Mystic Dominator

Chapter 452: 2nd round of mutation

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Ronald was ready for the follow-up battle.

Looking at the enemy who was still laughing wildly in the power of the sun, he had a vague premonition that something extremely dangerous was right in front of him, and he must not let this thing go unharmed!

However, under Ronald's extremely vigilant gaze, the other party did not move any further.

The power of the sun light wrapped around Patricia's long sword continued to burn, and soon the cult warlock was completely burned to death, and finally turned into a pinch of ashes on the ground.


"Just... just die like that?"

Looking at the black pool on the ground in front of her, Heloise couldn't help but said:

"He was like that just now, and he died without playing any tricks? Just kidding!"

Ronald hadn't responded to Heloise, and Patricia, who took a step back, came up again: "No matter what, he's already dead, and what we have to do is face the result."

The voice fell, and the girl took her long sword from Ronald's hand.

Glancing away from the sword, Patricia immediately raised her eyebrows.

Although Ronald was alternately applied with the power of the sun as soon as he came into contact with him, those tiny granulations still caused irreparable damage to the blade in a short period of time, and the end of the long sword was almost full of pitted marks.

If it wasn't for her to withdraw in time.

When these granulation spreads, it is obvious what will happen.


At this time, feeling the low atmosphere between the three of them, Heloise patted her palm lightly, and her tone became more relaxed:

"So in the end, my precious potion was wasted."

"But to be honest, it's not a big problem, it's still within my tolerance!"

Looking at Heloise who was planning to ease the atmosphere, Ronald also prepared to answer.

But in the next second, his expression became serious, and he swallowed his words instantly. Suddenly turning around and looking around, Ronald became defensive in both posture and eyes.

Ronald's expression changed, and then he noticed that it was Heloise who was different.

She has permanent sympathetic ability, and now her perception ability has reached an unbelievable level. So that although the interior of the building was dark, she could still smell the sound of many people approaching here.

The situation is actually quite strange now.

The demon of swelling had been killed by Patricia and Heloise.

The magic fluctuations in the building also began to chaotic.

But there was no one who screamed bitterly like the staff in the office building in the business district.

In a building that was supposed to be 'lively'.

The air was even quieter than when the three came.

Only Ronald and Heloise, who had a very keen perception ability, could perceive that there were many things approaching them in the darkness. And Patricia, a swordsman who specializes in combat, can only act on guard according to the state of the two beside her.

The 'friend' in the dark did not make Ronald and the three wait any longer.

A few breaths passed, and at least a dozen men and women in disheveled clothes walked out from the surroundings, with smiles almost carved into molds on their faces, and then turned their eyes to Ronald and the others.

From the point of view of dress, these guys should be the original staff or customers in the building.

But now the unified movement, the weird expression, and the subtle timing.

The combination of the three shows their current state.

I am afraid that just like the cult warlock who suddenly broke free from the control of the potion just now, these ordinary people who have swallowed the swollen demonic food have now been occupied by a mysterious existence!

The three of Ronald stood on the spot and waited.

The next moves of these men and women were more direct.

One sentence or one word, they opened their mouths in a very fluid sequence:

"This... Mr. Ronald, the spell you just showed is really interesting. If you don't mind, I think we can continue to have some more in-depth exchanges."

Completely indifferent to the fact that he destroyed a body.

Now instead of inviting yourself to join the other party?

Does this mean that the other party is sincerely inviting, or is it a dangerous trap?

Ronald certainly could not have cooperated with each other.

But when he heard this unknown existence, he still planned to try it out first:

"In-depth communication, what do you mean?"

Without a second of hesitation, the controlled men and women answered in unison:

"Of course it's your school!"

"You may not know the power contained in your original scriptures, but I have realized the possibilities contained in it. Come to my side, you can have whatever you want."

Presumably to strengthen the credibility of his own words.

After saying such words, this unknown existence also controlled the surrounding girls to make unsightly movements, indicating that as long as Ronald was willing to come over, these people could become his playthings at any time.

Think even further.

With the ability displayed by the other party, as long as the follow-up operation is smart enough, it is really easy to get something!

Ronald reminded himself in his heart.

An enemy with such an ability should now be as careful as possible to use clichés and seize this opportunity to communicate. Otherwise, when it was time for pure combat, he had no idea to leave such an enemy behind for a while.

Last time a cult warlock died.

The other party can immediately transfer the parasitic to other ordinary people in the building.

So what about next time?

Even if Ronald can wipe out everyone here, he can't deal with the victims in the entire city who have eaten the food made by the bloated demon in an instant!

With this in organizes the language preparation routine as it should.

But before he could speak, all the smiles on the faces of the men and women around him disappeared.

Next, just like the previous cult warlock, regardless of their clothes or flesh, granulation buds that are enough to make people sick began to grow rapidly, and the fastest progressing guy even had tentacle-like terrifying organs on the surface!

In the end, they turned into more than ten monsters in the true sense, and they circled around Ronald and the three of them with their teeth and claws. After completing the most basic encirclement, they seem to feel that victory is already in the bag.

It seems that the other party does not intend to maintain the pace of all 'people' speaking in unison.

One of the guys who has mutated the most and has completely lost his human appearance stepped forward, and then pulled a cruel smile from his monster's face:

"Mr. Ronald, it seems that you do not intend to cooperate with me."

"If that's the case, then I can only find this powerful original from your corpse!"

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