Mystic Dominator

Chapter 444: business district at night

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

There are still more than twenty minutes before midnight.

Ronald and Heloise quietly pushed open the door and left the boarding house where they lived.

The investigator who was originally in charge of monitoring Ronald was withdrawn because of Elaine's appearance. But today's situation is special. Elaine, the investigator who took over this job, is temporarily absent under the influence of her work.

Therefore, the two of them are rare in a situation where there is no monitoring by the Bureau of Investigation.

The commercial area is geographically connected to the riparian area.

Ronald took Heloise along the Wes River and walked there, talking and laughing like a young couple walking in the middle of the night.

In the river bank area during this time period, there are basically no traces of people nearby.

Only the moored boat on the Wes River was accompanied by the two of them.

They walked along the Wes River so comfortably, until they were close to the business district, and there were no signs of Springs citizen activity.

This is the business district of Springs after all.

As the economic operation center of the country of Grid, they will not be affected by the changes of the day and night. Every minute, every second, is an important moment when people in the business district need to put all their energy into it.

"Ronald, you said that those guys placed the center of the ceremony in the commercial area, did they deliberately choose the target?" On the road, Heloise suddenly asked Ronald.

Ronald thought for a while, then gave his own thoughts:

"When Elaine interrogated the guy to confess, they were obviously going to do something big in Springs. Now, the ceremony center is placed in a crowded place like the business district. I'm afraid it is also to facilitate the implementation of the plan?"

Faced with the answer given by Ronald.

The smile on Heloise's face did not diminish, but her seriousness when answering was obviously a bit heavier:

"Ronald, I know you managed a cult warlock event in Burrenwich, but it also caused you to make a habitual mistake in thinking. This is a cult warlock, not a mysterious side caster with a normal brain circuit. !"

"I actually mentioned before that, in dealing with or dealing with these cult warlocks, you must not speculate on their goals according to normal thinking. As far as they choose the commercial area as the ceremony center, it may be nothing to do with them. The purpose is to simply feel that this place has an eye for it!"


"Is that okay?"

"Cult Warlock, that's it!"

Gradually entering the brightly lit environment of the commercial area, the discussion between Ronald and Heloise gradually decreased. Coming to a densely populated area, it is obviously no longer appropriate to continue discussing the previous issues.

And this change.

It also means that their exploration tonight will officially begin.

Because it is related to the mysterious side and the cult warlock, Ronald and the others have a very clear plan of action. Heloise uses the means she is good at to detect the surrounding magic power fluctuations.

And Ronald quietly called out the black mist of the power of 'Rage'.

With a wide range of emotional awareness, try to identify the less gregarious group of people in the business district.

Starting from the northeast corner of the business district, a man and a woman slowly walked down the street, and Springs citizens who were busy with their work noticed them, but no one came to disturb them.

Walking on such a street at night.

Heloise couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"On a night like this, maybe only Springs can see it."

Ronald on the side smiled knowingly:

"If society continues to develop according to the current situation, I think this scenario may become a very common status quo in the future, and prosperity will spread to many corners of the civilized world."

"Is that right……"

For some of Ronald's views, Heloise has always been more convinced.

Listening to the description of the man beside her at this moment, her eyes became a little subtle while her tone was emotional.

It seems to accompany such a conversation.

She began to recall some of her past experiences, so that she inevitably began to feel emotions in her heart.

But this didn't last long.

When they passed one-third of the business district, the two stopped together quite tacitly.


Sensing the difference, they looked at each other.

Ronald saw the confirmation in Heloise's eyes, and Heloise also saw the seriousness in Ronald's expression.

"You feel it too?"

"It's over there."

Almost at the same time, a three-story office building on the side of the road in the business district caught their attention.

With the help of the power of "Rage", Ronald could clearly feel that the citizens in this building were in a wrong state, and their mental and emotional state was in a psychedelic state that seemed to be a dream but not a dream, and a state of being awake but not awake.

In Heloise's eyes, things are very simple.

Although in the eyes of ordinary spellcasters, the magic power fluctuation of the building is probably just a normal defensive spell, but according to the special means mastered by Heloise, he can detect the closed loop formed in the flow of magic power near the office building. .

This phenomenon of closed-loop magic power means that after someone mobilizes magic power to achieve their goals, they continue to export magic power to maintain regional balance by subtle means. Generally, only a very clever magic circle or ceremony can do this.

It would be a bit too wasteful to use it in such a mediocre office building.

See why Ronald and Heloise are here.

This three-story office building is obviously the first questionable target tonight.

"The people over there are in a bad state."

"Magic power is also working differently."

"The location is in the center of that rune, which is questionable."


The two exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then walked together into the darkness in the corner of the business district.

Whether Ronald or Herois, they all have very exaggerated physical qualities, and the choices made now are naturally the types that can highlight this Come to a dark corner where no one is paying attention, One of them climbed up the wall, the other took advantage of the left and right to keep jumping, and in the blink of an eye, they all climbed up to the roof of this building.


At this time, a cold wind from the west swept across the corners of their clothes.

Feeling a touch of coolness that was different from the hot day in Springs, Heloise looked back and forth at the three-story office building, and then confirmed the best route.

"The windows on the second floor of the building on the west side are open, not along the street and there are no street lights, and we can sneak in from there without disturbing anyone."

Follow Heloise's white fingers to confirm the position.

Ronald nodded to show his understanding, and then jumped towards the opposite side first:

"Okay, then let's go."

"It's all about safety first."

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