Mystic Dominator

Chapter 457: Is it convenient to open the door?

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Hearing this, Ronald was stunned for a moment.

He immediately realized the true identity of the other party, and at the same time understood what he had encountered. After a few seconds after the two figures were staggered, he turned his head and looked over, pretending to check the surrounding environment.

However, in these few seconds.

The figure of the man had disappeared into the crowd of people in the gift shop, and no trace could be found.

It was at this moment that Heloise held Ronald's hand tightly.

"Ronald, Elaine is still watching, should we buy her a present too?"

Ronald understood what Heloise meant, so he took the native instrument from the shelf: "Just buy it for you. It's too late today, let's go home early."


The two tacitly pretended to be the end of their normal shopping, and left the gift shop without wasting any more time.

Afterwards, as usual, Ronald and Heloise returned to their apartment in the river bank, chatting and laughing. Afterwards, Elaine, who provided 'protection' for the two of them, followed them all the way to the same accommodation area before disappearing at the corner of the street alone.

Returning to the apartment and entering the house, Ronald took off his coat and placed the Sword of Santa Caterina on the table.

Heloise looked left and right, then slammed the door shut.

After the soft sound of the door closing.

The expressions of the two in the room changed, and the original relaxed atmosphere disappeared.

"Ronald, that was..."

"It should be that guy."

Getting the answer from Ronald's mouth, Heloise sat on the sofa in the living room with her arms crossed and her buttocks folded, with an obviously unhappy expression on her face.

"Speaking of which, you really dare to come, you haunted fellow!"

"I can't believe he couldn't guess that the Queen would examine the traces he left, isn't that just roasting you Ronald? I said let's just go out and yell and call Elaine over, and let this guy get along with you. The Bureau of Investigation has a good time to 'gossip'!"

Looking at Heloise's annoyed look.

Ronald understood that the girl in front of him was really worried about him, so he also sat beside him.

"Okay, Heloise, there's nothing you can do about this at the moment."

"Her Majesty let her stand above the ground. After all, considering the actual situation of the two of us, it is a very good opportunity to get information."


Listening to Ronald's persuasion, Heloise accepted with a cold snort.

As a spy, why doesn't she understand the importance of intelligence?

In order to get some important information, let alone dealing with cult warlocks, even risking your life is a common encounter.

And there's nothing wrong with what Ronald said.

Although the two of them appear to be the original holders who are so strong that no one can ignore them, the actual situation is much more serious. Take Heloise herself as an example. Once her past identity is exposed, unless Ronald can stage a drama of righteous annihilation, the two can only become wanted criminals and run away together.

And Ronald himself...


Thinking of this, Heloise raised her eyebrows.

Through the previous encounters, of course she knew that her man was not a simple thing, but if she went deeper, Ronald didn't seem to have any direct conflict with the royal family or the Bureau of Investigation!

Then when Ronald opened his mouth just now, the sentence "the situation of the two of us" in the words was thought-provoking, and even thought about the unfamiliarity of common sense shown by this man when he got along in the past...

Thinking of this, Heloise couldn't help but ask:

"Ronald, apart from the ones I know... You don't have any other important identities, do you, such as the synthetic person of a secret research institution, who accidentally replaced the identity after being cultivated?"

Ronald never guessed that Heloise's thoughts diverged so quickly.

Just a few words of effort, inexplicably deduced things to this point.

Although the term 'synthetic human' is a bit outrageous. But in a sense, she really caught the information that was almost impossible to detect.

Ronald doesn't mind revealing his true identity to someone who has reached this level. But if you want to explain to Heloise his identity as a traverser, you really need to think carefully about the way of expression.

That is the moment of hesitation.

Heloise seemed to have misunderstood what Ronald meant.

The next second, the girl gently turned her body to her side, and then lay on Ronald's thigh beside her. Using the soft posture that best expresses her figure, and then showing her delicate profile, Heloise said in a soft, almost coquettish tone:

"Forget it if it's inconvenient to say, you know that people like me like to think, don't care."

Ronald raised his hand and touched the other's hair.

Fingertips soothed along the girl's white cheeks.

"It's not inconvenient to say."

"It's just that this thing is too bizarre, and I'm not sure how to express it better."

Heloise lightly rubbed her cheeks and changed to a comfortable position:

"Is that so..."


pat- pat-

The harmonious atmosphere could not be maintained.

After just a few breaths, the two people with excellent perception ability sensed the sound of footsteps on the street outside. The speed of the other party's progress was unhurried, and the direction was facing the apartment where Ronald and the others lived.

It was night time, and all the residents in the apartment stayed at home.

The 'guest' who would come to visit at such a time could only be the one who just greeted him.


Ronald shook his head slightly, while calling out the black mist of **** wrapped around his hand, and then raised his hand to pull the Sword of Santa Caterina on the table.

Heloise immediately got up and straightened her clothes.

He turned his head and went to the bathroom to fill a pot of tap water and put it on the table.

While the two of them were making preparations, the footsteps were still approaching, and they even came to the courtyard and stepped on the spiral staircase of the apartment.

If Ronald remembers correctly.

The guard of the apartment should be in the and the gate is locked and closed.

But now, not only did he not hear the question from the uncle guard, but he also didn't hear the sound of the door of the apartment opening. The owner of this footstep seemed to ignore everything around him, so he came all the way to the door without disturbing anyone.

In the face of such a strange situation, Heloise walked to the door generously and reminded Ronald:

"This little trick is done to add some momentum to myself."

"do not mind……"

As soon as Plan Heroes finished speaking, three polite and rhythmic knocks sounded at the door of the house.

bang bang bang --

Immediately after that, the elegant and calm male voice appeared:

"Mr. Ronald, is it convenient to open the door when you are invited?"


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