracker and seal it.

However, after the follow-up [Twelve Witch] people came and explained the reason, the guardian of the dream fairy tale did not raise any objection, but agreed with Ronald to complete the agreement to hand over the Nutcracker to the [Twelve Witch].

At this point, the event of [Twelve Witch] recovering the original text in Springs has come to an end.

Take advantage of the time that passes in between.

Ronald also easily learned the magic of the Nutcracker.

- Create puppet guards.

- Enhanced puppet weapons and combat abilities.

——Transfer one's own consciousness into the puppet.

——Sacrifice a certain number of puppets to transform the surrounding area into a puppet stupefied area.

——Ignoring the distance, he directly summoned the puppet he made to his side.

There are five spells in total, all of which can be used without any cost. Although Ronald does not have the original tome, he can use it according to the normal casting process.

Before Arya left Springs, of course.

Ronald had no idea of ​​using this series of spells for the time being.

And even more terrible, the spell to transfer consciousness is of a type that cannot be reversed unilaterally. In other words, Rumir, who chose to transfer his consciousness, can only use the body of a puppet until his death, and can never return to the body of a human.

As for the legendary spell that can completely replace humans with puppets...

Ronald was not given the right to use it.

This thing should be the complete technique of "The Little Man with a Walnut".

Only under the premise of complete control of the original tome, and the original tome itself is in his hands, can the technique of completeness be performed.

bang bang bang --

There was a knock on the door of the office, and the people in the first-floor office shouted from outside:

"Mr. Ronald, someone from the publishing house is looking for you."

"Please come up-"

After this period of time, people outside also knew Ronald's character.

He simply pushed open the door of the office, turned around and walked towards the stairs on the second floor.

With Ronald's excellent hearing, he could even hear him 'Mr. Ronald is waiting for you upstairs, the one with the door open. ' guidance.

After a while, the sound of hard-soled leather shoes stepping on the wooden stairs sounded.

A man with a briefcase walked up the second floor with a smile on his face, and then walked into Ronald's office.

Men who often run business outside are no strangers.

His eyes swept across Ronald and Heloise, he went straight to the desk and sat down, pouring himself a glass of water while putting down his briefcase.

"Mr. Ronald, I heard that you plan to contact our publishing house to publish a book, is that correct?"


Ronald didn't respond to the man right away.

He looked at the other person several times, and then raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Paprole, why is it you again?"

The one who appeared in the office was the head of the cult warlock, Baproul. Unlike the last time when he sold water purifiers, this guy has changed his body again and became a salesperson of a publishing house in Springs!

"Hey, hey, life is forced."

Hearing Ronald's question, a smile appeared on Baproul's face.

With a wave of his hand, a light magic force pushed the door to close and lock. During this period, the guy visibly pulled the collar, obviously showing off his newly bought neat suit.

Ronald also deliberately praised:

"The suit is nice."

"Thank you!" Baprol was very impressed. With a look of joy on his face, he immediately opened the file bag on the table, "Don't worry, I will definitely give you the best conditions for publishing books."

Several consecutive sheets of paper are taken out of the file bag.

Ronald got up and walked over to check, which were all intent contracts for publishing books.

Baprol this guy...

Not to mention the questionable identity of the cult warlock.

As far as the work on the bright side of the society is concerned, his work ability is indeed quite outstanding.

"I'll take it and see for myself."

Ronald whispered something, then picked up the contract and started reading.

It may be because of the Ginkgo Biloba Chamber of Commerce, or it may be that Baproul knows his identity. There are basically no commercial traps or misleading contracts on the table today, which is a pretty good attitude.


For the first few minutes, Baproul just quietly watched Ronald read the contract.

In the meantime, he also took time to drink a sip of tea, and then cast a friendly look at Heloise.

It's a pity that the girl did not respond to the cult warlock's offer.

Flicking through the information in her hands, Heloise didn't even move her eyes to Baproul.

Another few minutes passed, and Baproul finished drinking the tea in his hand.

He looked at Ronald, who was reviewing the contract, and suddenly realized:

"Ah yes!"

"Besides the publishing house, I have something to talk to you about today."

"Ronald, aren't you busy?"

Now that's the right thing to say...

Ronaldo glanced at Paprol, then put down the contract and sat across the table.

"Is it about the mystery side?"

"You're so good at predicting things!" Probably before he left his identity as a salesman, Baproul flattered himself before continuing, "Isn't this the harvest day is coming soon?"

"In order to ensure that our plan goes smoothly... Recently this evening, do you have time to come out?"

Ronald raised his and realized the meaning of Baproul's words:

"Who are we going to deal with?"

Baprol replied immediately:

"Some dudes who don't have very good brains."

"Dantrian's methods are really clever, [Nine Rings Secret Society] is now in a lot of trouble."

"But at the same time, there are some little guys who get the news who are not very smart. They think they can get a lot of gains from this matter, and there are even people who plan to completely betray the mysterious side."

Ronald nodded in understanding, and threw a second question:

"You have a list of these people?"

Baproul's expression finally turned serious:

"The people who must be solved, at least there will be no omissions."

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