Mystic Dominator

Chapter 445: Find the right place!

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

under night.

The two easily crossed the gap between the roofs, and then stepped on the roof of the three-story office building together.

With the support of excellent physical fitness.

The entire process of crossing the building is very fast and easy, and it does not even take more than a minute.

"Ronald, do you feel it?" Stepping on the top of the office building, Heloise squinted to the ground and smiled smugly at Ronald, "Is my discovery okay?"

"Very accurate." Ronald nodded in agreement.

Don't put it aside temporarily.

As far as the detection of mysterious side traces is concerned, Heloise's ability is really quite powerful.

Only after Ronald himself stood on the roof of the office building could he identify the powerful magic power lingering in the building at his feet, and understood that there was no doubt that some kind of mysterious ritual or spell was going on here.

And what about Heloise?

She was able to detect this phenomenon from outside the block, and it was obvious how good she was.

And then, Heloise, who was in a pretty good mood, took the initiative to ask:

"Ronald, I'm more sensitive to changes in magic power fluctuations, so just walk ahead. If there is any hidden guy approaching the two of us, remember to remind me."

"no problem."

Two sentences allocated the sequence of actions, and Ronald and Heloise immediately jumped off the edge of the office building. The height of the distance from the top of the third floor to the windows on the second floor is not difficult for the two of them at all, it is as simple as walking an ordinary staircase.

So it didn't make a sound and didn't attract any attention.

The two simply got in through the open window and stepped on the corridor on the second floor of this office building.

Where they are now is the outer end of the gabled corridor of the entire office building. Light bulbs placed in the top corners provide steady light, and the floor underfoot is covered with a monochromatic carpet.

Except for the slight noise from the lights, there was no sign of anyone here.

Except, of course, Ronald, who has excellent hearing.

He could slightly notice that in the surrounding offices, there were sounds of writing, working, or taking a nap. It's a pity that Ronald doesn't have any more sources of information besides these. The appearance here is the condition of an ordinary office building.

So Ronald lowered his voice and reminded Heloise:

"Except what I said before I came in, the mental state of the people here is not quite right, and I didn't notice anything."

"Hold on……"

Heloise nodded in understanding.

But because of Ronald's judgment, he did not directly give up the plan to explore here.

She naturally lowered her footsteps and walked outside a room where someone was working. Bending down slightly to divert her gaze, Heloise carefully put her eyes on the keyhole.

Exclude more expensive security designs.

The general door locks of this era are still the relatively old structure, and the internal situation can be peeked through the keyhole.

At this moment, there was only a young guy who appeared in Heloise's sight. He was sitting quietly in the office, holding a pen to write and record documents such as ledgers.


Heloise frowned.

There are magical fluctuations in this guy, but he obviously belongs to the kind of victim who is completely unaware of the operation. And aside from this one person, there was nothing noteworthy in the room within view.

Looks like... is there really nothing wrong here?

Confirming this, Heloise straightened her body and tiptoed to the door of another office, peeping in the same way.

However, four rooms in a row were swept away.

All the results she got were exactly the same.

The number of people is more or less different, but most of these people are immersed in their work or fishing, and have not found any unexpected discoveries.

At this point, Heloise gave up and shook her head:

"It seems that the second floor really has nothing to gain."

Ronald answered immediately:

"When Elaine was tortured, didn't that guy say that he wanted to provide 'food' to ordinary people, let's take a look downstairs?"


Ronald and Heloise discussed in a low voice, then moved on.

When I was going downstairs through the stairs, there happened to be a late-night overtime clerk who came here with documents in the direction of the first floor.

Hearing the movement below, Ronald subconsciously avoided.

However, Heloise grabbed the corner of his clothes at this moment.

"Ronald, test the waters with this guy!"

"Is this really good, what if I startle the snake?"

"Both of us have come in, be careful and try it boldly!"

Under Heloise's dissuasion, Ronald slightly sighed and walked down, and then ran into this man head-on.


The staff who were going to go upstairs were immediately taken aback.

A strange man was standing in front of him, and behind him was a girl so beautiful that he couldn't speak. When did the company where he belonged, when there were such two more people?

Faced with such a situation, the staff subconsciously stepped back.

As a result, he stepped on the stairs.

Looking at the clerk who fell backwards and forwards, Ronald sighed in his heart.

When you meet a stranger, you are frightened like this, and there is no magic fluctuation in the body that the caster should have. Where is the need for temptation?

Gently rubbing his fingers, the ability of the [Chief Angel] dragged the clerk's clothes and dragged him back, saving this guy's tragic fate of landing on the back of his head.

As the passive party, the clerk's brain can no longer handle the current situation: " are...I..."

Doubtful questions popped up at the beginning.

Ronald's majestic and magical voice interrupted him:

"Listen, you haven't seen the two of us today, continue with your previous work."


The ability of [Angel of Dominion] takes effect immediately.

The little clerk didn't say another word, turned his head around the two people on the stairs holding the document, and walked straight to his office on the second floor. Even when this guy was passing by, Ronald could still hear him muttering 'I'm fed up with working overtime so late...'.

Seeing the young man disappear on the Ronald turned helpless eyes to Heloise:

"The reaction is slow and ordinary, and it can be interfered normally with spells."

Heloise shrugged:

"This at least shows that the enemy we are facing is not all ordinary people in this building, which is good news."

The two continued down, but they didn't encounter any interruptions from ordinary people.

But when they came to the kitchen in the corner of the first floor, the situation was completely different.

in this unremarkable room.

The sound of heavy and slow footsteps lingered in it, much louder than the rough breathing of human beings.

After tacitly stopping, Ronald and Heloise looked at each other.

They all saw what the other was thinking.

Find the right place!

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