Mystic Dominator

Chapter 455: 2nd visitor

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!


Watching where the monster disappeared.

Ronald thought and stood there for a long time before turning to leave.

Now that the other people in the city have dealt with the problem, he naturally does not need to rush out. There are still many ordinary people in this building who have been fed by the swollen demon, and it is necessary to see their status now.

Opening the doors on the first and second floors in turn, Ronald simply checked.

The monster looked friendly when he left, but this friendliness did not seem to benefit these ordinary people. The strange magic is still maintained in their bodies, but it has not yet begun to torture their bodies.


Sighing in a low voice, Ronald waved his hand to summon the black mist of the power of 'Rage'. It was the old way to make all these ordinary people unconscious.

The spells that were clearly used for fighting were now being used to save people.

Does it feel really subtle?

There is no need to worry too much about being intruded by other people in the slum in the middle of the night. Ronald commanded the power of "Rage" to wander back and forth in the building, and soon completed his final work.

It was at this time that there was a guy who was rapidly approaching here within Ronald's scouting range. The speed of the other party was even second only to the speed when Ronald used "Astronomers".

The amazing thing is more than that.

After being discovered by the detection ability of "The Divine Comedy", the figure of this guy paused for a while, and then the speed instantly accelerated!

At this moment, Ronald synchronously lost the ability to capture the opponent's position.

In addition to discovering the investigation of the "Divine Comedy" spell, this unknown existence also successfully blocked it!

Ronald was stunned.

The location where the other party came is from the northwest. At this time, they rushed over quickly. The identity estimate and…


Just such a thought flashed by.

The sound of the ceiling cracking had already sounded above Ronald's head.

Mixed with broken earth, stones and bricks, a pale golden figure stood not far in front of Ronald. The ghost knows how far the other party has accelerated the speed to come directly to him in such a short period of time!

Looking through the dust and darkness, Ronald looked at the person who came.

First of all, this is a slender lady.

Second, she was wearing a loose and comfortable nightgown.

In the end, the powerful magic fluctuations contained in this guy are the strongest people Ronald has ever seen since he crossed. Even if you compare the big witches of the [Twelve Witches] with the other, the gap between the two is as wide as the Qiandao Trench!

At this moment, standing not far from Ronald.

The lady didn't even look back, leaving only her proud back, and walked straight to the wreckage of the monster that had just turned to ashes.

"The seventh, the second..."

The two words that could not be shortened any longer were read out, and then a phantom raised up from the wreckage of the monster's body, which soon turned into what Ronald had seen before.

Immediately, the phantom said:

"Under normal circumstances, the information of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] will naturally not be known to outsiders. But Mr. Ronald..."

Every word, every sentence.

What this monster did ten minutes ago, regardless of its facial expressions or what it said, was completely reproduced by this spell in the center of the dark building hall.

If you have to pick the bone in the egg...

That is, the definition of this virtual shadow is not too high, probably only 360P?

Seeing this, Ronald has already confirmed the identity of the lady in front of him.

A magic power so large that I have never seen it in my life, an easy access to the magic of the Encyclopedia Britannica, and an air of pride that is naturally noble.

This can only be the master of Springs, the ruler of the Greed Empire, and the holder of the strongest original in the world - Queen Daantrian!

face such existence.

Ronald first estimated the combat effectiveness of the two sides in his mind, then analyzed the buildings that had left above his head, looked at the clear night sky today, and finally decided to just stand there and wait for the other party's reaction.

At the same time, Her Majesty was still paying attention to the movements of the phantom in front of her.

"Mr. Ronald, let's meet again later."

"Finally, as a reminder, I suggest that you take the saint's legacy promised by the church in your hand, this is a very important thing..."


As the phantom finished repeating the last words of the monster, it also collapsed and scattered on the ground like the other party. Facing everything she saw, Her Majesty the Queen smiled and shook her head: "Baprol, you really can do it."

After whispering with emotion, the queen put away the emotion in her tone.

After scanning the surrounding rooms, she finally turned to look at Ronald who had been waiting there quietly.

"Mr. Ronald Adler?"


Ronald nodded.

As Her Majesty the Queen turned around, he was able to see the true face of the other party. Like the Princess Claudia of Grid, this Queen also had an otherworldly appearance.

Even with reasonable maintenance, her actual age is completely invisible.

The first impression is that this is a beautiful mature girl, and a mother whose non-children are of marriageable age!

In the dark building, the two looked at each other like this.

After a dark cloud swept across the sky, obscuring the starlight sprinkled by the night, Her Majesty the Queen was the first to speak:

"You did a good job tonight, and I'm satisfied."

Ronald replied cautiously and earnestly, "That's all I should do."


After such a question and answer, the two fell into silence again.

On the one hand, Ronald was careful not to speak casually, and on the other hand, the Queen was constantly looking at the young man in front of him.

The records of the Adler family in history, the description of their daughter Claudia, the other party's recent deeds, and what the cult warlock just said...

This information is the reference that led Queen Datrian to make a choice.

Just like that, the quiet air was maintained for a few seconds. UU Reading

The queen's feet lifted off the ground and slowly rose into the air. At this moment, the calm expression on her face melted, and then she showed a kindness as an elder:

"Okay, you don't have to be too nervous. I am very familiar with the details and methods of these cult warlocks. I won't come to you for trouble because of this kind of thing."

Ronald made a tribute in accordance with the tradition of the local nobility:

"Your Majesty, thank you for your understanding."

"Ha ha-"

The queen smiled and shook her head, and then the figure began to speed up and fly out.

And before the queen disappeared completely, she also left Ronald with one last piece of advice:

"I won't comment on anything else."

"But what Baproul said is right. You really should take that saint's legacy in your hand, and keep going..."

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