Mystic Dominator

Chapter 441: God knows what they're thinking

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Ronald comforted Sir Phelps in the basement.

In less than five minutes, the servant who went to the main venue of the banquet to inform Elaine to return here, naturally followed by Elaine and Heloise.

Just walked into this dark and laughter-filled basement.

Elaine and Heloise wrinkled their noses almost at the same time, and a hint of caution flashed in their eyes.

Looking at the expressions of the two girls, Ronald naturally got up and walked over:

"Elaine, we found out that these guys are still engaging in cult rituals, and the scale is not small. The investigator who was in charge of this place went to inform the others, and he left a message for you to interrogate these people."

"Hmm." Elaine nodded calmly.

While Heloise leaned over to Ronald and whispered, the young investigator walked directly to the laughing cult warlock and grabbed the guy's chin.

click -

The laughter stopped abruptly.

In the cold and quiet basement, several people with better hearing could hear the sound of bones breaking, and this object... it could only be the cult warlock whose chin was pinched by Elaine.

Speaking of which, my jaw is crushed, is it still good to interrogate?

Only when such an idea emerged in Ronald's mind, Elaine began to take more rude methods.

The young and beautiful investigator girl accepted the task of interrogation.

But there is absolutely no intention of interrogation.

After the left hand crushed the cult warlock's chin abruptly, the free right hand made a big arc, and the guy aiming at the hand slapped it.


next second.

A crisp and loud slap sounded on the face of the cult warlock.

Ronald could clearly see several teeth flying out of this guy's mouth, a slap on his face immediately swelled up, and even his jaw dropped completely.

Within five seconds of meeting, Elaine started with a series of fierce movements.

It was absolutely impossible to see what she meant to interrogate.

In the midst of this sudden sadism, several cult warlocks who were bound were also dumbfounded.

These people naturally know how ruthless the investigators are to them.

But if you do this without even doing intelligence interrogation, is this investigator going to kill them directly?

However, at this moment when everyone was dumbfounded.

Elaine, who was still dragging the cult warlock in front of her, had a satisfied look in her eyes.

Then she threw the person in her hand to the ground like throwing garbage, and she turned her head to drag another cult warlock in front of her.

"You...what are you doing!" Facing this situation, the cult warlock almost shrank back subconsciously.

It was this action that made Elaine show a triumphant smile.

"You are the one."

The voice fell, and the investigator girl's palm was wrapped in magic power unknowingly.

The moment he grabbed the cult warlock, the palm of the constructed spell grabbed his face, and it took effect immediately.

Emotions and spell effects interact with each other.

The cult warlock, who was originally able to make a commanded expression, gradually became dull.

After about five or six breaths, this guy's saliva flowed uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth, as if he had lost his mind.



Seeing that her spell had taken effect completely, Elaine had not stopped moving.

I saw that she turned her gaze to the face of the last sober cult warlock, tapped her toes with a whip and slapped it. After seeing that the man also lost consciousness, Elaine turned her head to look at Ronald.

"Almost, we can start the interrogation."

"You... you please continue..." Ronald's eyes were dull, and he raised his hand to signal Elaine to continue.

It is probably not the first time that Elaine has encountered such a situation.

Nodding quietly, the girl turned around and began to ask:

"Tell me, explain your plans for this ceremony."


The cult warlock's expression was still dull.

But under the influence of the spell, he still discerned the meaning of Elaine's words, and then answered in a trance:

"In order to save the vast number of ignorant people, the Lord in Red ordered our fifteen teams to act separately, hold a ceremony at the predetermined location to summon the bloated demon, and cook the food of redemption for everyone."

Elaine's eyes tightened:

"The swollen demon...the food of redemption..."

"Tell me where these two things come from."

The cult warlock still honestly began to answer:

"The swollen demon is a servant of the upper world born through the blood and flesh mixing ceremony. It cooks food with its own flesh and blood, and uses illusion to control the surrounding people to spread it, and finally self-destruction and cooking process; the food of redemption is the bloated food. It is a special tribute that is cooked by demons, has no magic power, is normal in appearance and delicious, and whoever eats this kind of food will be marked by the great existence as a believer who can be redeemed."

Hearing this, Elaine was silent for a few seconds and then exhaled:


"Okay, now tell me where your ceremony is scheduled to be."

The cult warlock responded immediately:

"Lorbo Mansion in White Star District, Vail University Cafeteria in Riverside District, Brent's House at 24 Oyer Street in Organ District, Smelly Shoes Road in Edgewood..."

One location after another came out of the cult warlock's mouth.

Elaine took out a pen and paper to record them one by one.

When the last name was finished, she also stood up satisfied, and then looked at Sir Phelps, who was still sitting in the chair;

"Sir Phelps, my main question is over. Do you have anything to ask?"

"I... I believe in the ability of the Bureau of Investigation." Phelps opened his mouth and planned to say something. But he stopped his original words halfway, and instead made a wry smile, "After all, the banquet above still needs my presidency, and the affairs here are left to Miss Elaine."

After he finished speaking, the man of the emerging aristocracy turned his head and left the basement.

In the cut-off back, it was obvious that he was no longer curious about this place.

Watching the figure of Sir Phelps leaving.

Ronald also understood the trade-offs made by the emerging aristocrat. With emotion in his heart, he walked over to Elaine and asked:

"Eileen, didn't this guy mention someone in red giving orders? Why don't you ask?"

Hearing this question, the young investigator girl showed a hint of helplessness on her face.

"Mr. Ronald That's what you don't know."

"These cult warlocks have always kept their plans like a colander, but the protection of some key figures is surprisingly strong. If you don't believe me..."

While speaking, he turned his head and asked the cult warlock:

"Hey, introduce your red clothes."


"Uh... ah ah ah!"

The body of the cult warlock who had a dull expression suddenly froze.

Just as he was about to say something, he vomited blood in the blink of an eye, and then fell down weakly.

Pointing to the cult warlock who seemed to be unable to survive, Elaine pouted:

"Look at it."

"God knows what these cult warlocks are thinking?"

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