Mystic Dominator

Chapter 478: Division of labor and cooperation

Ronald naturally also heard the cry of the demon Lamer.

But he just got out of the illusion of trial. He has not yet used the "Rage" spell in "The Divine Comedy - Hell Chapter", and of course he has not detected the location of the "Barbaba" in Lamer's mouth.

However, this omission in reconnaissance did not affect his decision to fight.

Although Lamer was struggling, he activated the spell and resisted [Astral Traction].

But for Ronald, the situation is actually very simple now. Wait until this guy is pulled in front of him by magic, and kill the demon with a sword.

After all anyway.

It is the last word that can reduce the enemy's excellent combat effectiveness in battle.

As for the so-called Barbaba...

After finishing the treatment of the demons in the castle hall, Ronald is also confident to deal with the hidden guy.

However, at this moment, a faint voice sounded from the entrance of the hall.

Ronald's excellent hearing can only barely distinguish, this is the spell he just learned, the first ability in "The Wealth of Nations"!

"The greatest increase in the productivity of labor, and the greater proficiency, skill, and judgment in the use of labor, seem to be the result of the division of labor..."

Ronald didn't think anything of it.

After he successfully passed the original test, when he saw the [Invisible Hand] spell in the real world for the first time, he actually became the target of the attack.

In the absence of any warning, and there is nothing unusual.

An invisible hand made of magic power appeared directly in Ronald's body and pinched it on his heart in an instant.


next second.

A very small movement sounded from Ronald.

At the moment when the heart was about to be crushed by the invisible hand, the defensive spell of [Guardian Angel] caught the threat, and then activated its defensive effect instantly.

The white light on his body flickered for a moment, then quickly dimmed.

Ronald looked at himself out of the corner of his eyes, the light of the [Guardian Angel] spell had dimmed to an unprecedented level. Although it can resist the attack of the invisible hand, this spell has also reached its limit.


Tough opponent.

Ronald moved his gaze to the entrance of the castle hall, and his originally indifferent eyes also brought a hint of seriousness.

Spells that directly attack vulnerable organs in the human body.

In the face of this kind of attack, a guy who does not have strong defense or regeneration ability, I am afraid that one will be taken down by someone who comes face to face.

This guy who holds "The Wealth of Nations" and is also a member of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

Definitely not the type that can be easily dealt with!

Meanwhile, take advantage of Ronald's diversion. A ferocious blood-red evil flame suddenly erupted from the demon Lamer, and finally broke free from the powerful force of [Astral Traction].

Rapidly rising to the top of the castle hall, Lamer immediately summoned a black and red cloud to completely submerge the roof, and it immediately got in, ready to find the next opportunity to do it.

On the ground, the enemy that Ronald had been waiting for finally appeared.

The original holder of The Wealth of Nations was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties. Wearing a yellow robe, he looked at Ronald recklessly, and then took the initiative to say:

"Ronald Adler?"



In response to this Barbaba, Ronald swung his sword vigorously with one hand, and then pointed the tip of the sword at the enemy.

Now Ronald is in a hurry.

Not to mention the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] in front of him.

He didn't pay attention to the other party's thoughts at all, winning in battle is the only thing to think about now!

"At this moment, please look into the deep valley. The river of blood is in front of you... Its name is Styx, and the black water flows down to the foot of the dark and dangerous cliff!"

The powers of 'Rape' and 'Rage' are activated at the same time.

The thick black mist spread and spread under Ronald's feet in an instant, and soon blocked the castle hall. As for Ronald himself, while chanting the incantation, he galloped forward like a sharp arrow, and slashed at the enemy with his sword!

In the face of Ronald's direct action without saying a word.

Barbaba's eyes did not change at all, and he uttered the incantation quickly and smoothly in his mouth:

"The division of labor is caused by the exchange capacity and the degree of division of labor, so it is always limited by the size of the exchange capacity, in other words, it is limited by the wide and narrow market..."


The next second, Ronald and Barbaba, who were galloping, met directly.

The sword of Santa Caterina, entangled by the power of the sun, slashed directly into Barbaba's neck under Ronald's control.

However, this blow did not result in any degree of victory.

At the moment when the blade of the Sword of Santa Caterina made contact with Barbaba's neck, a force identical to Ronald's appeared from the opponent, so it directly canceled his attack.

However, this is not the result.

At the moment of the fight, Ronald felt that his magic power and physical fitness began to decline. In the blink of an eye, his physical strength was only slightly higher than half of the normal state, and his magic power was still four-fifths. degree around.

"The Wealth of Nations, Chapter 1 - Chapter 3"...

On the division of labor is limited by the scope of the market...

Ronald still remembers the contents of this famous book. Combining the contents of the book and his current encounter, the effects of the enemy's spells in front of him immediately surfaced in his mind.

Not surprisingly.

This guy's spells can make a statistic about himself and his abilities, and then distribute them equally to both sides. As long as you are facing an enemy stronger than yourself, this is definitely a magical skill that can change the situation of the battle!

Ronald quickly analyzed the opponent's ability in his mind, but at the same time as he came to the result, the expression of the original holder named Barbaba also changed instantly.

Not to mention the sudden rise to a physical fitness that is almost impossible to adapt to.

Most important now.

It was his exaggerated magic power that actually rose!

Barbaba is one of the nine precepts who completely mastered all the spells of "The Wealth of Nations" Precepts Secret Club]! With this ability, after redistributing his power with Ronald, his magic power has increased!

Is this a joke?

Ronald Adler in front of him, could it be that he has mastered more than one original text?

The indifference in his eyes disappeared completely.

Taking advantage of Ronald's opportunity to watch himself analyze the situation, he then whispered at the fastest speed:

"An important business in a civilized society is the trade between urban residents and rural residents..."

Feel the new spell activated successfully.

At this moment, Barbaba felt a little relieved, and then turned his attention to the top of the castle hall.

"Lamer, I'll be the main attacker."

"You see the situation and help!"

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