Mystic Dominator

Chapter 530: "The Arabian Nights"

With the experience of working with Ronald last time.

After Arya came inside the building, she was not surprised by the scene in front of her.

The girl's eyes turned on the ground, and she easily saw Lumir who was buried under the ruins at the moment.

- The body of the puppet.

——Completely in line with the magic fluctuations of fairy tale spells.

— and Ronald's hostile attitude.

With multiple conditions coming together, Arya can determine at a glance what the picture in front of her means without even asking.

In the process of she sensed the reaction and rushed over.

Ronald tackled Rumille alone and then came away with a landslide victory.

"As expected of Adler..."

With a voice that only she could hear, Arya put away the umbrella with ease, and then moved her gaze to Ronald's hand.

The nutcracker-shaped object exudes magical power fluctuations in this man's hands at this moment.

So Arya spoke up:

"Ronald, it looks like you've got something."

Ronald shrugged indifferently:

"It took some effort, but I finally got it."

Ronald and Arya were talking leisurely here, and Rumil, who saw this scene in his eyes, didn't want to stop there. She shook her body vigorously to remove some dust, and then shouted directly with her wooden mouth:

"Woman! The man in front of you is not the Ronald Adler you imagined! He..."

"To shut up!"


There was a situation that made Rumil completely desperate.

She was just about to reveal the information and Ronald was dead, but before Ronald himself could react, Arya, who was holding the umbrella in her hand, reacted first.

The invisible huge palm slammed down from the air, directly smashing the Rumir puppet who was talking a second ago into powder. Wait until Rumil's consciousness wakes up again...

Now she has been transferred to another puppet under the passive effect of the spell.


Seeing the blank puppet on her face, Arya sneered twice.

"The Eternal Mouse Puppet Legion-Once the puppet that houses the practitioner's body consciousness is destroyed, its own consciousness will automatically transfer to the nearest puppet until all the works are completely consumed."

"Am I right, this lovely thief?"


Hearing this, Ronald raised his eyebrows slightly.

As the guardian of dream fairy tales, Arya can hardly make a mistake in judging the effect of this spell. It seems that his guess in the battle just now is not a problem.

And under the rocks.

Arya explained the effect of her spell in one go.

After Lumil was shocked, he glared at the other party viciously.

"So, are you going to kill me?"

"To be honest, I'd rather welcome this approach."

Seeing that the hope of retrieving the Nutcracker was completely shattered, Rumil could let go at this moment.

She hides quite a few puppets elsewhere in Springs.

Even by ship and rail, many puppet packages have been sent to all corners of the world.

There is this level of trump cards in hand.

All she had to wait was for the enemy in front of her to completely destroy the puppet.

Rumir even counted the exposure of his own spell effects. Even if the enemy chooses not to destroy her puppet but to seal it, hoping to solve him permanently, Rumir also has a special response.

Once spells like seals start working on these puppets.

The part of the spell base responsible for her consciousness would begin to crumble itself.

At that time, Rumir will still be able to get out of the enemy's control with the help of spells, and then completely hide his traces. Who will be the final winner?

But soon, Arya's reaction gave her an ominous premonition.

I saw the guardian of the dream fairy tale walked to the puppet and bent slightly, with a sinister smile on his face:

"Why, do you think you can run away?"

"Among the **** that used this spell in the past, are you the only one who thought of using consciousness transfer to avoid failure? And we have no way to deal with it at all?"


At this moment, Rumir's heart was like falling into an ice cave.

Arya's words were not something indecipherable like a canonical incantation, requiring a clever translator to understand.

She immediately realized that the other party had a solution against her.

At this moment, Arya turned around and used a very standard gesture to give Ronald a lady's courtesy:

"Ronald, let me give you a present."

Ronald was naturally happy to see it, so he immediately nodded in agreement:

"Then I'll thank you for the gift first."

Arya smiled slightly and moved.

She stretched out her arm, and a mysterious symbol flashed on her fair skin. Just as Ronald summoned the original, Arya took out her original in front of Ronald for the first time.

Ronald also recognized the text on the cover.

—— "The Arabian Nights"

Immediately, Arya opened the famous fairy tale and whispered one of the stories:

"Once upon a time, there was an old fisherman, his family was very poor... For the first time, he found a dead donkey in his fishing net. He was disappointed. Terracotta... The third time, the fisherman was almost desperate... The fourth time... There was a gall-shaped brass bottle in the fishing net... A huge devil floated out of it..."

The story of the fisherman and the devil was read word for word.

During this period, although Arya occasionally got out of tune, she finally read to the end after stumbling.

And with 'The fisherman threw the devil's bottle into the sea with force. ' This sentence is definitely a powerful source of magic power manifested in Arya's hands.

A brass bottle first appeared in the girl's hand.

The mouth of the bottle was aimed at Lumir, who was motionless and completely unable to resist, and Arya smiled again:

"Believe it or not, I can put you in a bottle?"


The moment the voice fell, Rumir, who was in puppet state, turned into a cloud of smoke, and with a puff, he got into the brass bottle. At this time, a piece of tin foil sealed the lid, completely blocking the inside and outside of the bottle.


"what did you do to me!"

"I...what's the matter with me...why are my settings not taking effect?"

Rumil's voice came from the Now she really has no chance to resist.

The spell in Arabian Nights is different from normal spells. It is not a seal in the general sense, but transforms Rumir from an entity into a smoke, and then stuffs it into a brass bottle for preservation.

Lumir in the form of smoke can't do self-mutilation at all, and can't perform any activities in this state, and destroying the bottle composed of magic is even more delusional.

At this time, Arya smiled and handed the bottle full of Rumir's wailing to Ronald with ease:

"How about this gift?"

"Do you like it?"

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