Mystic Dominator

Chapter 470: Verify the outcome of the victory

Ronald resisted the urge to shoot immediately.

Just now, he was in a hurry to carry out the experimental observation, and the injury caused by Mr. Xiang had already sounded the alarm for him. Now, any problems that may be caused by rashness, Ronald does not want to continue to appear.

Looking at Miao Li, who was beside him with focused eyes, he asked a rather uncommon question:

"Muri, the caster of Salamanke uses the same spell to summon the upper demon, will it be the same demon that responds to the summon?"

Miao Li is indeed the caster of the [Book Research Association].

As soon as Ronald's question came out, she answered with great certainty:

"If the summoning is a very powerful creature, then the same one will appear. It's like this Salamanke on the field, he should summon... Wait, Ronald, have you encountered this demon before?"

Muri said a few words, then immediately realized the possibility in Ronald's words.

Turning to look at the man beside her, her eyes changed instantly, and her temperament began to change in the direction of calmness and majesty.

Is this the kind of personality state you've seen?

Ronald saw Muri's change, and nodded naturally in response:

"That's right, that was the enemy I encountered when I was in Burrenwych. At that time, this demon was active as a servant of the [Nine Rings Secret Society]."


Muri stared at Ronald for a few seconds.

Confirming that the man in front of her was not lying, a hidden and powerful magic wave instantly appeared on her body:

"I have attempted to demonstrate the interpretation of dreams here, and believe that in doing so, I do not go beyond neuropathology..."

After whispering her own incantation to activate the spell, Miao Li's body posture facing the center of the hall was slightly modified. The bending of the body and the joints of the legs is the best posture to deal with the impact.

"Ronald, be careful."

"This kind of thing can't be directly determined, but it's still right to make a defense first."

In the auditorium, Ronald and the group of [Book Scroll Research Association] were secretly preparing, but they did not attract much attention from the caster.

No way, there are too many spellcasters in White Shore Castle tonight.

In order to observe something or communicate, mysterious side casters who use spells can be seen everywhere. So much so that this obvious action was subconsciously ignored by those present.

At the same time, the Salamankes on the field continued.

After he completed his call, he immediately instructed Lamer to stand in the center of the field. As a spellcaster who could successfully summon such a powerful demon, this guy naturally looked around the arena arrogantly.

"Everyone, as you can see, this is the strongest creature I summoned."

"If anyone has doubts about this result, they can go off the field and experiment in person. I have absolute confidence in my spells!"

Looking at the appearance of this Salamanke, combined with the result of the feedback from the power of 'Rage'.

Ronald had an idea in his mind.

Perhaps it was because he simply thought too much. The caster in the field was a scholar who came here to discuss, and the summoning of Lamer was only an inevitable result of the inherent attributes of the school spell.

After all, an organization like the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

There is no reason why at a time like this...

"My flame spirit is definitely stronger than your demon. Since you talk like this, I'll give it a try!"

At this moment, another female magician in the field spoke up.

She looked very dissatisfied with the arrogant attitude of this Salamanke, so her words were full of gunpowder.

Facing the provocation of his opponent in the debate, Salamanke shrugged his shoulders without hesitation and replied, "Ms. Evely, I know that you are a famous master for a long time, and it is reasonable to be unwilling to believe this reality."

"But the strong are the strong after all."

"If you feel unwilling, you can naturally use any means to let these two summons compete, and the result will not be any different."



Facing Salamanke's provocation, the caster named Evely sneered immediately.

"You think too much. I don't plan to use pure combat power to test the strength of summoned creatures. In this case, the measurement of summoned magic element is the most accurate and decisive data."

"Then please do it."

After a question and answer, Salamanke looked at each other confidently.

The master of summoning spells named Evely immediately recited the incantation.

The spellcaster who can be called a master naturally has two brushes, and in just two or three breaths, she completes the spell of checking summoned creatures by herself.

this moment.

With the castle hall as the center, a faint magical wind blew past.

Whether it was the flame spirit summoned by Evely, or the demon Lamer summoned by Salamanke, at the moment when the breeze blew, a special kind of magical power burst out from their bodies at the same time.

This magical wave is harmless and does not interfere with normal casters.

Its only ability is to reflect whether the ability of the summoned creature is powerful.

The result is clear.

Although they are both very powerful creatures, the magic power fluctuations on the demon Lamer are obviously higher than that of the flame essence. When it comes to the strength of the summoning spell, there is no doubt that Evely has lost.

It's a pity at this moment...

Probably no one will care about winning or losing this kind of contest.

Because even if the magic power fluctuation strengths of Demon Lamer and Flame Spirit are superimposed on each other, and then doubled up several times, they are completely incomparable to the incomparably powerful magic power fluctuations in the field.

The source of this magic fluctuation.

It was Ronald standing in the audience seat.


Although everyone present was dumbfounded, they still turned their attention to Ronald's side neatly.

After all, everyone is a senior mysterious person.

I also understand the normal level of spells and what level the summoned creatures of the spells are.

The summoned creatures that can completely overwhelm Evely and Salamanke with such a gap. What this means, people know in their hearts.

"This... this gentleman?"

At this time Evely spoke.

As the unquestionable authority of the summoning system, she understands the reliability of her spells, and automatically fills in the most likely situation in her mind.

"You... you can call out the possessed demons on your body and show everyone..."

"It's you? Ronald!"

At this moment, the voice of the demon interrupted the conversation of the caster.

At this moment, the demon Lamer also recognized Ronald, who was originally among the crowd. So it broke free from Salamanke's summoning contract in an instant, shouting and flying over the top of the castle hall.

"You actually came to harm us again?"

Immediately, the magic power of the demon spread violently.

Immediately activate the magic matrix that has been buried in the ground for a long time in the castle!

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