Mystic Dominator

Chapter 443: 2nd time out

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Ronald's eyes sank here.

Heloise immediately noticed the change.

Putting down her still-dry hair, the girl turned around and came to the desk, then looked at the map of Springs where Ronald had marked the location.


Ronald had clearly linked the alchemical symbol of 'Brimstone' on the map with black ink.

Her eyes fell on it, and Heloise naturally saw the shape of the mark.

However, unlike Ronald, who was familiar with Earth culture, although Heloise could guess that it was a meaningful figure, she couldn't tell what it meant.

After thinking for a few seconds, the girl took the initiative to ask:

"Ronald, what do you see from this?"

"Heloise, do you remember the time we went out to sea because of the typhoon? Do you think that volcano, the Bureau of Investigation... No, it should be said that the official forces on the Springs side have really dealt with those problems? "

"That volcano?"

Hearing Ronald's questioning, a hint of surprise flashed across Heloise's face.

At least in her eyes, there is no problem with the official power of Springs. Even if the problem is a volcano, if enough people are dispatched, it cannot pose a threat to Springs. .

But after all, this was an inquiry from Ronald himself.

After carefully analyzing the current situation in the city, Heloise continued to speak:

"I don't think it's a problem."

"This is Springs, the city under the direct command of the Queen! Dealing with such a situation can only be regarded as a trivial matter. Besides, I don't see any special meaning for this symbol... Wait! Luo Do you know anything extra, Nader?"


"Is this a keen sixth sense unique to espionage workers?"

"That's it if you think so~"

Seeing that Heloise immediately grasped the crux of the problem.

Ronald shrugged, but he didn't mean to hide the other party. After all, the girl in front of him was his most trusted partner. Pressing his finger on the pattern drawn on the map, he immediately explained:

"This symbol actually has the meaning of symbolizing sulfur."

"Last time under the ruined island, why don't we just..."

Heloise immediately understood what Ronald was thinking.

She did not completely accommodate Ronald, but interrupted Ronald directly, and then put forward her own different opinions:

"Ronald, isn't your association a bit far-fetched?"

"It's not just volcanoes that have sulfur in this world. Maybe it's the magic of these cult warlocks, or maybe something else is involved with sulfur?"

While expressing his opinion.

Heloise walked around the desk and sat graciously on Ronald's lap. She swayed her body from side to side and changed into a comfortable position. She no longer held the bath towel with her right hand, and just put it directly next to Ronald's hand.

"Of course, I don't mean to completely reject your idea."

"Although most of these cult warlocks have some problems with their brains, it is impossible to make some meaningless choices in this kind of thing. As long as you really don't misunderstand the meaning of this symbol, then try in the direction related to sulfur. There should be some gains.”


Heloise made a lot of sense, and Ronald felt in his heart that she was right.

But if he just exposed the matter like this, he always felt that something was not right.

Now the alchemy symbol of sulfur has been found by himself, but does this mean that there is no problem?


"I'm a little uneasy, but I'm still worried."

Gently pressing his chin on Heloise's hair, Ronald felt the dampness still lingering on the girl's body, and then slowly expressed his thoughts:

"Heloise, you also know that the situation in the city has become more and more complicated recently, and no one can guarantee that the environment they are in is safe. I understand that this kind of association is indeed a bit far-fetched, but it is inevitable that there will be some worries in my heart. ."


"Hey hey hey..."

Heloise, who was sitting on Ronald's lap, suddenly laughed.

Hearing this, how could Heloise, who have lived together for so long, not be able to hear Ronald's true thoughts.

So she jumped directly from Ronald's lap, the girl walked to the door and threw the coat Ronald took off before, and then she went into the bedroom and changed her clothes.

"Understood, understood, in short, just don't worry about it."

"Actually, it's easy to handle. Let's go out and have a look together, won't we know?"

"Here they can't tear up the space and toss out a monster. As long as the two of us act together, what can't be solved?"

Ronald's hearing was acute.

Hearing the voices of wearing clothes mixed with Heloise's whispers, as well as the other party's neat and tidy decision, he instead scratched his hair a little embarrassedly.

Heroes' decision really hit Ronald's mind.

What he has been hesitating about is whether to go to another nosy again.

Now that Heloise took the initiative to help him make a decision, Ronald naturally couldn't continue to hesitate.

He got up slowly from the chair and put on the coat Heloise threw over.

Ronald's eyes fell on a map of downtown Springs one last time before heading out for the second time tonight.

"Industrial area, border forest area, commercial area, river bank area, port area..."

Since we are going out for this trip.

Then it's always right to go straight to where the cult warlock is most important.

The 'sulfur' pattern drawn on the map is a left-right symmetrical figure that is different up and down.

According to the knowledge Ronald has learned during this period, this kind of large-scale mysterious side ceremony will set up the central altar near the center. This arrangement design is conducive to the fastest gathering of magic power, and the effect of the ceremony can also be quickly reflected to the surrounding.

For Ronald, the result has been a vastly narrower field of inquiry.

After being accurate to a certain extent, the central area of ​​this ceremony is right in the business area where Ronald went to work before!

Isn't that just a coincidence?

Ronald is quite familiar with that Every day, even if he excludes the commute to and from get off work, he will wander back and forth around the business district for afternoon tea and fish. Just like a garden!

Facing the rare good news, Ronald immediately shouted to the bedroom:

"If the other party wants to act, the core location should be near the business district."

"It's not too far from here, let's just walk?"

"Of course there's no problem." The girl's voice came out of the bedroom immediately, "But if I come back tonight, I don't plan to take a shower."


Ronald heard the other party's ridicule, and immediately pushed back:

"it's up to you!"

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