Mystic Dominator

Chapter 480: Devil lays the floor


This is the first time Ronald has used this spell against an enemy.

"The Divine Comedy Hell - Greed".

Activate with Patricia in Burrenwich, then help them out of the Rampage.

In fact, it was just before the power of "Rage" was stolen by the demon Lamer.

Ronald also sensed Barbaba's emotions below.

Encountering an enemy like Ronald, this guy inevitably developed a very greedy mood. From the bottom of his heart, he really wanted to get the original text that Ronald used.

[Nine Rings Secret Society] Now he has mastered the special spell to decipher the original scriptures.

As one of the top leaders in the meeting, getting a new scripture is equivalent to rapidly increasing his enormous strength, which is an inevitable situation for normal people.

However, it is precisely because of this emotional change.

Make him the perfect target for Ronald's raid!


The next second, the rapid and solid magic power condensed out of the castle hall in an instant.

The terrifying stone ball with a diameter of several meters suddenly appeared there, and then ran over Barbaba!

This stone ball is by no means ordinary.

Created and empowered by the forces of hell, it is built to the point of being indestructible, while chasing down enemies with terrifying crushing force and crushing them to smithereens.

Such a huge and powerful stone ball, even the White Shore Castle, which has its own defensive spells, cannot resist its power. From the outside to the inside of the castle hall, the corridor that was originally intended for people to pass through was abruptly widened into a tunnel for giants to walk!


In the face of such an attack, Barbaba was also stunned.

At this moment, he was surrounded by a dark fog of hell, so he could only perceive this huge and terrifying movement with his suddenly improved hearing.

A huge object with magical powers is coming?

Is this an enemy spell?

Myself... now I have to dodge!

Realizing that he was about to be attacked, Barbaba quickly controlled his movements to prepare magic power, and then ran around the hall with his unskilled physical strength.

But no matter what, this stone ball always quickly chased behind him.

The terrifying sound that was made in succession fully demonstrated the attitude of not giving up until he was crushed.

Go on like this... Absolutely not!

Listening to the constant movement behind him, Barbaba immediately decided to give up the accumulated magic power and solve this threat to his life first!

But at this moment, a crimson figure suddenly fell from the sky, and then smashed miserably in front of him.

——It's the devil Lamer.

Within seconds of Barbaba playing hide and seek with the stone ball.

The demon was helpless, and then fought head-to-head with Ronald for a few rounds.

As for the result...

The devil's bat wings have been cut off by the roots, and his right arm is missing. On that muscular body, wounds from the holy sword can be seen everywhere.

Even if it can steal the control of the power of 'Rage'.

Even if Barbaba has already allocated strength to Ronald in advance.

But in the face of Ronald, who was full of tricks and determined to kill, it was still difficult for this demon to parry the opponent's continuous attacks.

But even so, the demon is still loyal to the contract with the summoner.

Using his only remaining strength to predict the change of the battle situation, it fought the price of being cut off by Ronald's sword, and then rushed to Barbaba, blocking the stone ball with his body covered in wounds and bleeding. before.

"Barbaba, don't stop the spell, we will lose!"

"His spells are feelings and actions!"

"Don't be greedy-"


After two hurried reminders, Lamer wanted to describe Ronald's spell abilities in more detail. While gaining the power of "Rage", it also understood the driving conditions of the "Hell" series of spells.

However, the stone **** summoned by ‘greed’ did not give it face.

In just an instant, the body of this powerful demon was directly overturned by the hard stone, and then rolled over in a smooth and silky manner.


After a very sad sound.

The filthy flesh and blood of the devil squeezed out from both sides of the stone ball, and the last power in this body left two slender evil flames on the path of the stone ball, to prove that something once existed here.


This scene is reflected in the pupils.

Barbaba's movement to interrupt the spell also came to an abrupt end.

Performing this mission today, he did not expect such a situation. Although Lamer is only a summoned creature, he was actually summoned by the highest-level spell in the [Salamanke] school.

For tonight's action, it is also specially designed to strengthen the magic level, and it is not a problem to deal with ordinary original holders.

Yet this unquestionably powerful creature...

Just killed by this man whose strength has weakened so easily?


Thinking of this, Barbaba made another leap to open the distance.

Recalling the last message Lamer left, he quickly controlled his emotions and suppressed everything except the battle.

So, in front of the caster of this [Nine Rings Secret Society].

The stone ball simply stopped moving.

This thing seemed to sense the change in his mood, so it stopped the astonishing pursuit just now.

Looking around, the environment in the castle hall is already very different.

Being attacked and crushed back and forth by the stone **** of 'greed', not only the black fog of **** that Ronald had set up before, but even the structure of the castle itself was in jeopardy at this moment.

The situation here can even give an illusion.

——If anyone kicks the wall now, the hall of this castle will fall apart in an instant!


It was at this moment that Ronald, holding the Sword of Santa Caterina, landed from the sky. He swung the light and dark holy sword in a circle in front of him, and an arc of light stayed in front of him.

A series of tense battles until The demon in the two enemies has been eliminated first, but the situation he is actually facing is not completely optimistic.

Barbaba's spell continues to this day.

This enemy has surpassed himself in sheer power.

So even if he has rich experience in using this kind of physical strength, Ronald can't guarantee that he can win the opponent right away.

Thinking like this, Ronald walked forward and said indifferently:

"Do you have any last words now?"

This time it was Barbaba's turn to not answer Ronald's inquiry.

He glanced at the young man in front of him rather apprehensively, and then quickly said with a determined momentum:

"The duty of the monarch is to protect the security of his own society from the atrocities and aggressions of other independent societies..."

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