Mystic Dominator

Chapter 453: I want to have a good talk with you

Issue a declaration of war.

These parasitic-transformed monsters didn't rush over either.

They maintained their direction and kept approaching the position of the three of Ronald, as if they were slowly shrinking the encirclement, in order to safely limit their escape route.

Faced with the situation in front of him, Ronald's mind turned sharply.

With their own abilities, there is no problem in defeating these transformed monsters here. Even if all ordinary people in the entire building are transformed, he still has the certainty of winning the fruits of victory.

But what about others?

You can rest assured that investigators are in charge of the first fifteen bases, but the ten new bases are definitely not safe yet.

Ronald did not forget what had just happened.

After the death of the cult warlock who was originally hosted, this unknown existence can quickly parasitize the surrounding ordinary people. So if you kill yourself here, what will happen to other strongholds in the city?

Thinking of this, Ronald turned his head and gave Heloise a wink:

"Phyllis, there are too many of these things to deal with."

"I will hold this group of monsters, you two escape and join the others!"


After such a long period of close contact, Heloise naturally understood the various habits in Ronald's life. Just seeing the other party's eyes, the girl suddenly realized the purpose in the other party's words.

'Too much' 'Hold on' 'Meet others'...

Even if Ronald didn't express his thoughts clearly, Heloise could hear the actual meaning: 'These monsters may spread to other ordinary people in the city. Now that I hold them off, you and Patricia get out right away, and the rest of the city is ready to deal with it. ’

Heloise originally wanted to speak to dissuade Ronald.

But after she opened her mouth slightly and saw Ronald's current eyes, the prepared remarks finally turned into a serious promise:

"I understand, come on."

During the conversation between the two, Patricia on the side didn't say a word.

As a swordsman, she has no habit of distracting him in battle.

Since her trusted companion has already made a decision, she naturally won't say anything more. Raising the long sword diagonally and kicking it down, Patricia forcibly kicked off the damaged part of the long sword, turning it into a short sword with a somewhat unique shape.

Her eyes were locked on the slowly approaching monsters around her, and she asked in a low voice while leaning against Heloise:

"So how do we break through, we can't fly out, right?"

"Actually... maybe just fly out?"

Almost at the same time as Heloise answered Patricia, Ronald also finished the incantation of "The Compendium of Astronomy". [Jun Lun] The spell immediately took effect on the two girls, dragging them to take off directly, and in a blink of an eye, they passed these monsters and came to the door of the building.

Herois was familiar with the spells Ronald could use.

But Patricia was the first time she saw Ronald use this spell.

Standing at the door of the building for a second, she realized that she had escaped the siege of monsters.

"This spell..."

"Go out and explain to you slowly, let's go!"

Halfway through the words, Heloise took the initiative to grab Patricia's arm and left the building without any hesitation.

Wait until the two have come to the position where they are about to leave the slum.

Only Heloise slowed down a little while they were on their way.

"I remember that the Bureau of Investigation had radios in some offices in the city. Do you know the locations?"


Patricia raised her eyebrows.

The monsters in the ritual stronghold, the spells Ronald used, and the confidential information from the girl in front of her were all beyond her expectations.

even think deeply.

The significance of some issues is even more important than the campaign itself!

However, remembering Ronald who was still holding the monster in the building behind, Patricia didn't go any further and walked ahead to lead the way.

"Come on, I know the nearest location."

"It really cannot be delayed any longer."


Heloise and Patricia easily left the interior of the building.

And Ronald, who stayed where he was, faced the same unexpected changes.

Seeing the two girls leave in front of them, these monsters didn't have any intention of biting and blocking, and even the activities of continuing to shrink the encirclement stopped temporarily.

What does it mean?

Looking at the illogical reactions of this group of monsters, Ronald recalled Heloise's comment that "this group of gadgets have problems with their brains".

Not during the battle, this guy is going to get sick, right?

Just as Ronald was on guard and prepared the time-delaying spell, the monster who had spoken to him before walked out of the encirclement again, and spoke confidently:

"Mr. Ronald Adler, I have let go of your two female companions. Now there are no more people in the way, can we have a good talk?"

Hearing Ronald was stunned for a moment.

What he had envisioned before was to keep dragging these monsters in battle, buying time for the activities of the rest of the city. In the end, this guy was good, and he came up with "I want to talk to you", giving him the opportunity to delay time almost for free.

I should have racked my brains to get the time to just hold it in my hand.

It really makes people feel a little emotional.

Of course, Ronald couldn't refuse when the opportunity came up.

With a stiff and indifferent expression on his face, he nodded and responded:

"What do you think we have to talk about?"

"Anyone negotiating with a monster?"

The monster smiled. It didn't seem to care about the rejection in Ronald's words at all. Instead, it was very happy with Ronald's willingness to talk.

"Mr. Ronald, I know your family background, and your ancestors are the main characters who ended the Dark Ages. If I didn't know this, I wouldn't waste time with ordinary people."

What the **** do these cult warlocks know!

Hearing this sentence, Ronald felt a chill behind his back.

People with knowledge and people without knowledge can do it to a terrifying degree when they pose a threat. Assuming the monster in front of you is also an enemy who knows the history of the Dark Ages...

The result of this kind of thing, [Nine Rings Secret Society] is the best example.

The magic of the spell was directly wrapped around his palm, and Ronald said in an unprecedented serious tone:

"What exactly do you know?"

Seeing Ronald's guarded appearance, the monster also put away the terrifying smile on his face, and said in a very serious tone:

"I know what's not important, what's important is how to fight against the [Nine Rings Secret Society] group of lunatics. Their plan to bring the world back to darkness is almost complete. If no action is taken now, everything will be too late!"

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