Mystic Dominator

Chapter 458: harvest day

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"Invited to come?"

"I don't remember inviting guests over today!"

Hearing the door calling from outside, Heloise slammed open the door and looked at the guest in front of her with unbridled eyes.

This man's appearance has not changed, his unpretentious appearance and clean clothes can be seen everywhere, and his body shape and posture are exactly the same as when Ronald met in the gift shop.

At this moment, facing Heloise's gunpowder-smelling greetings.

He just nodded slightly, a polite smile appeared on his face, and his tone was full of sympathy:

"It's an honor to meet Miss Arida here."

"If you don't mind, can you invite me in for a seat?"


Being called out by the man in front of her as a former singer, there was no guilty or cowardly expression on Heloise's face. Instead, she pushed back directly:

"You cult warlock's brain is broken by learning spells? Everyone looks like you are not human at all?"


Hearing the irony in Heloise's tone, the man smiled and nodded:

"Maybe so. I'm going to make an appointment with a doctor for a craniotomy the other day. I heard that there is a school in Entronad that specializes in human research. The technology is really unspeakable."

Heloise's eyes darkened: "Then I just suggest you go take a look."

The voice fell, and the girl who was guarding the door finally gave way, and it was considered that the cult warlock walked in.

"Thank you-"

A man's demeanor is impeccable courtesy.

After hinting at each other with Heloise and mocking each other, he even gave a gentleman's salute before stepping into the house from the door.

His gaze swept across the living room of the house, and his gaze finally landed on Ronald on the sofa.

"Mr. Ronald, good evening."

"Please sit down."

The eyes were intertwined, and the visitor didn't care about Ronald's guarding eyes at all. After sitting down, he took the opportunity to take the kettle and poured himself a glass of water.

"Mr. Ronald, it seems that the church has handed over the saint's legacy to you. This is really something to congratulate. Um..."

While speaking, the man took a sip of the water he had just poured, and his face instantly became subtle. He smacking his lips without saying a word, he picked up the kettle and poured himself a drink, and then a hearty smile appeared on his face:

"The tap water in Springs is really good."


Ronald tried his best to control his facial muscles, and then replied:

"Mr. Paprol, it's not easy for you to come here. Let's talk about business, shall we?"

"Do you know my name?" The cult warlock named Baproel raised his eyebrows, but quickly relaxed, "That monster told you that. Although he is the body of a monarch, he still personally The end. No matter how strong the personal ability is, this level of control is not a good thing."

Baproul spoke in a relaxed tone, fully worthy of his status as a cult warlock. But Ronald could still remember whose country he was in, so naturally he couldn't speak casually.

"Let's meet today, shouldn't this be what we're going to talk about?"

"It's okay to be serious..."

Baprol's attitude was still calm, but his eyes had shifted to Heloise, who was beside him. The meaning is obvious - 'Are you sure you will have a third party present when you talk? ’

Ronald replied without hesitation:

"Phyllis is someone I absolutely trust, just say it directly."


Baprol did not answer directly this time.

His eyes lingered back and forth on Ronald and Heloise, and he watched for just over a minute. For the first time since entering the door, the expression on the cult warlock's face became helpless.

"Alright alright."

"It's not convenient for me to say more about the feelings between young people. Since you insist on doing this, let's start talking."

As soon as the words came out, a faint magic power lingered on Baproul's fingertips.

Like the owner of the room, his hand moves generously to and fro on the table in the living room, and the magic forms a pale pink path where his fingertips pass.

Ronald thinks...

If this cult warlock goes to the streets as a painter and sells paintings, the business must be quite good. Just drawing with the fingers, a vivid map soon appeared on the table between the two.

Even in the process of painting, Baproul also conveniently marked the positions of several nodes where he had summoned the swollen demon when he held the ritual before.

Watching the other party finish drawing this map, which is far beyond this era, Ronald couldn't help but exclaim:

"Your technique is really good at drawing..."

Hearing Ronald's praise, Baproul also tilted his head subconsciously:

"Thank you for your compliment?"


Because of the subconscious dialogue, the atmosphere between the two became awkward.

Heloise, who was beside her, seemed unable to bear the rigid atmosphere, so she sat down very **** the chair that Ronald liked to sit on.

"So drawing this map, are you going to show us the city layout of Springs?"

Baprole shook his head: "What I want to explain is this thing."

As soon as the voice fell, the cult warlock pressed his fingers on the map, along the main road of the city from Crown Road, all the way to the location of the largest port in Springs.

From the Royal Palace to the port area...

There are so many things that this route may imply, Ronald has listed several in his mind, but there is still no way to determine it right away.

But at this moment, Heloise's face changed greatly, and she even got up and rushed over!

"This is the payday route?"

"The You guys won't be so crazy when you're crazy, you dare to make trouble in the city even with this kind of thing!"

Having said that, Ronald finally understood what the two people in front of him were concerned about.

Among the events scheduled in Springs, this fall's Harvest Day is a major event for the world, and Queen Datrian is ready to do something very important at the event.

Even the identity of the actor Arida of Heloise was driven to the city of Springs for this matter.

This kind of important event is indeed in line with the needs of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

Completing their plans, and then proclaiming their existence and purpose in front of tens of thousands of ordinary people, is almost the best scenario to bring back those old-time spellcasters.

Almost at the same time Ronald figured out the key, Baproul shook his head and explained:

"Miss Phyllis, you really misunderstood, at least I follow the rules here. This route is marked because the [Nine Rings Secret Society] is going to welcome back their ancestor's magic ritual, which completely overlaps with this route. what!"

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