Mystic Dominator

Chapter 442: alchemical symbols

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

just die?

Seeing the cult warlock lying on the ground vomiting blood, Ronald was really dumbfounded.

Could it be that the cult warlocks in this world have problems in their minds? He obviously has the ability to protect the information disclosed by his high-level control subordinates, but he is not prepared for the plan in action.

This is a trap set by the other party intentionally.

Or is it that the original text that gave birth to the cult warlock spell system is a type with severe restrictions like "Hell"?


Seeing that Ronald was fine, Elaine raised her leg and kicked the cult warlock under her. Confirming that the guy's death was a foregone conclusion, she turned and tied the remaining three cult warlocks together.

"Mr. Ronald, since this is the case, I will leave work early today. If there is anything else, let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

"Bon Voyage."

The two said goodbye to each other, and Elaine soon disappeared into the basement.

The only people who remained here at this time were Ronald, Heloise, and Sir Phelps.

"Mr. Ronald, if there is no problem, I will go up?"

"We'll leave later."

Finally, after greeting this man again, Ronald left with Heloise.

When such a thing happened at the banquet, it would be inappropriate to continue the banquet. Simply say goodbye to Sir Phelps, even if Ronald finished his task of attending the banquet tonight.

The two left Sir Phelps' mansion.

It was late at night outside.

Compared with the situation when Ronald chased the cult warlock, now only a few people can be seen on the street. The dark night seems to remind Ronald: There will definitely not be a quiet night in Springs today. .

In fact, since entering Springs, Ronald can also clearly feel the changes that are taking place in the city.

From the comfortable rhythm of life at the beginning, after a period of time, guys like [Nine Rings Secret Society], [Original Witches Society], [Cult Warlocks] will emerge.

Almost the same as what Heloise reminded before.

The city is entering an increasingly dangerous state.

Thinking of this, Ronald, who was walking on the street, looked at Heloise beside him. The girl was walking with him at the moment, and the two of them clenched their palms in an intimate manner. In the current environment of Springs, this is really a rare partner that can be trusted.


Ronald's slight turning of his head seemed to startle Herois.

The girl immediately turned her eyes to meet Ronald, and a smile appeared on her beautiful face. After walking out a few steps again, Heloise turned her eyes back to the front, and then said softly:

"Ronald, I know something about the red shirt that guy just said."

"According to those guys with problems in their minds, in their organization, only the guy who has directly communicated with the so-called great existence and has high skills can get this title."

Ronald suddenly became interested:

"You have a good understanding of the internal structure of this organization."

Heloise simply shook her head and denied:

"It's just that I know the reason for the job, it's just the fur. Their organization is actually quite simple. They are divided into four levels: gods, red clothes, pilgrims, and church members. There are several other independent positions that are nothing special."

"What do you think their purpose... No, how credible do you think what that guy recruited before?" Ronald continued to ask.

"Don't believe it already." Heloise shook her head with certainty, "Even if Elaine is strong enough, how can you believe the words of a madman? Most of the things that these cult warlocks believe in are not the same as normal people. ."

"This is also..."

"Ronald, you can rest assured. Although the group of people in the Bureau of Investigation may seem weak to you, there is no doubt that they are Grid, or even the most powerful mysterious organization in the world today, and they can definitely protect them. Good for the city."


Ronald and Heloise also didn't call a cab.

Holding hands and talking about what happened tonight, they didn't return to their riverside apartment until the stars were overhead.

As soon as the two entered the door, Heloise rushed into the bathroom impatiently.

With the sound of the shower working, Heloise's dissatisfied complaints also came from the crack of the open door:

"Ronald, this kind of banquet is a good process."

"It's just that after it's over, I always feel uncomfortable all over. Would you like to wash it too?"


"Shall I talk later?"

Speaking perfunctorily with Heloise, Ronald took off his coat and sat on his desk, thinking about what happened today.

Just like what Heloise said.

For them, tonight should be the end of the matter, and the Bureau of Investigation will naturally handle all related issues.

But now when he got home, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

The cult warlock suddenly appeared to do such a thing, and the real purpose is to 'save' the citizens of Springs?

Have you missed some key clues?

Since there were still doubts in his heart, Ronald naturally wanted to try to solve it.

So with a wave of one hand, the map of Springs on the bookshelf on the side was pulled over by him with a spell. While unfolding the map, which was drawn in general, Ronald started to mark it with a pen at the same time.

"Lorbo Mansion in White Star District, Vail University Cafeteria in Riverside District, Brent's House at 24 Olyer Street in Organ District, Edgewood District..."

It didn't take long before the goals of fifteen cult warlock teams adorned it.

Following some common sense on the occult side of rituals, Ronald tried to connect the positions.

So, he got a somewhat interesting graphic.

At the central meeting point of a horizontal number '8', an upward vertical line is derived, and two horizontal bars, one long and one short, are placed at the other end of the vertical line near the end.

" it sulfur?"

Ronald used to like reading If this symbol was to be applied to Earth culture, then he felt that there was a high probability that it was the meaning of 'sulfur' in the alchemy symbol.

This figure is symmetrical on the map, and it looks like a specially made arrangement, not a random arrangement. Could it be that these cult warlocks are tossing something related to sulfur?

click -

Just as Ronald continued to think, Heloise came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, and while taking care of her smooth hair, she chatted with Ronald at the same time:

"Ronald, it's really annoying when it's hot. The only benefit it brings is that the tap water in the city is less ice-cold, and it even boils the bath water a little faster."

"Boil water..."

Heloise's words were just small talk, but Ronald murmured and pondered. Vaguely, he seemed to have caught some tiny possibility.

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