Mystic Dominator

Chapter 446: kill

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

He lowered his footsteps and approached the kitchen, looking sideways inside.

What appeared in the sight of the two of them was a situation that was even worse than the situation at the banquet held by Sir Phelps before.

Master of footsteps and gasps.

It is actually a swollen demon who has completely completed the ritual conversion and is in action!

Intricately intertwined and very chaotic human limbs twisted each other, and finally formed a roughly human-shaped, deformed monster that stood on two legs and had multiple arms.

In the dim kitchen lit by candles alone, he is the only one pacing back and forth in the kitchen. Whenever he passes the stove, he will take the flesh and blood from himself to cook, and finally add magic power to transform it into delicious food with all the colors and flavors. , on a plate on a side table.

Staring at the scene in front of her, Heloise carefully distinguished, and then whispered:

"Ronald, many of the dishes are empty..."

"I saw..."

With the abilities of the two Ronalds, they could clearly see that the food on the table was about ten servings, but there were dozens of used dishes on the side!

No wonder all the people in this office building have strange magical powers!

Isn't that its great achievement?

Even under this continuous consumption, the size of this demon is far from the number of humans it has fused with. It has lost a lot of flesh and blood, and it is now the size of three adults.

clap clap-

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps came from the corridor outside the kitchen.

Ronald and Heloise looked at each other, then hid together in an empty warehouse next to the kitchen, only revealing a gap and spells to detect the situation.

Soon, the owner of the footsteps appeared at the end of the corridor.

This is also an ordinary, featureless company employee, with oily skin and even the weakness caused by excessive overtime and the flushing caused by alcohol.

He walked lazily into the kitchen.

This guy went straight to the table, picked up a plate of 'food' and started to enjoy it, and when he was full and about to leave, he even started to say hello to the empty kitchen.

"Mrs. Ma Li, I'm so sorry that you are working so hard to prepare supper for us..."

"Miss Emilia, this is your craft just now, I have made great progress recently..."

"Little Carter, you can come over after get off work later, Brother Kai will take you to have a long experience..."

Under the influence of psychedelic spells and alcohol, the man spent a lot of time greeting the 'people'. But the human beings who were merged by the swollen demon no longer had the possibility to respond to him.

Witnessing this scene the whole time, Ronald and Heloise remained silent.

The two of them had the ability to rush out and stop the man's now pointless movements.

But in fact it doesn't help either.

Because before he swallowed the food in front of him, even before Ronald and Heloise entered the office building, this man had eaten the food of the bloated demon, and there was that strange and evil magic in his body.

Continuing to eat only deepens this effect to some extent.

Ordinary people are trapped in the fictional fantasy of the swollen demon, completely unaware of the dangerous situation they are in, and have no chance to save themselves.


"Heloise, I'm going to do it."

Seeing that the final goodbye was over, the poor clerk turned to leave, and Ronald finally couldn't help it.

Acting on impulse now can have some bad consequences.

But witnessing such a reality has made Ronald reluctant to continue to wait and see.

He hoped to kill this monster immediately.

Now! immediately! Kill this thing now!

Heloise also heard the anger in Ronald's mouth, and took a step back without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, Ronald started.

He didn't even go around the hallway to the kitchen.

Just across the wall between the warehouse and the kitchen, he figured out where the swollen demon was pacing back and forth, and then punched the wall in front of him.


After a crisp explosion, the red bricks between the walls were also shattered by Ronald's punch. The next second, Ronald's hand grabbed a deboning kitchen knife on the table, and at the same time his fingers rubbed against the ring that contained the power of "Paradise".


The ability of [Almighty Angel] takes effect, and the hot and sacred power of the sun is instantly attached to the surface of this kitchen knife.

Facing the wall that suddenly exploded beside him, the swollen demon really reacted.

However, it just completed the action of turning around, and a bunch of heads made up of human heads saw the kitchen knife wrapped in the power of the sun fly out instantly, and then inserted straight into its chest.


After a suspicious low roar, it was immediately followed by a raging flame.

Such an evil existence as the swollen demon is completely in line with the type of Sunlight's power to restrain the enemy.

Just as potassium chlorate encounters manganese dioxide when it is thermally decomposed.

The power of the sun, which was instantly stimulated, suddenly covered the body of the swollen demon, completely wrapped it in the blink of an eye, and then began to erode the demon's filthy body.


Probably because of the distortion of the body's original construction, it was directly burned by the power of the sun, and the devil's mouth can only make a painful sound like leaking air.

The Swelling Demon is a typical ritual summon.

There is a considerable gap with Ronald's original spells.

At this moment, I happened to encounter the attribute of restraint, and the reaction produced by the superposition of both can be imagined.

The power of the sun shines for a total of just over twenty seconds.

With a 'slap' sound, the demon who was still making 'food' fell to the ground, and the body gradually turned into ashes in the endless burning, and finally disappeared on the kitchen floor with the power of the sun.



In an instant, a series of mourning began to emanate from various places in the office building.

With the complete death of the swollen demon, the magic power it radiated finally transformed without The ordinary people who had eaten those foods before, faced themselves without exception while leaving the illusion. Painful body, so that the entire building has become a wailing abyss.

More dangerous are the additional changes taking place in the city of Springs.

As the swollen demon at the center of the entire ceremony fell to the ground, this extensive spell was severely damaged, and several places in the city began to produce magical distortions.

Feeling the sudden drastic change, Heloise immediately turned to look at the man beside her:


"Let's split up first, how much can be saved."

Ronald quickly answered Heloise, then turned his head and walked out of the warehouse.

Of course the culprit must be caught, but ordinary people in the office building are also being tortured right now.

If it can be saved...

Just try to save it.

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