Mystic Dominator

Chapter 533: night activities

Baproul strictly adhered to the agreed time.

On the third night, the cult warlock knocked on the door of Ronald's apartment on time.

bang bang bang --

"Ronald, are you at home?"


"You came on time, Paprol."

Ronald, who had been ready for a long time, opened the door, and the figure of the cult warlock at the door came into view. Tonight's Baproul was finally no longer dressed like the previous employee, but a dark red simple robe.

Ronald looked at it carefully.

Barely can feel a hidden evil magic from this robe.

This thing must be a magic item with clever craftsmanship, maybe it is something famous in the Baprole school.

The cult warlock calmly accepted Ronald's scrutiny.

He glanced at the house along the door, but did not see the figure of Heloise, and then turned back to Ronald without caring:

"Let's go?"


It's getting late now.

Ronald and Baprole left the apartment and walked out into the street. There were hardly any people outside in the riverside area, only the boats on the River Wess accompanied them.

That is, after leaving the street where the apartment is located.

Ronald took the initiative to ask:

"Paproul, should we have the details tonight?"

The cult warlock immediately responded:

"More than tonight's route, I'm ready for the future. However, these guys are not the masters of peace. In just a few days, two of them have committed crimes by themselves, and they were arrested on the spot by people from the Investigation Bureau. "


Is this to praise the investigation bureau for its excellent work ability, or is it to lament that this group of magicians just hadn't cleaned up?

Thinking about what I've seen and heard in Springs these days.

Ronald couldn't help shaking his head.

The times of this world are developing rapidly, but many people on the mysterious side have not kept up with the rhythm at all. Especially those spellcasters who came to Springs from other places after hearing the news, some of them even made big jokes.

In such a complex environment, it is difficult for these guys who only understand the study of spells.

With emotion in his heart, Ronald continued to speak to Baproul while advancing:

"In that case, let's talk about the route."

The cult warlock immediately replied:

"Tonight, we will clean up a total of five things that don't have long eyes. The first three belong to speculators with little ability. If you teach them a lesson, they will roll out of Springs with their tails tucked."

"But the latter two... are more troublesome. They are all stubborn things. If they don't come up with some powerful means, they will definitely not be able to handle it."


Ronald listened quietly to Baproul's introduction.

In the past three days, Ronald also made preparations, and took time with Heloise to conduct a basic investigation of the forces on the list. The cult warlock did not use Ronald against his enemies, and the descriptions in the plan fully matched the findings.

Finish explaining tonight's action plan.

Paprol started chatting with Ronald on and off.

The two maintained this state, walking steadily in the darkness of Springs.

The first target's stronghold is located in the Eastern City.

More than half an hour after leaving the river bank area, Ronald and Baproul came to the outside of each other's stronghold.

This is an unremarkable two-storey building, which is indistinguishable from the surrounding residential buildings. Even evaluating it at the level of a mysterious side caster, there is a sense of poverty here.

Looking at the building in front of him, Ronald slightly adjusted the detection range of the power of 'Rage'. Among them were the four men with a calm mind, which matched the roster provided by Baprol.

"All four are inside, shall we go in?"

Hearing Ronald describe the situation in the room, Baproul's face under the dark red robe showed a smile:

"I'll have a chat with them first, Ronald, you should just be in charge of the formation outside."

"Actually, I am quite confident in my eloquence."

When the voice fell, Baprol stepped forward generously, and then knocked on the door very politely.

bang bang bang --

"Ain, Langton, are you at home?"

"I have a product...something I want to talk to a few of you about!"

Ronald took two steps back silently, then folded his arms and focused on Baproul's actions.

This action was not because Ronald felt that Baproul was going to have an accident.

But tonight's action is the first time he has cooperated with this cult warlock in a strict sense. Now he will first observe the other party's habits, and then make appropriate responses to various situations.

The situation on the other side of the house continues.

After Paproul knocked on the door, the mood of the four people in the room suddenly tightened, and one of them came to the door calmly.

This guy didn't open the door either, and shouted outside through the door:

"Baprol, what are you doing here!"

"Is it because the people from the Investigation Bureau don't bother you, so you want to send it to your door to be arrested?"

The guy who shouted was the calmer of the four.

But now that the famous cult leader came to the door in person, there was still a hint of cowardice in his tone.

And then...then Baprol laughed.

Wearing a dark red robe, there was a smile on his face that he thought was relatively friendly, and his magic-wrapped palm poked directly on the doorknob.

For a moment.

The door lock was melted into a mud-like material by an unknown spell, which flowed to the ground and turned into a mess.

Paprol easily pushed open the unlocked door.

A step and walked in front of the person in the house.

"Friend, thank you for your reminder. Before I came here today, I didn't expect that someone would care whether I would be caught by the Bureau of Investigation!"

Baproul seemed to take the other's threat as a kind reminder.

So much so that in Ronald's reconnaissance spell, he actually felt his joy.

Just standing in front of Baprol.

The person who had just talked to him next door was not calm.

Seeing the cult warlock in a dark red robe walking in front of him, this guy even trembled in his voice:

"You...what do you want to do?"

" We didn't want to provoke you!"

The cult warlock smiled even more, shaking his head and taking the initiative to express his purpose:

"Actually, I have nothing else to do."

"I just heard that you are not very calm recently, so I came here to persuade a few words. The situation in Springs has been very complicated recently, and people are dying at every turn. Considering the factors of personal safety, I suggest that you leave Datrian alone. Things, go home honestly."


Hear Baproul's 'suggestion'.

The face of the person talking changed suddenly, and he fell back and sat on the ground.

"You... how did you know this?"

"Obviously this is top secret news!"

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