Mystic Dominator

Chapter 498: true convenor

Almost two more hours passed.

Ronald finished writing today, and Heloise also sorted out today's work.

The two had dinner together in the commercial street.

After that, Heloise returned to the apartment in the river bank area with the manuscript, while Ronald went to Weiss University alone, preparing to participate in the invitation of the [Book Research Association] tonight.

Not that he didn't want to act with Heloise.

It's just that in the invitation letter, the [Book Scroll Research Association] specifically mentioned that this call must be kept secret, so no one who has not been invited can participate.

- Weiss University.

——Ronald is quite familiar with this place.

Because he had been working here for a long time, Ronald entered the university with ease and walked directly to the library where the [Book Research Association] was located.

Weiss University tonight...

According to Ronald's observations on the road, there were no special personnel changes here. Although Ronald was a few hours earlier, the students who came to play on campus were the same as before.

Even walking to the library, I didn't see any additional staff from the Bureau of Investigation to provide security.

If Ronald is to describe it.

Before entering the interior, tonight's [Book Scroll Research Conference] did not give people any tension at all, it was no different from the usual research conferences.

In this way, there are two possibilities.

——This invitation is actually a private secret gathering, so there will be no major problems, so everything is normal.

——The importance of this invitation is beyond imagination. Under the circumstance of strict secrecy, the [Book Research Association] and even the university have done the most detailed camouflage, trying not to leak any rumors.

"It shouldn't be as serious as I thought..."

Raising his eyebrows, Ronald thoughtfully walked into the library building.

Thinking that he didn't have the former researcher's pass, he walked directly to the office of the research society on the second floor.

However, just as he walked up the stairs, Miao Li, who was dressed in a simple dress, ran into him head-on.

Looking at Ronald in front of him, the girl's tone was a little surprised:

"Ro... Ronald, are you here so early?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"Didn't I just get off work. I thought I could save some road and check on Mr. Xiang's situation, so I came here first."

Ronald is telling the truth.

In the incident at Bai'an Castle, due to the influence of the follow-up actions of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], Mr. Xiang's treatment was finally delayed, and he did not receive immediate treatment.

As a result, he is still in a coma.

Facing the situation of failing to fulfill the promise, the [Book Scroll Research Association] promised Ronald high-level treatment for the old man, and then left the person in the [Book Scroll Research Association].

No messy, unexpected interruptions.

The ability of the [Book Research Association] can still be trusted.

During Ronald's several visits, the township's physical condition was gradually recovering, but he was only cautious about losing control of the magic power of the original scriptures.

"Is that so..."

"Then I'll take you away, let's go see Mr. Xiang first."

Muri was in a good mood when she met Ronald, and immediately took him to the rescue room in the library that was hidden by spells.

Sitting next to the old man, Ronald held the other's management to check.

Under the careful and careful treatment of the [Book Research Association], Xiang's body is no longer in serious trouble. At this rate, the old man can completely recover to health and regain his consciousness in at most a week.

Ronald felt a little at ease, so he smiled at Muri and said:

"Miao Li, I'm really bothering you."

The girl immediately got up and waved her hand:

"No, no, this is the dereliction of duty of the research institute. In order to redeem our reneged promise, no matter what kind of action we have to carry out."

Ronald responded immediately:

"I see your attitude in my eyes."

"A thank you is a must."

Although it was the [Book Scroll Research Association] that had a problem first, it was also because of the actions of the [Nine Rings Secret Association], and the responsibility was not on them in essence.

Ronald, as a source holder, naturally understands how tricky the out-of-control magic of the script is. To be able to achieve this level of stable treatment, the [Book Scroll Research Association] would have to work hard to guess.

Sitting on the side of the unconscious old man for a while.

Feeling that the time was almost up, Ronald got up and asked the girl in front of him:

"Miao Li, do you know why you invited me over tonight?"

"I'm curious about it being strictly confidential."

Ronald's words just came out, and Muri's expression changed.

The expression on the girl's face instantly became tense, and then she subconsciously looked at the north window of the room.

With just this reaction, Ronald knew that his previous guess was right.

To make Miao Li react like this, today's invitation is probably a serious issue beyond his imagination.

So... [Book Research Association] what exactly are you going to do?

Just when Ronald was thinking about it himself and wanted to deduce a result, Miao Li said with a tangled look in her eyes, and said in a very low voice:

"Ronald, it's inconvenient for me to say more about this matter. There are extremely powerful karma spells protecting what's going to happen tonight. You... I can only tell you that the master over there will also come tonight. "

While speaking, Miao Li stretched out her white fingers and pointed to the north window of the room.

Ronald followed her fingers and saw only a night sky with twinkling lights in the window.

[Book Research Association], or the north of Weiss University.

And there are causal magic escort.

Thinking farther away on the map of Springs, Ronald turned his attention from Weiss University to the entire Riverbank, and then locked on to the north of the Riverbank.

——The Imperial Palace area where Crown Road is located...

——【Tianhai Palace】……


At this moment, Ronald understood what Muri was referring to.

Tonight's invitation to the [Book Scroll Research Association], there is actually Queen Datrian to attend! This statement is not accurate!

It should be said that tonight's invitation was sent by Queen Datrian in the name of [Book Research Association] for the sake of confidentiality!

It is no wonder that there are no investigators sent by Jia outside.

Don't say whether those high-ranking bigwigs will show up here tonight.

The whole of Springs, and even the most powerful original holder in the whole world, is here tonight, and what could be more secure than that!


Ronald swallowed with a stiff expression.

Looking at Miao Li, who had the same serious expression in front of him, he opened his mouth and asked the last question:

"Are there going to be a lot of powerful people tonight?"

Mu Li nodded:


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