Mystic Dominator

Chapter 499: people in conference room

Ronald and Muri went down to the basement of the library together.

I just came to the transfer point of the seminar, and the seriousness of this meeting tonight was directly displayed in front of Ronald.

Compared to the calm on the ground.

The underground part of the building has been under full martial law.

Not to mention key nodes such as corners or halls, even in places like ordinary corridors, investigators paced back and forth a few meters apart.

There was still something wrong with Ronald's previous estimates.

Daantrian didn't ignore security because he was so arrogant that he was strong enough, but the most elite defense forces were all arranged in the basement of the library.

With this level of defensive power...

The vigilance of the [Book Scroll Research Association] tonight is even stronger than the last White Shore Castle!

Aware of Ronald's eyes and reaction, Muri's temperament began to change gradually. While walking forward, the girl greeted Ronald in a low voice:

"Ronald, let's go."


Feeling the change in Muri's temperament, Ronald realized that the girl's dominant consciousness had changed. Responding to the other side in a low voice, he also walked over together.

The two men's destination is the tunnel where Laboratory No. 1 is located.

In addition to the most important research departments, large conference rooms and processing offices belonging to the Research Society are also housed here. Walking along the passage for about 100 meters, the two turned left and pushed open the door of the office.

"Ms. Murray, Mr. Ronald."

As soon as the door was opened, the investigator guarding the door bowed to them and saluted.

The investigator's pupils showed a very special purple color, and there were signs of the flow of magic power. If nothing else, this is the spell responsible for the detection of the admission personnel.

Under the scrutiny of the man in front of him, Ronald didn't feel any magic touch him, only the gaze of the other party hovered over him.

Almost two breaths have passed.

The men quickly completed the check, then made way for them into the conference room.

The conference room of the No. 1 laboratory is very large.

The semi-circular stepped space is divided into two parts: the podium and the seats. On the premise that each seat has sufficient width and spacing, there is no problem for hundreds of people to be present at the same time.

After about a circle, Ronald asked:

"Miao Li, where do we sit?"

Muri immediately replied:

"I'm going to sit with the people from the seminar later."

"As for Ronald, you...well, as you are, you can just find a spot in the second or first row, and no one will come to trouble you tonight."

The voice fell.

Miao Li turned around and walked towards the middle height on the left side of the conference room.

Ronald looked in the direction the girl was heading. Several research leaders with identities such as Hughes were already sitting there, but none of the ordinary researchers were missing.

When Muri sat at the front of the team.

Immediately, someone on their side started talking, and then started talking in a low voice.

Vaguely, it can be seen that under the premise that this consciousness is the dominant body, Miao Li should be an existence with a high status in the research society.

During this process, there were constantly eyes on Ronald.


Ronald accepted the gazes with equanimity and sat himself in the right seat in the first row.

Although the time has not yet come to the official start of the meeting.

But there are a lot of people who are already seated here.

He looked back carefully at the conference room.

Ronald found that many of his acquaintances were sitting here.

On the left side under the [Book Research Association], three nobles with white-blond hair sat in the front row. They were swordsmen from the Nicklaus family, Patricia and her relatives.

In the front row of seats in the center of the conference room, the top-level and three-department ministers of the Bureau of Investigation, whom Ronald had met through social activities, sat in the second row. In front of these three high-ranking people, there was a squinting middle-aged man taking a nap.

Being able to sit in front of the three ministers...

I'm afraid this is the chief director of the [Grid Mystery Investigation Bureau].

At the same time, Ronald cared about the side of the chief.

Now he is not alone.

There are also a maid with a serious expression sitting on the left and right sides, and a young man with a meticulous expression, sitting upright, and carrying a sword. Behind the two also sat some people who were obviously their subordinates.

As for Ronald and this group of people...

Smiling old friends are here in uniform clergy attire. Among them were the friends Ronald knew at the Three Spirits Monastery, as well as the absolute high-ranking priests.

Nobles, bureaus of investigation, churches, people directly under the royal family...

The big man who is loyal to the mysterious side of the country is basically here tonight.

Of course, that doesn't mean these people are the only ones in the room. On the right side of Ronald sitting now, and the entire circle of seats farthest from the podium, there are casters who do not belong to this ranks.

The top performers of other chambers of commerce, representatives of the university school...

People with these identities are basically sitting here.

But they are also different from Ronald. These people basically only sit in the upper middle position, and no one sits directly in the first or second row like Ronald.

Turning back and looking away, Ronald sighed in a low voice:

"In this way, my current status is really not low..."


People in the conference room are deliberately paying attention to the sounds they make.

So it's pretty quiet here.

And as time goes by, those who attend today's meeting are also gradually entering. Casters from other official institutions filled the seats, and some powerful casters other than Grid, or those with respected status, also began to appear.

For example, the countess Leticia, who had a good relationship with Ronald, sat in the first row on Ronald's left after entering the venue, and greeted Ronald during the period.

Faced with this meeting room with more and more people, even close to a hundred people.

Ronald pondered the possibility of this convocation in his Before entering the [Book Scroll Research Association], he really did not expect a convocation of this magnitude. A spellcaster of this level can say that he can draw any ten of them to form a strategic-level force that can siege the city.

Her Majesty the Queen, summoned all these people at the same time...

It could only be related to the important festival of the harvest day, right?

It's a pity that Ronald's speculation was quickly overturned by a bizarre reality.

There is still an hour before the meeting starts.

A man in a washed-to-fading suit with a box of night fried rice in his hand passed the inspection and entered the conference room.

This is an acquaintance.

Ronald recognized the identity of the other party with just one glance.

Cult Warlock - Baprol!

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