Mystic Dominator

Chapter 439: easy chase

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

The target has been tracked and followed.

Ronald is naturally in no hurry now.

In the area facing away from the street lights, the night above the head serves as a natural cover. He straddled back and forth at the top of various buildings with ease, chasing steadily near the wagon on the ground.

The fleeing cult warlock is now racing against time.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the previously agreed upon location on time, as if following Ronald's arrangement.

Even the carriage a few steps ahead.

Ronald jumped off the roof and stood right in the middle of the deserted road, staring at the carriage coming towards him without any hesitation. The inaccessible path that this group of cult warlocks deliberately chose has become an excellent environment for Ronald to let go of his work.

He glanced briefly at the galloping carriage.

Ronald found an angle that probably wouldn't hurt the horses, crossed over at the moment when the two sides were about to collide, and kicked them at the same time.


The horses noticed Ronald's presence and immediately neighed as they ran.

However, the 'passengers' are on their way to escape after all, they have no intention of avoiding pedestrians at all, and...

Probably too late to make dodging moves.

Under the support of Ronald's current physical fitness, this series of actions actually only happened in a flash of lightning.

Only a 'kwacha' was heard, followed by the sound of a carriage hitting the side of the road. The driver and the cult warlock sitting in the carriage were kicked to the ground by Ronald even before they could react.


"My legs!"

Hearing the moans from the carriage, Ronald had nothing to say.

With a wave of one hand, the black mist of the power of 'Rage' swept up, instantly shrouding them and the car.

Such a sudden attack combined with Ronald's far beyond normal strength.

The result in exchange was that this group of cult warlocks were instantly wiped out.

It is confirmed that the number of people being controlled is exactly in line with the number of targets that he has locked.

Ronald walked over with two simple feet, kicked the carriage into pieces to disguise it as the scene of a car accident, and then drew a magic rune on the ground with one hand to call in the nearest investigator who was in charge of the affairs.

Things went unexpectedly well.

Before ordinary people noticed that Ronald had created the scene of the crash, three investigators trotted over from a corner of the street.

Among them, the old investigator who was the leader saw Ronald's appearance, and his eyes immediately changed several times.

First, he whispered a few words to the other two behind him.

Then they came together and walked to Ronald.

"Mr. Ronald, may I ask you this...?"

"I was attending a banquet hosted by Sir Phelps just now, when I stumbled upon traces of cult warlock activity..."

Looking at the investigator's extremely cautious look towards him.

Ronald immediately understood what the other party was thinking.

Telling what happened tonight in the calmest tone possible, Ronald finally stated the fact that he had completely controlled the cult warlock before offering his thoughts:

"If possible, can you please provide the carriages that transported these cult warlocks. After all, Sir Phelps is the leader of the emerging aristocracy. I think it's better to bring them back and let Phelps interrogate them. "


"Of course this is as it should be."

There was only a moment of silence.

The old investigator who led the team responded directly without thinking about it.

Next, while instructing the two young investigators behind him to go to the nearest location to arrange the carriage, he put on a very apologetic expression at the same time, and then started talking to Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, this is really hard work for you. It stands to reason that this kind of work should be completely handled by our investigation bureau. I have to trouble you tonight to come out and work hard at night, I'm so sorry... "

Ronald could hear the temptation and compliment in the other's tone.

So he also showed a polite smile:

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

"Any Springs citizen with the most basic sense of responsibility will make the same decision as I did when encountering such a thing. You don't have to worry about any problems at all."

"Is that so..."

After chatting with Ronald in a subtle manner, the old investigator didn't say anything more.

Wait until the young investigator turns the carriage over.

He didn't even mean to follow, but handed Ronald the reins of the carriage directly.

"Then, Mr. Ronald, I'll leave it to you. As for the carriage... you can hand it over to our colleagues at Sir Phelps' side, and they'll bring it back safely."


"Then I'll take my leave."

After staring at the old investigator for a few seconds, Ronald nodded to each other, and then drove back in the carriage.

Just wait until the shadow of the carriage disappears at the end of the street corner.

A young man who followed the old investigator asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Conderthrop, isn't it a bit out of line for us to do this? I remember it clearly written in the manual..."

"Irregular, what's out of the norm?" Hearing the question from the young man behind him, the old investigator interrupted him with a smile and shook his head, "This Mr. Ronald, who is now a man of influence in Springs City, There's no need for us to bother about it."


"Even if we really want to follow the rules, we won't necessarily be able to stop him!"

"Okay, don't think about those things, let's continue to patrol... Ah! By the way, bring the horses over there, this is our sideline income tonight!"

After a few simple orders, the old investigator immediately took the other two to continue the patrol work at night.

For them, tonight must be a calm night.

the other side.

Ronald, who was driving the carriage, took just over a quarter of an hour to return to the place where Sir Phelps held the During the half hour he left the mansion to pursue.

Sir Phelps seems to have very good arrangements for the follow-up development of this matter. Even before Ronald drove the carriage to the intersection of the street, a servant from the house took the initiative to stop him.

"Mr. Ronald, wait!"

"The master opened the back door over there, let's go from here."

Ronald nodded silently, and then the servants skillfully led them down to the back of the mansion to avoid the main banquet still going on ahead.

In less than a minute, the anxious figure of Sir Phelps also appeared from here.

"Mr. Ronald, how is it?"

Ronald nodded calmly, and then pointed to the comatose cult warlock in the carriage:

"Check it out, all four are here."

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