Mystic Dominator

Chapter 456: Gift shop

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

In mid-July, word of the cult warlock's appearance spread in the city.

However, when the time came to the end of the decade, the impact had died down under the control of public opinion in Springs, and the city returned to its normal rhythm in a blink of an eye.

Faced with the persuasion of two people with completely opposite positions, Ronald went to the church and spoke in a more subtle way, expressing his desire to get the Sword of Santa Caterina. mean.

The attitude of the church...


It can only be said that in the face of Ronald, they were as generous as ever.

It was clearly a legacy of a saint who was of great importance, but within three days after Ronald spoke, the sword wrapped in black cloth was delivered to him, and there was no mention of the return time in his words.

Isn't that what you mean by just using it?

However, unlike the church's absolutely friendly attitude, the official side of Springs is a little more subtle. Although Ronald and Queen Daantrian met that night and even got some advice from each other.

But nothing has changed around Ronald since that day.

Elaine, who is guarding herself in the office every day, continues to work as usual, and there are no additional investigators near the mansion, and there are no other possible changes.

This 'do nothing' attitude.

It was exactly the situation Ronald felt the most difficult to handle.

In this tangle, the time comes close to August.

Ronald was half-squatting in front of his desk, flipping through today's newspapers, behind the window was the busy Baixing District street. Although he himself no longer cares about the influence of the weather, the taste of the city after the beginning of summer still makes him not like it.

At this moment, Heloise leaned over her body and lay on the table.

Then the gaze intertwined with Ronald's dull gaze:

"Ronald, I heard that there is a new store opening in the business district tonight, shall we go and have a look?"

Ronald nodded in agreement, and then asked:

"What store are you talking about?"

While playing with her hair, Heloise explained to Ronald, "It's a shop called Dantès Gift Shop, which specializes in selling rare things brought back from overseas colonies. I'm quite interested. ."

Hearing the name of this shop, Elaine, who was still processing documents, looked up.

I saw two adults who looked like salted fish lying on the desk.

The investigator girl shook her head slightly, and then said:

"In the case of the Dantès gift shop, it should be opened by an old gentleman who retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is also one of the insiders on the mysterious side. You won't get anything interesting there."



Because the two faces were so close to each other, Ronald clearly saw Heloise's expression collapsed, and then pouted the corners of his mouth.

Still lying on the desk, the former spy lady said:

"Eileen, I really just want to go and have a look. Don't think about it. A countryman like me who has never seen the world from a mountain village will always be curious when encountering such new things."

Elaine showed an expression of complete disbelief, and then picked up a stack of documents and started processing: "Then I wish you a pleasant visit, Miss Phyllis."

Facing Elaine's reaction.

Heloise was still lying on the table, then shrugged at Ronald.

"That's it..."

The afternoon was spent in boring daze and hard work.

After the three of them had dinner, they left the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] office in Baixing District, and then walked towards the business district next door.

In fact, these days, Ronald and Elaine have also reached a tacit understanding to some extent.

The way they get along is basically that Ronald and Heloise go ahead and do what they're prepared to do. And Elaine kept a distance from the two behind them, making observations and recordings without affecting both parties.

Although they didn't ride in a carriage, the three of them were definitely not slow on their way.

Soon, they came to the business district and found the Dantès gift shop that Heroes spoke of.

As far as the first impression is concerned, this store is definitely classy.

Not to mention that it is located in a popular area of ​​the commercial area, the decoration and design of the shop itself are also designed with great care. The guests who came here on the first day of opening are all high-class people.

in such an environment.

Ronald didn't have any dissatisfaction today.

There was no prom setting to attract attention, and he and Heloise tried their best not to overdress themselves. In this case, almost no one pays attention to them except the waiters in the opening gift shop.

The two of them walked through the store and watched Heloise.

There is nothing wrong with saying it is an opportunity to experience a leisurely life.

The gift shop has a wide variety of goods, and the identity of the owner is guaranteed, so the number of fakes is also quite rare. In this kind of shopping experience that everyone loves, Heloise's eyes are constantly attracted by interesting products.

"Ronald, look at this! This is the trophy that Grid's army fought with the local natives in Dashan Forest before they had a chance to capture it!"

Hearing this long series of introductions, Ronald immediately raised his eyebrows:

"You mean, this gift shop can still get military loot?"

"It's just ordinary handling of spoils." Heloise immediately shook her head in denial, and then explained to Ronald, "It's impossible for you to expect the army itself to turn it into wealth for something like this."

"Musical instruments of the natives, fresh animals and plants, and 'medals' that show the status of winners, such as these types of things, they are basically packaged, deal with a specific person at a low price, and then receive People who buy goods can use their skills to turn them into money."

Hearing this, Ronald became interested:

"Listen to what you mean... This industry is still quite mature?"

"It's not just In fact, most countries do this, but Grid has the most overseas colonies, so it's the most profitable." Heloise admitted, At the same time, he happily pointed to the native wind instrument on his hand, "Ronald, buy this for me, and I'll play it for you when you go back!"

Ronald nodded without hesitation:

"Of course, no problem!"

Just as the two were chatting and laughing, an unremarkable man who was also visiting the store passed by them.

The two sides passed by, and it was no different from the countless figures in the gift shop.

But there are differences in the details.

At this moment, the man had a very gentleman's smile on his face, and then said in a voice that only each other could hear:

"Mr. Ronald, I'm going to make an appointment tonight."

"We can't see you anymore."

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