Mystic Dominator

Chapter 437: banquet, banquet

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"Banquet, banquet, banquet again."

"These idle bourgeoisie, no matter what era, likes to party..."

Springs the first Friday in July.

Ronald was invited to Sir Phelps' banquet.

The development of things was just as he thought. It started as a normal banquet and socializing, and finally turned into a 'friendship' meeting around him.

Honestly, Ronald really doesn't like social events like this.

And everything in reality often ushered in new surprises in these disliked things.

Right in the midst of the social misery Ronald deals with.

The "Divine Comedy - Hell Chapter", which has not been seen for a long time, has moved again.

The original imprint on the right hand suddenly flashed, and the strange and familiar magic power began to gather in Ronald's hand.

In the process of collecting the sins of hell, it has been silent for a long time today.

"Hell" actually captures the last crime that Ronald has not yet recorded!

- heretical beliefs

"Mr. Ronald, I am Elby, who is in the shipping business in the port area. I usually interact with everyone from the Ginkgo Leaf Chamber of Commerce. It is a great honor to meet you at this banquet today."

"Nice to meet you too……"

With a smirk on his face, Ronald perfunctory to the man who introduced himself to him.

In fact, the thoughts in his mind now have already flown out for an unknown distance.

After leaving Burrenwich, Ronald had little contact with the cult warlock. Who would have thought that he would be able to activate this last hellish power by attending a banquet for errands today!

The people were still standing in the same place, and even chatted and laughed with the people around the banquet.

But at this moment, the spells possessed by Ronald changed in an instant.

Heresy beliefs brought a spell called "City of Fire".

Inheriting the consistent characteristics of "Hell", it is a spell specially used to attack heresy beliefs. And what's even more interesting is that the so-called 'heretic belief' does not act according to the set of rules of the church, but takes the subjective will of the caster Ronald as the standard.

What do you believe in...

In an instant, Ronald understood.

This world pulls anyone over, and he estimates that he can directly judge the other person as a heresy. This spell called the City of Fire, I am afraid that when it appears, it will be ranked among the top three in the applicability of Ronald's spells!

The full activation of the abilities of "Hell" also brings new enhancements.

At this time, Ronald is no longer bound by the limitation of using only one **** power at the same time in the past, but can activate any number of "Hell Chapter" spells at the same time as he wishes.

For a simpler description.

He can now use the power of 'Rage' to detect the enemy's situation, and at the same time he can use the power of 'Rape' to strike the enemy.

The fundamental ability change has brought another leap in strength.

As a beneficiary of this change, Ronald himself couldn't help feeling emotional.

Since the spells of "Paradise" have been activated one after another, coupled with various newly collected abilities, many spells have been superimposed on each other. Even without encountering any decent enemies, his strength growth will also produce qualitative changes one after another.

In this situation, I really don't know what to say.


With a small sigh, Ronald waved his hand to indicate something to himself.

Walking past the road where people backed away, he went straight to the host of the banquet, Sir Phelps.

Ronald has not forgotten the necessary conditions for the activation of "Hell".

- heretical beliefs

This spell meets the requirements, which he has no chance in Berronwich, but only if he himself is near the heretical belief ceremony.

In other words, at Sir Phelps' banquet.

Someone is holding a cult ritual at the moment!

Ronald didn't believe that the organizer of the banquet, the man of the new aristocracy, would do such a thing at this moment.

After all, apart from the directly involved practitioners, the investigators who were in charge of guarding the security around the banquet were not vegetarians.

So, the answer is simple.

There are unexpected 'guests' who want to make trouble here!

As an invited guest, Ronald of course had to remind the organizer of this banquet out of the most basic etiquette.

Sir Phelps was a middle-aged man who looked rather young.

The black and white hair is neatly combed, the simple yet luxurious suit sets off his temperament, coupled with his handsome and determined face, most people who see him for the first time will have a certain favorable impression.

At this time, I saw Ronald walking towards him.

Phelps naturally also showed a kind smile.

Ronald reciprocated to show his respect according to social etiquette, and then posted it and whispered:

"Mr. Phelps, I feel something is not right."

"Mr. Ronald, you mean..."

Sir Phelps had thought Ronald was coming over to say hello.

Through the reaction at this banquet, he probably also saw what Ronald expressed, and the other party's desire to leave was also within his consideration. However, when he heard Ronald's serious and serious tone, the leader of the newly promoted noble instantly realized that the situation was special.

Phelps knew Ronald well.

It must not be easy for this powerful original holder to have such an attitude!

Realizing that there was a problem, the new noble immediately took a very decisive attitude.

"Everyone, I want to talk to Mr. Ronald about something."

"Everyone, please continue to enjoy the banquet."

The brief and polite speech caused the people around to disperse, and Sir Phelps immediately brought Ronald to the rear of the banquet.

Straightening his face and straightening his body, the tough man asked in a very serious tone:

"Mr. Ronald, what happened? Ordinary things shouldn't make you come to me with such an attitude."

"It's a cult warlock."

Facing the organizer of this banquet, Ronald replied very calmly: "You have probably heard that my spells are very good at reconnaissance. Just now, I noticed signs of cult activities nearby. They probably The location is in the northwest corner of the was silent.

For a banquet host, being pointed out by guests is a very serious matter. If Ronald's current words were spoken in the banquet hall, it would definitely cause a very troublesome problem.

Whether it is for Phelps himself or the class forces he represents, it will be greatly affected.

He absolutely cannot forgive what happened tonight!

Having made a decision in his heart, Sir Phelps immediately opened his mouth to invite:

"Please come with me, Mr. Ronald. If possible, I would also like you to be a witness in this matter."

Ronald naturally didn't mind dealing with the cult warlock, but out of prudence, he chose a more euphemistic answer:

"This thing... I will do what I have to do."

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