Mystic Dominator

Chapter 500: The knowledge of sitting

What are you doing? joke?

Can the head of the cult warlock also attend this meeting?

If Ronald's memory is not wrong, Baprol is definitely marked as a dangerous person by Grid, and he is even wanted!

Ronald still trusts the investigator in charge of the inspection at the door.

Baproul can pass the inspection of the other party and the level of the [Scroll Research Association] on the ground, so he must have really been invited to come here.

So...what the **** is going on here?

Ronald's brain was in chaos, but Baprole, who walked into the conference room, swayed around here, and immediately locked onto Ronald sitting on the right.

With Ronald's expression of "you don't come here".

The cult leader didn't seem to notice anything, and walked over to him with a smile.

It was also the first row of seats, so he sat next to Ronald's right side.

Baproul greeted immediately:

"Mr. Ronald, what a coincidence!"

"You're here today~"


In the face of Baproul's move, Ronald really felt that he was in bad luck.

Moving cautiously, he looked around the conference room out of the corner of his eye.

Baproul's identity seemed to be kept fairly well kept, and while some people noticed the new man in the front row, most of them didn't follow up either.

Only the Chief of the Investigation Bureau, who was taking a nap, seemed to tilt his head in this direction; and the leading clergyman on the church side also began to look at Baprol with a smile.

Then, the head of the cult warlock politely controlled the volume of his speech and waved to the leaders of the church and the Bureau of Investigation:

"You two, long time no see-"


The church and the investigators couldn't handle the warm greeting from Baproul.

They clearly recognized the identity of the head of the cult warlock.

But for some reason, he couldn't take down this guy here.

So they turned their attention at the same time, and they began to instruct the clergy and investigators in a low voice, never looking at where Baproul was.

Facing this situation, Baproul nodded with satisfaction.

Then he said to Ronald:

"It looks like everyone welcomes me, right?"


"You... how did you get here?"

Ronald looked at the cult warlock with a smug look on his face, as if he had won some major victory, and couldn't help asking, "If I remember correctly, shouldn't you have a bad relationship with Springs?"

Baproul's expression was meticulous, and he immediately answered Ronald's question:

"Relationship is something that can always be improved."

Ronald's expression was rather skeptical:

"What happened to improve your relationship with Springs?"


"It hasn't happened yet."

"Then tell me this!"

"I'm just showing this possibility, Ronald, don't get excited."

After being questioned one after another by Ronald, Baproul finally scratched his hair and replied:

"Actually, it was Dantrian who invited me over, and it was clearly stated in the words that this matter was very important, and even related to any group on the mysterious side."

"As profound as I am, of course I will come."

Ronald took a serious look at the man in front of him.

After looking at the time for three or four breaths, I finally had to admit that this guy's brain is indeed not a small problem:

"It's a shame you dare to come..."

Baproul seemed to think that Ronald was complimenting him, so he smiled proudly and modestly:

"Hahaha, you passed the prize-"


Communicating with cult warlocks is overwhelming.

After a few chats, Ronald narrowed his eyes like the chief of the Bureau of Investigation, pretending to be taking a nap in his seat.

This is how to get rid of Baproul's bizarre conversation.

Time continued to pass while waiting, and no one wanted to sit around Ronaldo and Baprol.

There is still half an hour before the meeting time.

This delicate situation was finally broken.

At the entrance of the conference room, a beauty caster with an umbrella in one hand came in from there. She didn't bother to look at the other people in the conference room, and when she came in, she walked towards the first row with a clear purpose.

It was at this moment that she saw the situation on Ronald's side.

So without any hesitation, she sat next to Ronald's position on the left, and then greeted in a friendly tone:

"Ronald, good evening."


Hearing this voice, Ronald opened his eyes and looked over.

The person who dared to sit next to him in this situation was the powerful spellcaster Arya who smashed the hills with magic alone during the White Shore Castle incident!

"Are you here too?"

Arya put the umbrella across her lap, and nodded in response:

"Her Majesty's invitation, of course, is to come."

"But I didn't expect you to have a good relationship with this cult warlock, Ronald."

Seeing that someone finally came to chat, Baproul was very excited, and immediately interjected:

"Ronald is a good man. He even invited me to tea."

Arya sneered and raised her eyebrows:

"Oh—is that so?"

"You bastard, I'm afraid you posted it presumptuously. Do you know how much trouble this will cause people?"

Baprol immediately argued:

"How come, Ronald and I are good friends!"

"Besides, ordinary people see that I have a close relationship with the caster, and they will only think that I want to frame someone again, and this will not be any trouble."


It's not the first time you dare!

At this moment, Ronald really wanted to jump up and punch Baproul.

But at this moment, the dispute between Baproul and Arya has attracted the attention of most people in the conference room, and his actions will only make things worse.

No, maybe another way of saying it.

Ronald is probably doing everything wrong now, and even the act of being silent is a mistake in itself.

Get involved with this cult warlock chief.

It was one of his biggest mistakes.

"You two, I suggest you keep your voice low."


It was at this moment that a hearty voice sounded from behind the three of them, shutting Baproul and Alia, and at the same time saving the situation that had gradually deteriorated.

Ronald turned his head to look.

Entrod's head of spy, Lalaye, was sitting behind him with a smile on his face. Even when Ronald and his eyes met, the other party waved a friendly greeting!

Although this guy is not a good person, but he can help himself out of the siege...


At this moment, Ronald shuddered.

He didn't even turn his head, but thought about the situation around him in his mind.

Cult warlock, imperial spy, dangerous tome holder...

where you are sitting now.

Is there some technical problem?

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