Mystic Dominator

Chapter 454: 1 kind suggestion

"[Nine Rings Secret Club]? You just mentioned [Nine Rings Secret Club]!"

"Do you know their current situation?"

Hearing the monster in front of him mentioning the [Nine Rings Secret Society], Ronald almost subconsciously raised the volume.

The enemy he met on the island last time, Ronald has always suspected that there is an extraordinary connection with the [Nine Rings Secret Society], even if they jumped out and said they were responsible for the whole thing, it would be absolutely justified.

However, the actual results are not clear.

On the overseas islands that day, all the people who had held the ceremony were killed, and the summons were cleaned up afterwards.

Even if an organization like the Bureau of Investigation is in charge, there is no way to find clues from that situation. Without clues, Ronald's doubts could only be suspended at the doubtful link.

As for the investigation from other aspects...

[Nine Rings Secret Society] This organization was originally hidden, and now it has completely reduced the scale of its operations. Under the protection of the ability to have anti-prophecy spells, it is almost as difficult to find a clue!

But now, things have suddenly turned around!

In an incident created by a cult warlock, a monster who was supposed to be an enemy told himself about the conspiracy of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], and even invited Ronald to cooperate with him?

The reality is too bizarre.

So much so that Ronald decided to overthrow all the rhetoric he had just prepared.

At the same time, the attitude of the monster was quite generous, and even explained Ronald's inquiry directly:

"Under normal circumstances, the information of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] will naturally not be known to outsiders. But Mr. Ronald should also know that people from our school have never been within the scope of the adjective 'normal' - precisely because of this Because of this, I can know things that ordinary people can’t know.”


He looked at the monster with no human form in front of him.

Based on the principle of rigorous attention to every detail, Ronald recited the incantation of the 'lie detector' in a very small voice, and then he spoke again:

"I'll take what you're saying to be true. But to say something else...Do you think I could negotiate with a terrorist?"

"Terrorist... that's a good name." Hearing Ronald's rhetorical question, the monster first recited the word 'terrorist' with satisfaction before answering with a smile, "About this, we don't actually direct contradiction."

"Although we often have some outrageous behaviors here, and we often act without considering other people's feelings, the most basic principles are still firmly adhered to - for example, this time, we are trying new spellcasting techniques. , didn't you also let the swollen demon use illusions well?"


These words were too rhetorical, Ronald couldn't help but choke on the other side:

"So when you attacked ordinary people, you didn't forget to prevent the alienation of the world. The Bureau of Investigation really wants to thank you?"

The monster nodded quite seriously:

"Of course, at least in this matter, I have very strict enforcement standards. If those old-time **** successfully returns, the problems I will face may be even more serious than yours."

Watching this monster discuss seriously with himself.

Ronald thought for a few seconds, then sighed as if he had given up on something.


"Well, I probably know your attitude. In short, in order to prevent the recovery of the old forces, are you willing to do things that you didn't want to do in the past, and you can even negotiate with me here?"

The monster continued to reply:

"I also have choices in choosing partners."

"I don't like the hyenas of the Bureau of Investigation, who are so unclean. I don't want to talk to them. Ordinary weak spellcasters can't even understand the past. Only like you, Mr. Ronald Only the absolute powerhouse can have a dialogue with me on a level."


Ronald was silent for a few seconds, then made an appearance of being persuaded:

"If that's the case, then tell me about the information you have. As a lone spellcaster, the information I have here is really not much."

"Where!" Hearing Ronald's words, the monster immediately retorted, "Mr. Ronald, you have destroyed the plan of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] one after another, and even the key figures in Springs were directly damaged by you. in the hands. Compared to some waste that is still focused on urban safety, your contribution to the world is unknown!"

Ronald raised his eyebrows: "You really know a lot?"

The monster's tone even became modest: "This is just a small ability that is not worth mentioning."

"As for the real purpose of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], I have only found a rough execution date. They used the opportunity of Daantrian to declare their world hegemony, trying to let the gods of the old forces come directly to this city, and at the same time and The hidden stakes in other parts of the world will launch the attack to completely break down the barriers established in the past."

The spell of the lie detector has been working normally, and the result of the feedback is that the other party did not lie.

Does this spell really work for this kind of monster?

Although he couldn't believe it completely in his heart, Ronald continued to test:

"Your message is too general."

"After all, there are anti-prophecy original defenses, and it is not easy to know these."

The monster's explanation is very realistic.

However, based on the principle of delaying time and trying to talk as much as possible, Ronald changed his previous attitude.

"If what you said is true, then we can still talk about fighting the [Nine Rings Secret Society]."

"Smart people's choice!" Hearing this, the monster seemed to be in a pretty good mood, and it even started to make some subtle gestures with its tentacles, "In that case, Ronald, we..."


However, at this moment, the monster's eyes suddenly changed.

Then it quickly fell silent, and after a few seconds, it took a few steps back with a smile, and then said in a nonchalant tone:

"Mr. Ronald, it seems that your two female companions have notified the Bureau of Investigation to deal with my other arrangements in the city. Although this experiment is not over yet, I can count what I want-that's it."

As the monster's voice fell to the ground, it and the bodies of other monsters around it began to collapse together, collapsing like a melted candle.

The last second before turning into a puddle of rotten meat.

An elegant and crazy man's voice sounded from the pile of rotten meat:

"Mr. Ronald, let's meet again later."

"Finally, as a reminder, I suggest that you take the saint's legacy promised by the church in your hand, this is a very important thing..."

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