Mystic Dominator

Chapter 468: no rescue

"Hey, Master Evely is here too!"

"The research discussion on summoning spells is about to start? Let's go quickly!"


Ronald's excellent hearing sensed the sound coming from the castle corridor behind him.

There is no doubt that the research discussion on summoned creatures is about to start, and the purpose of my original coming here is about to be carried out.

But unfortunately, that was the original goal.

Not to mention one Lumire who might appear, even if twenty Lumire who would definitely appear were tied together and thrown out, Ronald didn't want to waste time going over to take a look.

Compared to someone who can observe the microscopic world and make research.

The importance between the two is simply not an order of magnitude.

With this in mind, Ronald put his hand on the table between himself and the old man, and the original text of "Astronomy" immediately appeared in his hand.

"Mr. Xiang, you can look at this with a spell."


The old man was visibly stunned.

He was still immersed in a rare state of communication, but the man in front of him suddenly took out the book?

The content of the previous communication between the two of Lenovo——

Could it be that the book held by the young man in front of him was an original book!

Ronald saw the guess in the eyes of the old man, so he simply nodded and said:

"You read that right, this is an original text."


The old man blinked silently.

After a few seconds, his chest heaved violently again.

After spending nearly a minute to calm down, he asked in a slightly trembling tone:

"Can I see this treasure?"

"Tonight's White Shore Castle, you should be the most qualified person to see it."

Ronald affirmed without hesitation, and then pushed the "Astronomy" to the old man: "When observing, pay attention to the use of magic power. The trial of the original scriptures is very dangerous, and a single negligence is likely to lead to irreversible results."

"I...I understand, I understand..."

The original text was placed in front of him, and the expression of the old man looked very excited.

As a person who has devoted his entire life to the study of mysticism, how could he not bear the books in front of him that were the originals.

Habitually activated spells, he was about to spy on the true face of this tome. At this moment, the old man raised his hand to hold the pen almost instinctively, and then drew a few lines on the table in front of him.

"Paper... manuscript paper for recording..."

He suddenly realized that he immediately took the manuscript paper on which the text was written, turned it over and used it as a paper for recording data.

Next, it is a smooth inspection process.

The old man himself has used spells for most of his life without problems, and he avoided possible magical conflicts with a cautious attitude when facing the original scriptures. In just two or three breaths, a string of words was written on the manuscript paper by him.

[In the first stage of decomposition, there is no obvious difference between the original text itself and the normal pages. 】

[In the second stage, there is still no difference. 】

[Up to the third stage, the composition of the original code has the most basic atomic structure. 】

[Four...four stages, quite obvious energy composition, and the amount far exceeds the scope of normal matter. This completely different from the basic structure of any substance I've ever seen! 】

[Five, my idea is correct! 】

[Knowledge, this is the product of knowledge, or the condensed product of a large amount of information. This kind of matter with an order of magnitude far exceeding that of any material world is definitely the accumulation of knowledge that can reach the degree of quantitative change in my hypothesis! 】

With a little bit of in-depth exploration and recording, the old man's fingertips also began to tremble. When he wrote the record of the fifth stage, he had to correct two or three spelling mistakes in a sentence.

Faced with this situation, Ronald said:

"Mr. Xiang, do you need me to use the spell to see the changes in the original text when the spell is cast?"

The old man responded immediately: "Please, please start immediately!"

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

The incantation slowly came out of his mouth.

Ronald used an unobtrusive auxiliary spell - [Astrology].

With his movements, the old man's eyes slowly moved from the original to Ronald, and the depths of his pupils had been emptied to a wonderful state.

"This... very much, far more information than normal spells is entangled around you, starry sky, plants, thunder, clocks, railways, light... Is this the original spell?"

Ronald didn't open his mouth to interrupt this time.

From the old man's words, he understood that the opponent's spells were really effective.

All the adjectives spoken out have an intuitive connection with a certain scripture in oneself. The old man is observing the most basic existence in this world with the spells of his own school.

However, this observation did not last.

After staring at Ronald for ten seconds, the old man suddenly shook his head with a frown and said, "No... not quite right..."

"I don't know how to describe it. But the information seems to have been tampered with - no, it's not appropriate to tamper with it, there must be some kind of distortion, so it doesn't look very harmonious."

"Huh? Cough-cough-"

"That's not right, ah!"

Suddenly, a violent wave of magic power spread out from the depths of the castle.

When passing through each caster, the magic power within the caster is more or less triggered, which brings a very large physical load.

Ronald has a quadruple reinforcement in his body.

Such a degree of magic fluctuation is unshakable to him.

However, just in front of Ronald, an old man of his age does not have this ability!

He, who was using spells carefully, was instantly affected by this magic wave. The spell was out of control, which brought about the direct contact between the old man and the original magic power. The powerful original magic power instantly caused chaos, and the old man fell directly to the ground as soon as his body softened.

"Xiang, Mr. Xiang!"

"How are you?"

Ronald put away the "Astronomy" in an instant, to prevent the magic of the original from continuing to cause damage to the old man. But when he lifted the old man from the ground, a smear of dark red blood had already overflowed from the corner of the other's mouth.

The unconscious old man just fell into Ronald's arms, unable to respond to, pulse, pupil...

Ronald checked at the fastest speed, the physical condition of the old magician...


The strong magic fluctuations caused his body to become extremely weak.

Considering the age of the other party, if treatment is not implemented, it is a question whether it can last until dawn.

Ronald immediately shouted:

"Anyone who is good at healing spells? Come and help, someone is injured here!"


No one responded.

To these casters who have been rejected by the mainstream mystery side.

At this moment, no one around is willing to lend a helping hand!

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