Mystic Dominator

Chapter 529: "Walnut Man"


In the ruins of the basement, the black fog of **** constantly searching for every inch of land suddenly triggered an inconspicuous defensive spell.

The spell is placed on the wall, protecting a small niche.

At the moment when the spell on the niche was activated, all the puppets under Rumir's control were on guard. Ronald saw the appearance of the other party, and immediately realized that what the mist found was the key.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the building came to the most tense moment.

Rumil knew that there was no room for easing the relationship between the two, and also understood that it would be difficult for him to surrender now.

However, this is absolutely not conducive to her situation.

However, his combat power is still significantly weaker than that of Ronald on the other side.

There is no chance of winning in the battle... Then, we can only find a way to escape from other directions.

"Ronald, listen!"

Lumil's mind turned sharply.

Just as the mist in the basement poured into the alcove and began to try to decipher the spell on it, she spoke to Ronald in a broken-hearted tone:

"I can make a contract with you that has the effect of magic!"

"If you let me go tonight, until I die, you will never be your enemy in any form or in anything!"


Ronald made no conditions at all in Lumire.

While the other party gave in, he instead strengthened his magical support for the power of hell. In just an instant, the spell covered by the niche was completely destroyed by the mist.

Then, along the gap in the niche, the mist rushed in immediately.

In the face of such a situation, Rumil couldn't care less about bargaining, so speaking is the biggest bargaining chip she uses now:

"Ronald, your identity!"

"You must be curious about how you got here?"

"The only descendant of the Adler family was invaded by a monster of unknown origin, and it also has the ability to decipher the original text. Don't you want it to spread out!"


Hearing Rumier say this, Ronald's movements finally stopped slightly.

It's a pity that things are completely different from what Lumire expected.

Ronald's hesitation only lasted for a moment, and then his eyes completely lowered.

The controlled **** black fog drilled into the alcove in the basement.

It didn't take a few seconds for something tied with cloth strips to be pulled out.


From the basement to above the ground.

In just a few breaths, Ronald lightly caught the object that the mist threw on his hand.

Then, looking at Rumier, who did not dare to act rashly, Ronald said:

"You care about that, don't you?"


Just as Ronald had said, Rumil's pair of wooden eyeballs stared intently at the object in his hand, not taking a second to move from it.

this attitude.

There is no doubt about the importance of what Ronald has in his hands.

After hesitating for a moment, Rumier also made her last effort. She said in a friendly tone as much as possible:

"Ronald, I suggest you think again."

"Sometimes it's easier to solve a problem with dialogue than with force."

Ronald gave Rumil an indifferent smile:

"If you say this in the suburbs a few days ago, before you specifically set an ambush for me... Probably, it still has a thousandth effect?"

Immediately, in front of Lumil.

Ronald undid the tangled cloth.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

The thing wrapped under the cloth strip is a small tool for breaking walnuts, and the shape takes the shape of a doll that children will like.

A walnut biting villain.

Or rather - the Nutcracker.

Is this really an original? Or the carrier used to transmit knowledge, can it also be such a thing?

The doubts in Ronald's heart instantly emerged.

He certainly knows the Nutcracker fairy tale and some of its spin-offs.

But to say that this kind of scripture has nothing to do with books at all, that is really the first time I have seen it.

Especially as the holder of multiple originals.

Ronald could clearly perceive the magic on this Nutcracker at this moment.

There is almost no doubt about this thing, it is definitely the fundamental source of Rumir's spell ability!

boom -

Suddenly, violent movements sounded from the side of the building.

The moment Ronald and Lumil didn't react, an invisible force directly smashed the wall outside the office building. Among the splashing dust and stones, Ronald captured a fleeting image.

Under the dark night sky.

A figure holding an umbrella emerged from the sky, and was rushing towards the location of the building. This sudden burst of power also comes from the figure in the air.



In order to accurately control the battle situation before, Ronald narrowed the detection range of the power of 'Rage' to a certain extent. But even if it was just a silhouette in the dust, he could recognize who the owner of the figure was.

Arya was able to arrive quickly after the last outpost.

This time in the city of Springs, the guardian fairy arrived faster!

At this moment, Rumil, who was beside him, seemed to think that the opportunity was coming, so he said without hesitation:

"Ronald, it's still too late for us to sign the contract!"

"I can share the spells on this original book with you. You would never want others to take a share of the pie. This is the original book!"


Ronald's reaction was again beyond Rumill's expectations.

In the dusty building, the man gave her a sarcastic smile. At this moment, for some unknown reason, Lumir felt that the other party was condescending and he was a frog in the well.

"When you see the original text, you can't wait to rush up?"

"In order to pursue a little power, can you even put aside your own bottom line?"

"Or... don't you think that I can't afford to eat tomorrow without a copy of the original?"

The voice fell, and Ronald snapped his fingers lightly.

With a light sound of 'pop', the scattered earth and rocks rose into the air, directly pressing Lumir, who was at a loss, below.

This time, the output of the [Chief Angel] was very Some relatively large stones hit the ground, and were even firmly embedded in the very deep position of the floor.

Lumil tried to struggle.

However, with her current puppet body, there is really no chance of escape.

Feeling the pressure coming from her body, Rumil raised her resentful gaze upwards.

At this moment, a gust of wind was blowing.

A ray of moonlight shone through the clouds, illuminating the otherwise hard-to-see night.

In the night when the scattered dust was swept away, Kumir saw a woman holding an umbrella slowly descending from the sky, and then walked gently into the broken gap of the building.

Ronald, who had just defeated himself, was saluting this woman politely:

"Alia, you're here too..."

"Mr. Ronald, good evening—"

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