Mystic Dominator

Chapter 479: Legion Commander's Steal

As soon as Barbaba finished speaking, Ronald felt a pair of eyes locked on him in the 'clouds' above his head.

There is no doubt that the owner of this sight is the demon Lamer who just hid in it.

And this kind of stare is not the kind of staring at ordinary battles, and it is also accompanied by sudden magical fluctuations. Barbaba's words seemed to mention some key code, so Lamer finally used his hidden card ability.


Faced with this blatant threat, Ronald's reaction was also very direct.

With a wave of one hand, the spreading mist of **** buried him directly. While the castle hall was completely plunged into darkness, Ronald also felt the state of Barbaba in front of him.

The Wealth of Nations' spells are quite unique.

After dividing Ronald and his abilities equally, the guy chanted another spell. "Rage" and "Rape" undoubtedly touched Barbaba at the same time, and the magic power that slowly increased over time also covered this guy at this time.

If Ronald's reckoning isn't wrong.

In another minute or so, I am afraid that I will be at a disadvantage in pure power.

After all, his spell enhancement is divided equally by the enemy in front of him.

On the other hand, the opponent has his own additional spells to enhance combat capabilities.

First forcibly level the combat capabilities of both the enemy and us, and then strengthen themselves alone... If a person with a relatively simple spell type encounters this guy, it is almost impossible to find any chance of winning.

"It's ridiculous to try to trap the opponent with the maze created by the designer himself!

I have wide skies to go wherever I want..."

In a sudden change of mind, Ronald had already formulated a battle plan, and then activated the [Wings of Icarus].

The pure white wings flapped against the black fog of **** beside him, and Ronald's figure immediately jumped up, rushing towards the position of the demon Lamer.

The reason for this decision is simple.

While Barbaba used the powerful spells in "The Wealth of Nations", he also deliberately hinted that the demons in the air would assist him. The biggest possibility of this kind of behavior is that the spell prepared by Lamer is extremely powerful, and even a terrible ability that can directly determine the victory.

Ronald, no matter what, would never let such an enemy go!

Next, Barbaba on the ground also used actual actions to prove that Ronald's guess was completely correct.

Just as Ronald flew up, this guy did not hesitate to chant:

"If a man's possessions are only sufficient to support him for a few days or weeks..."

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, Ronald, who was flying in the air, let out a loud cry.

The power of the law of the [Angel of Dominion] was mixed with this angry shout, and it was immediately condensed into the simplest and most direct control power, and the spell that Barbaba had just uttered came to an abrupt end.

Immediately after that, even the power of **** and **** of the [Dominant Angel] came immediately, a posture that would immediately seize control of his body and will!


Faced with this situation, the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] who couldn't speak on the ground was stunned for a moment.

He could feel the situation where two magical powers appeared at the same time.

Also understand how powerful this spell is.

If there is no "Wealth of Nations" original spell to change the abilities of the two, I am afraid that I will be silent for nearly 10 seconds, instead of the current result of just interrupting the casting.

The holder of the tome is silenced for 10 seconds during combat...

This terrifying effect can undoubtedly directly determine the life and death of the two,

After two short breaths, Barbaba escaped from the control of the [Angel of Dominion]. He looked up into the pitch-black sky, and vaguely sensed Ronald's position.

in this very short period of time.

Ronald has already caught up with the flying demon Lamer, and his plan to stop the other party is completely bankrupt!



At this moment, the demon in the air reacted unexpectedly.

It saw that it was not as fast as Ronald, but fortunately did not choose to escape. Maintaining his highest position, the demon accelerated and inspired the spell he had been preparing, and at the same time made the sound of crows calling.


Then Ronald understood the danger of this demon.

At the moment when the crow croaked, the original script originally lodged in his hand suddenly appeared uncontrollably, and immediately flew away from his cuff to the direction of the devil Lamer!


How could the most important weapon, the original text, be taken away by the opponent at this time!

Ronald snapped his fingers instantly, and the [Archangel Archangel]'s ability to control objects locked the original text in his hands. Although this dangerous ability of Lamer is strange, it is still unable to directly confront the original spell itself.


Faced with such a situation, the demon's eyes in the air were a little helpless.

[The Legion Commander's Steal] is its strongest trump card in battle, directly dragging away the enemy's original record under a surprise attack. But in the face of a guy like Ronald who reacts quickly and has a variety of tricks, it is still an extravagant hope to win in one fell swoop.

Helplessly maintaining the spell, Lamer lowered the target level of his spell, and then accelerated the effect and intensity of the spell.

This time it worked.

Among the several spells Ronald maintained at the same time, it directly evaded the control of the power of "Rage". As a demon god, Lamer could sense the powerful power contained in this spell.

At this time, it will be replaced by Ronald's shock.

As a spell user, he actually lost control of the power of 'Rage' in an instant, half of the black fog spreading over the entire castle was out of control, and the rest was only the power of 'Rape'!


Almost at the same time, the white light of the [Guardian Angel] appeared on him.

Lamer, who stole the control of the power of 'Rage', was terrifyingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, he manipulated spells and launched a counterattack against Ronald.


While taking a deep breath, Ronald was still calmly analyzing the current situation.

Barbaba, who was still accumulating magic power on the ground, was ready to attack; in the air was the demon Lamer who stole his "Rage" power and then had no other reaction.

So keep going with the plan you made in the first place.

Or seize this opportunity, UU reading www.uukanshu. com first let the other party lose an important combat power?

Now or never!

Thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, and Ronald also confirmed his thoughts at the same time.

Combat is an ever-changing thing.

Trying to go exactly as planned will only put yourself at a disadvantage.

The best choice now is to take the lead in clearing up one of the enemies, and it is more important to create one's own advantage!

His eyes sank, and Ronald opened his mouth and chanted a spell that he hadn't used for a long time:

"We descended to the fourth gloomy pit,

Continue on the steep slopes of hell,

Here, the crimes of the entire universe are contained! "

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