Mystic Dominator

Chapter 528: final test

Even if this has never happened before.

But for things like adventure or horror movies, Ronald has seen a lot of them for the time being.

Even if it's just this small detail.

He couldn't have guessed what was happening in front of him.

Raising his sword with one hand and pointing at the puppet standing last, Ronald said confidently:

"Lumil, there's no need to hide yourself like this."

"I can see it."


After Ronald spoke, the room fell silent again.

On one side was the puppet standing motionless and vaguely guarding the rear, and on the other side was Ronald, whose eyes were unwavering and seemed to have no doubts about the matter.

The two sides maintained this silence for a few seconds.

In the end, it was Lumil who couldn't bear it any longer.

It was the puppet that Ronald noticed. At this moment, he actually opened his mouth and said in Rumir's voice:

"Ronald... how did you see that?"

Ronald mocked back without hesitation:

"Am I right?"

"You're expecting an enemy to help you find your flaws?"

That being said, Ronald's alertness level has now been raised to an extremely high level.

Rumil's ability to transfer consciousness between his puppets shows how tricky it is just by looking at his current performance.

But if you focus on that.

Then you will ignore the most important things.

- Lumil's attitude.

Having mastered this ability to transfer consciousness, this guy can theoretically escape at any time without any degree of scruples towards Ronald.

But now what?

Even though he was staying in the unfamiliar and rough puppet body, Rumil still did not choose to leave.

Something that restrains the opponent from escaping immediately.

It must be something very important to her!

Quickly analyzing the situation, Ronald immediately had an idea in his mind.

- The original!

——The original text that Rumier stole!

This original book, which originated from a certain myth, is very likely to be hidden in this building at this moment. This is also the biggest restraint that Rumil has been reluctant to leave decisively.

Her consciousness can be transferred elsewhere.

But the canon of existence does not work.

In this world, not everyone is like Ronald, who can hide the scriptures on their wrists when they come up.

Rumil lacked a way to take the original text away, so he seemed to be at a loss at this moment. After all, if she sacrificed all her puppets now, she would be giving Ronald full control of the building.

The truth of the matter...will it be what Ronald thought?

With his thoughts locked on this guess, Ronald decisively chose to use reality to test Lumir's reaction.

The black mist of **** that had been poured into the basement immediately turned into a diligent and responsible searcher and began to work, and began to dig through the basement with the momentum of digging three feet.

The puppets in front of the Rumirs didn't seem to be able to carry the original scriptures.

If Ronald guessed correctly, the other party's original may even be hidden in the basement next to him.

And then, Rumil became restless.

Aware of Ronald's actions at the moment, she could no longer maintain the appearance of the confrontation between the two sides, and the spell that she continued to prepare went straight out of her hand.

boom -

Violent vibrations came from underfoot and around.

In response to the magic power released by Lumir, a large number of pale wooden arms of different sizes emerged from the floor, wall, and roof that were originally motionless.

These arms seemed to be under the control of some kind of will, constantly dancing and grasping back and forth in their original position, trying to capture any living thing they could reach.

And Ronald...

As the object that Lumil hoped to stop, he was facing the worst situation now.

The floor he stepped on stretched out his arms and claws towards his ankles and calves, the arms protruding from the top of his head came straight to his neck and eyes, and even the arms protruding from the surrounding walls, their movements were clearly intended. The purpose of limiting Ronald's range of action.

Only in the blink of an eye.

The first floor of a featureless office building has become a place full of arms waving, almost in a horror dream.


However, even in the face of such a situation, the expression on Ronald's face still did not change much. Even though the arm on him was already weakening the defense of the [Guardian Angel], he remained calm.

Ronald's response was very simple.

Raised the Sword of Santa Caterina, and slammed it into the floor in front of him.


In an instant, the effect of the sun's power to restrain evil appears here.

Brilliant flames ignited on the pale arms, and the effect was as if the fire had been poured into a blast, and no arm could withstand this force and scorch for more than five seconds.

After that, the power of the bright Sun Yao swept through the room like a line of fire with the help of these best fuels.

The pale arm that was still menacing just now was simply and rudely washed away.


For this building, this spell collision has done a very good cleaning. The room where Ronald and Lumil were located was cleaned up as clean as a new factory after being tossed by the power of the arm and the sun.

The last things to see in the room now - Ronald, Rumil and her puppet, the basement entrance, the door that had just been locked.

That's all.

It was at this moment that Ronald pointed the tip of the Sword of Santa Caterina at Rumier, and said in a frivolous tone:

"Why... after I saw through so many things, why didn't you run away?"


Lumil's response was silence.

Almost two or three breaths passed, and this guy seemed to have given up hope of resistance, and even directed all the puppets to rush towards Ronald together!

Look at her momentum and overflowing magic.

Rumil has given up calculations and temptations, and intends to admit his failure tonight, and then use the final battle to end everything.

Unfortunately, Ronald did not cooperate with her plan.

After several jumps in a row to spread the Ronald maintained his indifferent expression and actions, and began to formulate new tactics in his heart.

Since you guessed so many things right.

Then he now also has the capital belonging to the stronger side.

before ending tonight's fight.

Ronald wants to test one last thing—

Does Rumir's ability to transfer consciousness require the destruction of the puppet that currently harbors consciousness, or is it a spell completely controlled by her?

Due to his understanding and familiarity with the original spells, Ronald felt that this was something worth exploring.

If the guess is correct and the action is successful.

Then tonight.

Not only can he get what he needs, but he can also get rid of Rumir in the true sense!

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