Mystic Dominator

Chapter 438: Cult Warlocks in Action

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

at his own banquet.

There are cult warlocks holding cult rituals!

Sir Phelps certainly could not have hoped that the news would spread.

Therefore, with the two trusted subordinates, as well as Ronald and the investigator as witnesses, they did not bring any extra people on this trip, and formed the simplest five-person team.

The venue for the banquet was actually a mansion under the name of Sir Phelps. Out of the convenience brought by the status of the master, the group came to the location pointed out by Ronald unimpeded.

- Northwest of the mansion.



As soon as they came to the door, a few people in the team who had more experience noticed the difference.

The banquet was still being held outside, but the door of the kitchen, which was supposed to be busy, was locked, and there were no attendants at work nearby.

This kind of picture... is by no means normal for a kitchen at work!


"You guys, smash the door open!"

Looking at the locked kitchen in front of him, Sir Phelps also understood that this was not the time to ask the housekeeper for the key, so he directly ordered his men to open the door.


One person took a step forward, and immediately kicked the door with a fierce kick.

The men that Sir Phelps brought are absolute elites.

How can an ordinary wooden door stop such a powerful kick?

With just a 'click' sound, the broken hinges hung pitifully on the door panel, and then fell together towards the inside of the kitchen.

Sir Phelps walked in with the other four, all serious.

However, before he could express his anger or scold the people in the kitchen, the figure of the middle-aged man froze in place, unable to do anything for a while.


"This...this...this is an insult to Springs!"

"It's a humiliation to our nobles!"

"Can't forgive, absolutely can't forgive!"

In the locked kitchen, what appeared in front of them was a chilling scene.

The place that was supposed to be used for cooking delicious food is now a **** and disgusting place.

Including cooks, servants, servants and other people.

These innocent ordinary people were brutally fused with flesh and blood, and turned into a huge twisted monster whose limbs were blended with each other, flesh and bones were indistinguishable from each other, and finally put on an evil pose that contained religious meaning. .

If you look closely, you can even barely make out the undulating chest and the still breathing mouth and nose.

These ordinary people, who have been fused into a ball, even have life now.

However, being stuffed into such a twisted monster structure with magic, they couldn't make any call for help. Just like a prey stuck in a trap, slowly experience the pain and wait for death to come.

"There's no such thing, it's really such a reason!"

"Who the **** did this kind of evil, don't they understand..."


"Sir Phelps, please let me check too."

Seeing this situation, the investigator who was originally a witness couldn't sit still. With a magic power entangled in his hand, he stepped forward and began to investigate the twisted monster in more detail.

Originally made this trip.

This investigator just thought it was an ordinary noble servant who was dissatisfied with his situation or other reasons, and then made a small matter of evil faith, but who would have known such an exaggerated and bad incident!

To know about this banquet tonight.

But their investigation bureau is in charge of security work!

This kind of thing happened under the nose of the investigation bureau, this is no longer a complicated situation that can be explained in a sentence or two. Not only for Sir Phelps this is a very serious matter, but also for their investigators!

Seeing that several people around were busy in the kitchen.

Ronald looked at the miserable state of the ordinary people who were fused together, and then looked at the angry Sir Phelps. Compared with the angry nobles, what happened to these innocent people was even more infuriating.

Two steps to the front of Phelps.

Ronald said as calmly as possible:

"Mr. Phelps, the people who did these things shouldn't have gone far. I'll go get them back."

"Mr. Ronald...I...I really. I didn't expect such a thing to happen, although it's a bit presumptuous, but please!"

Looking at Ronald's serious expression in front of him, Sir Phelps's attitude also changed from stiff and hesitant at first, to finally firmness when entrusting things. And after finishing these words, he also bent down deeply and made a very serious noble etiquette gesture to Ronald.


Ronald also had no intention of continuing to talk to the other party.

Simply waving goodbye to Sir Phelps, he took two steps to the kitchen, which had been opened, and rolled out with one hand.

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


It didn't take long for the process of cult sacrifice to end.

Once the investigation of the power of "Rage" took effect, the situation around the mansion was brought under control by Ronald. He was already quite familiar with spell manipulation, and he managed to find the traces of people fleeing nearby without much effort.

"I just ran out two streets...".

He sighed softly in his mouth.

Ronald locked on the target, took the start and rushed to the opponent's position.

With the banquet held, the time has come to night.

But Springs is not a typhoon day now. During this time, there are still a lot of pedestrians on the street. Ronald is naturally not good at using flying spells at will.

Taking advantage of the complex architectural terrain of Springs and his extraordinary physical fitness as much as possible, Ronald ran the streets of Springs at night, constantly getting closer to each other.

The distance between the two streets is neither long nor short.

The other party was probably riding in a The speed of leaving was much faster than that of ordinary people on foot.

However, Ronald simply relied on his own physical strength. When he chased after him for less than a quarter of an hour, he stood on the top of a taller building.

on the street below the building.

A carriage can be seen in motion.

The perpetrator of the crime of "rage" is also located there.

It took Ronald less than a quarter of an hour to catch up with a horse-drawn carriage with his legs in the city.

While looking at the trajectory of the carriage, Ronald murmured in a low voice:

"From this side to the south, then in the back street..."

There are traces of the carriage's forward route. According to the direction they fled during this time, the last street will come to the Wes River.

And here is the right position for Ronald to shoot!

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