Mystic Dominator

Chapter 469: Discussion on Summoning

There was no room for Ronald to react at such a time.

Carrying the old man carefully behind him, he turned his head and walked towards the back of the castle.

He really does not have the ability to heal others, and there is no one around to help. But just in the hall deep in the castle, old friends of the [Book Scroll Research Association] can still ask for help.

Ronald took the old man to the castle hall, where the scene was completely different from before.

The debate between [Book Research Association] and [Ogen's Secret] has long since ended, and now at the center of the discussion are two people, a man and a woman dressed in completely different ways. There was also a fence with obvious blessings raised around them to prevent the possible situation that the summons could get out of control.

The meeting about summoned creatures is held here.

Because of the exact same magical attributes, Ronald recognized at a glance that the woman on the field was the one who had just sent out the magical power fluctuations. Among this guy's quite powerful summoning spells, a kind of magic between the fire element and the biological body The lizard is lying on the ground.

Of course, Ronald couldn't possibly put his attention here.

He quickly found the location of the [Book Scroll Research Association] everyone, and he walked over there with the old man on his back.

Accompanied by Ronald's actions.

The crowd in the castle hall quite tacitly gave way.

For these spellcasters, the exaggerated scenes when Ronald stimulated his magic power were not forgotten so quickly, and more than 90% of the people knew that this was a character they should not provoke.

In this way, Ronald came to the [Book Research Association] quite smoothly:

"Mr. Oppenheim, Muri, are there any healers here who are good at healing?"

"I did some research with this gentleman just now. Because he was disturbed by the magic power fluctuation, he was accidentally injured by the magic power of the original text."

"Original magic power?"

The first person to speak was Oppenheim.

It may be due to the good results of the previous debate, the high-level [Book Research Association] is in a good mood. The next second after Ronald opened his mouth, he walked over and helped the unconscious old man to sit down.

[Book Research Association] is an organization that studies the original text after all, and it is natural to deal with this kind of problem.

In no more than five breaths, Oppenheim completed the examination expertly.

"This gentleman was disturbed by pure magic power. Now that he is sent back to the city, the people in the medical department will definitely ensure his safety."

Ronald replied immediately:

"Anyone here at the seminar is free now?"

"As long as I can save him, I will accept the price within a reasonable range."

After all, Oppenheim was the top of the [Book Research Association]. As soon as Ronald's words came out, he immediately had an idea in his mind. Healing the old man was just an easy task for him, but having Ronald, the powerful original holder, owe them his favor, that would be a very good gain.

"Mr. Ronald, there are still some topics we plan to participate in tonight's discussion. If you don't mind, please provide some help."

Ronald nodded without hesitation and replied:

"I understand, please send him for treatment immediately."

Seeing Ronald nodded in agreement, Oppenheim simply waved to call a researcher under him, and immediately ordered the other party to bring the old magician back to the city.

This is Springs.

[Book Research Association] As an official research institution, the convenience it obtained is quite good. In just a few minutes, the old magician was escorted by the carriage and left White Shore Castle.

Remaining in the castle hall, Ronald finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With Oppenheim's promise, Mr. Xiang should be fine.

That is, under such circumstances, Ronald turned his attention to the summoning system caster who was communicating in the hall. The magic fluctuation that caused the old man's injury just now was undoubtedly the aftermath of this woman's spell.

But it would be a little inappropriate for Ronald to vent his anger on the opponent.

Tonight's White Shore Castle is, after all, the place where the mysterious side communicates, and it is understandable for the other party to show their own spells; correspondingly, it is inevitable for the old man who has been rejected by the mainstream mysterious side to start research immediately when he encounters such an opportunity; For this kind of rare talent limited by practical conditions, it is an absolutely good choice to help.

Essentially, nobody did anything wrong with this tonight.

But the worst results happen to be brewing in these no problem conditions.

Annoyed, dissatisfied, regretful...

Ronald thinks he is good at managing his emotions, but now a nameless fire is burning in his heart.

At this moment, Muri quietly approached Ronald:

"Ronald, is that old gentleman your acquaintance?"

"I see how anxious you were just now."


"I made you laugh." Ronald breathed silently, and then tried his best to squeeze a smile, "I think that gentleman's research is very important. If you suffer because of this kind of thing, it is definitely a very important thing. Bad thing."

Miao Li's eyes seem to understand but not understand:

"Is that right……"

Ronald looked at the girl beside him, then remembered the other party's true identity and status.

So organizing the language, Ronald continued:

"That old man was really important to me."

"If the request made by Oppenheim just now was for me to exchange an original text for his treatment, then I would nod and agree without hesitation."


Hearing this, Miao Li suddenly opened her eyes.

She could see that Ronald didn't lie, and naturally realized the importance of the old man from this sentence.

It seems after going back tonight.

The nursing work for the old man needs to be improved by several levels.

Meanwhile, the discussion center in the castle hall is still working on their purpose tonight.

After the female caster summoned and introduced her summoned creature, the male caster opposite her began to salute the onlookers. After doing a series of tedious and complicated ritual actions, he began to whisper the incantation.


A violent flame suddenly appeared from the sky.

It was followed by the smell of sulphur and the magic power of dark attributes overflowing in the The color of the flame swayed, constantly flashing back and forth between green and crimson, and a strong demon figure, It is also slowly revealed in this sound-filled spell.

Four limbs like humans, with horns connected to bone fragments on the head, flames burning fiercely in the pupils, and dirty hair scattered on the skin...

Watching the progress of the spell quietly, the image of the demon is also clearer.

But why does Ronald feel... the more he looks at this thing, the more familiar he feels?

Isn't this the enemy he has encountered many times in Burrenwich - the devil Lamer!

Just in time for the meeting, Miao Li also whispered beside Ronald:

"This man is a Salamanke, and one of the spells he is best at is Demon Summoning."

"It's amazing, right?"

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